Xxxxxxxx Substation Sample Clauses
Xxxxxxxx Substation. As depicted in Figure A-1, the Network Upgrade Facilities at Connecting Transmission Owner’s Xxxxxxxx Substation include the following major electrical and physical equipment: • Replacement of the conductor from the overhead incoming line to disconnect switch 123 (DS123) with 1192 ACSR 45/7 Xxxxxxx conductor (or two (2) 795 MCM cables for ease of installation); • Replacement of the incoming line connections to disconnect switches 13 and 23 (DS13 and DS23) with 1192 ACSR 45/7 Xxxxxxx conductor (or two (2) 795 MCM cables for ease of installation); • Upgrade of the wave traps on Line 2 and Line 12 from 1200A to 1600A, and replacement of the associated coupling capacitors; The system protection modifications at the Xxxxxxxx Substation include: Special Protection Scheme (“SPS”) • Installation of: o An Alstom DIP 5000 relay for the SPS; o Two (2) SEL 351-6 relays (one on breaker R10 and one on breaker R20) to provide the primary SPS input to the DIP 5000; and o Two (2) ERLPhase F-Pro-4000 relays (one on breaker R10 and one on breaker R20) to provide the secondary SPS input to the DIP 5000. SERVICE AGREEMENT NO. 2472 o Modification of the SPS logic at Xxxxxxxx Substation to treat separately the opening of R10 and R20 and the opening of R120 or Alcoa’s Substation’s circuit breaker R8105. Line Reconductoring • Update Line 12 step-distance relay settings.
Xxxxxxxx Substation. The Xxxxxxxx Substation shall be configured in a three (3) breaker ring bus arrangement and shall consist of: • one (1) 69kV transmission line position to the East Point Solar Collector Substation (Line 14); • one (1) 69kV transmission line position to the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Marshville Substation (Line 16); • one (1) 69kV transmission line position to the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Xxxxxx Substation (Line 20); • eight (8) 69kV, 2000A continuous, 350kV BIL, 100kA momentary capability continuous gang operated disconnect switches; • three (3) 69kV, 350kV BIL, 60Hz, 2000A continuous, dead tank SF6 breakers; • nine (9) 69kV, 350kV BIL, 350/600:1 voltage transformers (VTs); • threefour (34) 48kV MCOV surge arresters; • one (1) 69kV39.8 kV, 240/120VAC, 50 kVA single-phase station-service voltage transformers; • a control enclosure large enough to house the following: o dual control and relay switchboards o dual 125 VDC batteries and chargers with a manual throw-over scheme; o dual cable tray system; o station service automatic transfer switch; o dual AC & DC power panels; o space for communication equipment including a positive (+) 125 VDC to negative (-) 48 VDC supply for this equipment; o fire and security equipment; o heating, ventilating and lighting equipment with AC power panel; o one (1) EMS RTU; o communications equipment;
Xxxxxxxx Substation. All modifications shall be completed in the XxXxxxxx Substation yard and control house.
Xxxxxxxx Substation. As depicted in Figure A-1, the Network Upgrade Facilities at Connecting Transmission Owner’s Xxxxxxxx Substation include the following major electrical and physical equipment: Replacement of the conductor from the overhead incoming line to disconnect switch 123 (DS123) with 1192 ACSR 45/7 Xxxxxxx conductor (or two (2) 795 MCM cables for ease of installation); Replacement of the incoming line connections to disconnect switches 13 and 23 (DS13 and DS23) with 1192 ACSR 45/7 Xxxxxxx conductor (or two (2) 795 MCM cables for ease of installation); Upgrade of the wave traps on Line 2 and Line 12 from 1200A to 1600A, and replacement of the associated coupling capacitors;
Xxxxxxxx Substation. The Distribution Provider shall:
1. Provide oversite of the engineering, design, and construction
2. Perform the Distribution Provider work described in Appendix C, Section 3 of the GIA.
3. Perform a relay coordination study
4. Provide the Interconnection Customer with;
i. The Distribution Provider’s design, engineering, and construction standards,
ii. A list of currently approved contractors qualified to perform this scope of work, and
iii. Specifications for the approved equipment and materials for this scope of work. The Interconnection Customer shall:
1. Install facilities for a new 66kV tap substation to terminate the Xxxxxxx- Camden-Xxxxxxxx 66kV Line. This work includes the following: a. One (1) 66 kV circuit breaker b. Three (3) 66 kV dead-end substation structures c. Two (2) sets of 66 kV disconnect switches
Xxxxxxxx Substation. The new J947 Switching Station will be arranged in a three-breaker ring bus configuration with one generation position and two line positions, capable of future expansion to four breakers. The new switchyard will segment the Transmission Owner’s overhead X-15 transmission line between existing Hillman and Xxxxxx Xxxxx Substations into two segments, X-15 and X-148. Relay protection and control will consist of two line relay panels with primary DCU and secondary step-distance schemes with power-line carrier communications (X-15 and X-148). One line differential relay panel to protect the line associated with the Interconnection Customer’s facilities with primary and secondary schemes, and two panels consisting of breaker failure and auto reclose relay protection for the three interconnection substation breakers. The Transmission Owner will maintain ownership of all X-15 related work and the interconnection substation up to the Point of Change of Ownership.
Xxxxxxxx Substation. Change nameplates, revise engineering drawings and relay settings. (PJM Network Upgrade Number n6714)
Xxxxxxxx Substation. The tap (single circuit breaker) substation engineered, procured, and constructed by the Interconnection Customer. The tap substation will be deeded to the Distribution Provider upon completion and approval for the purpose of tapping the Xxxxxxx - Camden 66kV line.
Xxxxxxxx Substation. Lot A of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township 139 North, Range 75 West, Burleigh County, North Dakota, containing 0.23 acres. Item 45286. XxXxxxxx Electric Substation A tract of land lying in the Southwest quarter (SW1/4) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township One Hundred Thirty-nine (139) North, Range Seventy-seven (77) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, the boundaries of which are described as follows:
Xxxxxxxx Substation. Lot A of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township 139 North, Range 75 West, Burleigh County, North Dakota, containing 0.23 acres. XXXXXX COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA ITEM 49113. MONANGO - FULLERTON DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION. That part of the Southeast corner of Outlot E, of the lettered outlots in the City of Monango, located in the SE1/4SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 8, Township 131 North, Range 63 West, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast xxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx 0, X000X, X00X; thence N0(0)00'30"E a distance of 309.0 feet; thence N89(0)59'30"W a distance of 33.0 feet to point of West R.O.W.; thence N89(0)59'30"W a distance of 150.0 feet; thence S0(0)00'30"W a distance of 100.0 feet; thence S89(0)59'30"E a distance of 150.0 feet; thence N0(0)00'30"E a distance of 100.0 feet to point of beginning, being 0.34 acres. DIVIDE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA ITEM 49114. XXXXXX DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION. A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN FORMER AUDITORS XXX #0, XXXXX 0/0 XX XXX XXXXXXXXX 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 162 NORTH, RANGE 95 WEST OF THE FIFTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DIVIDE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA. BEGINNING AT A POINT AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT #146346, FILED JANUARY 30, 1975 IN BOOK 85 ON PAGE 224 OF DEEDS AT THE DIVIDE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE, SAID POINT BEING 350 FT. FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE MAIN LINE OF THE RAILROAD AND 325 FT. FROM THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE MAIN STREET OF THE CITY OF XXXXXX EXTENDED NORTHERLY, A SET #5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP, ALSO SAID POINT BEING THE NE CORNER OF THIS SURVEY; THENCE, AZ 168(0)47'23" ALONG THE WEST DEED LINE AS PER DOC. #146346 AT A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FT. TO A SET #5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP, THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIS SURVEY; THENCE, AZ 258(0)47'23" AT A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FT. TO A SET #5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP, THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS SURVEY; THENCE, AZ 348(0)47'23" AT A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FT. TO A SET #5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP, THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIS SURVEY; THENCE, AZ 78(0)47'23" AT A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FT. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.46 ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL EXISTING EASEMENTS. Also described as Auditor's Lot 5D by the Divide County Auditor. XXXX COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA ITEM 49115. DODGE DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION.