YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. What happens if I do nothing?
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. What is the effect of the final approval of the Settlement?
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. A. Paper or Non-electronic Form. You are not required to enroll in the E-Statement Services program. You can continue to receive your Statements in the same format in which you currently receive your Statement, including, if applicable, paper. If you would like to receive your Statements electronically, however, you must enroll in the E-Statement Services program and agree to the terms set forth in this Disclosure.
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. This Notice is being sent to you so that you can decide whether to participate in the settlement.
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. What claims do I give up by participating in this settlement?
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. A. HOW WILL I GET PAID? Your check(s) will be sent to the same address as indicated on this Notice. If you change your address (or want your check sent to a different address), please be sure to notify the Administrator as soon as possible. Sections 6(B) and 9 of this Notice have the Administrator’s contact information.
B. CAN I DISPUTE THE NUMBER OF WEEKS OR PAY PERIODS DEFENDANTS CLAIM I WORKED? Do not contact the court to dispute the calculation of your workweeks and/or PAGA Period pay periods.
(a) include your name, the last four digits of your social security number, and your signature; and (b) indicate that you desire to exclude yourself from the Class Settlement. Excluded Class Members (i.e., Non-Participating Class Members) will not receive Individual Class Payments but will preserve their rights to personally pursue wage-and-hour claims against Defendants. If you submit a timely and valid Request for Exclusion, as determined by the Administrator, you will be ineligible to object to any aspect of the Settlement. You cannot opt out of the PAGA Settlement. Class Members who exclude themselves from the Class Settlement (i.e., Non-Participating Class Members) remain eligible for Individual PAGA Payments and are required to give up their right to assert PAGA claims against Defendants based on the PAGA Period facts alleged in the Action. If you opt out of the Class Settlement, your share of the non-PAGA Settlement proceeds may be divided up amongst the Participating Class Members.
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. You have to decide whether to stay in the Classes (do nothing right now), ask to be excluded, or object to the Settlement. You have until , 2019, to exclude yourself.
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. You may submit a Claim online at [website]. You may also complete and return a Claim Form by mail to [Settlement Administrator]. • If you do not wish to participate in the Settlement you may “opt out” or exclude yourself online at [website] or by writing to [Settlement Administrator]. Opt out requests must be sent by [DATE]. If you elect to opt out, you will not receive any payment from the Settlement Fund. You can locate more information about how to opt out and the effect of opting out at the [settlement website] or from [Settlement Administrator]. If you do not exclude yourself, and the Court approves the Settlement, you will be bound by the terms of the Settlement and will release the settled claims. That means that by participating in the Settlement, you will not be able to xxx any of the Released Parties for the Released Claims. If you receive a payment, you will not be able to xxx AppFolio for any actual damages you believe exist from an AppFolio report. Even if you do not make a claim or receive a payment, your rights will be affected: you will not be able to bring a class action against the Released Parties or receive statutory damages, but you will not release any claim for actual damages you may have. The full text of the release is available at [website]. • If you do not exclude yourself, you can object to the Settlement. As a member of one of the Classes, you have the right to object to the Settlement, including to Class Counsel’s fee request. Class Counsel are requesting fees of $1,350,000, or 30% of the Settlement Fund. Class Counsel are also asking for a service award and individual settlement for the named Plaintiff of $30,000. Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees will be available to you on the Settlement website on [DATE]. Written objections to the Settlement or the fee request must follow the procedures detailed in the Settlement Agreement. Objections must be postmarked by [DATE]. This notice is only a summary. Complete details about your rights and options are available online. Do not call the Court.
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. You have the right to object to the settlement. If you want to object to the proposed settlement, you may do so by setting out your objection in writing to Class Counsel by [DATE]. You can find an objection form at xxxxx://xxxxx.xx/cases/td-bank-duplicative-nsf-fees-class-action/. If you object to the settlement, you are asking the Court to not approve it. If the Court does not approve the settlement, there will be no settlement proceeds at this time, and may never be money to distribute to Class Members in the future.
YOUR RIGHTS AND OPTIONS. What is the effect of the Court’s final approval of the Settlement?