Common use of Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte Clause in Contracts

Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte. Den Parteien stehen Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte nur insoweit zu, als der betreffende Anspruch entscheidungsreif, unbestritten, in Textform durch die jeweils andere Partei anerkannt oder rechtskräftig festgestellt worden ist; diese Einschränkung gilt nicht für synallagmatische, d.h. gegenseitig voneinander abhängige Ansprüche. Stand: 04/2020 Für die Teilnahme an der Gutschein-Aktion der Ammer-Loisach Energie GmbH, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. 00, 00000 Xxxxxx (im Folgenden „ALOIS“) gelten die folgenden Bedingungen („Teilnahme- oder Nutzungsbedingungen“). Durch die Einlösung eines Gutscheins (Teilnahme) erklären die Teilnehmer ihr Einverständnis mit den vorliegenden Bedingungen: • Jeder Gutschein kann nur im Rahmen des Aktionszeitraums (derzeit bis 31.12.2022) eingelöst werden. Nach Abschluss des Aktionszeitraums verfällt der Gutschein und ist nicht mehr einlösbar. • Jeder Gutschein kann nur einmal verwendet und eingelöst werden. • Jeder Gutschein kann nur von einem Nutzer eingelöst werden. Eine Teilung des Gutscheins bzw. des Gutschein-Nennbetrags auf mehrere Nutzer ist nicht möglich. • Eine Kombination mit anderen Gutscheinen oder Rabattaktionen ist nicht möglich. • Eine Barauszahlung oder eine rückwirkende Anrechnung auf bereits getätigte Bestellungen von Gutscheinen ist nicht möglich. • Gutscheine können nur in der MOQO-App eingelöst werden. • Der Weiterverkauf von Gutscheinen ist nicht gestattet. Wird festgestellt, dass ein Gutschein verkauft wurde, so behält sich XXXXX das Recht vor, diesen Gutschein für ungültig zu erklären. • Gutscheine können nicht auf ein anderes Kundenkonto transferiert werden. • Unterschreitet die Einkaufssumme (Entgelt für Nutzung) den Wert des Gutscheins, verfällt der Restbetrag nicht. • XXXXX behält sich das Recht vor, Personen bei denen der Verdacht besteht, dass sie sich bei der Teilnahme an der Aktion unerlaubter Hilfsmittel bedienen oder in sonstiger Weise versuchen, sich oder Dritten durch Manipulation Vorteile zu verschaffen, von der Teilnahme auszuschließen. In diesen Fällen kommt die Verweigerung der Gutscheine bzw. die Rückforderung der Gutscheine in Betracht. • Falls es wider Erwarten zu Problemen mit einem Gutschein kommen sollte, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail an xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx. Bitte beschreiben Sie möglichst genau das Problem, wichtige Angaben sind unter anderem: Ihre E-Mail- Adresse, der Gutscheincode, Fehlermeldungen des Systems sowie der von Ihnen benutzte Browser. Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. 00 00000 Xxxxxx Phone: 08824 / 0000000 E-mail: xxxxxxx@xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx Version dated: 02/2020 1. Subject matter of the contract; scope of application 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") govern the contractual relationship between Ammer- Loisach Energie GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider") and its customers (hereinafter referred to as the "Users") who make use of the Provider's "e-car sharing" vehicle usage offering. The rental takes place via the "MOQO" platform operated by Digital Mobility Solutions GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "DMS"). 1.2. These GTC apply to the business relationship between the Provider and Users who wish to conclude individual rental agreements for vehicles with the Provider in accordance with these GTC by using the platform. The GTC regulate in particular the booking, transfer of use and use of the Provider's vehicles offered for rental on the platform. These GTC do not apply to rental agreements that are not concluded by using the platform. 1.3. These GTC do not apply to the business relationship of the Users with DMS. DMS only operates the platform and does not offer any vehicles itself. 2. Booking and use authorization; driving license; use of the vehicle by third parties. 2.1. The booking of vehicles on the platform generally requires that the User a. is a natural person with unlimited legal capacity; b. has registered for the use of the platform and has a User account; c. has reached the age of 21; d. has held a valid driver's license for at least one year without interruption, which entitles him/her to drive the respective vehicle in the Federal Republic of Germany; e. the driver's license has been checked by the Provider, DMS or a person appointed by them within the framework of the respective procedures offered (online, i.e. using a software application, or offline, i.e. stationary). The User shall carry out a renewed verification of the driver's license every six months after conclusion of the contract. In all other respects, the requirements of the insurance terms and conditions must be observed; these are displayed to the User on the platform as part of the booking process prior to conclusion of the contract. 2.2. A booking is not permitted if the User does not or no longer fulfills the requirements specified in 2.1 and the insurance conditions. Insofar as the respective relevant requirements are not met, this may result in insurance cover not being provided or being provided only to a limited extent. 2.3. The vehicle may also be driven by another person with the consent and in the presence of the User in the vehicle. The User must ensure that the persons authorized to drive (representatives / authorized third parties) observe the provisions of these GTC and are fit to drive and in possession of a valid driving license for the vehicle. The User has to represent the actions of the authorized persons as his/her own actions. The User must be able to prove at any time who was driving the vehicle (e.g. in the event of violations of road traffic regulations). 2.4. The User has to ensure in principle that all drivers meet or comply with the conditions described in this document, in particular section 2.1. 2.5. The Provider shall be entitled to set a time limit for the driving authorization and to extend it for a specified period only upon presentation of the User's original driver's license and/or, if the driver's license is not presented despite a request, to block the driving authorization until the driver's license is presented. The driver's license must be carried by the User on every trip. 2.6. The essential features of the rental contract are displayed to the User on the platform as part of the booking process. These GTC as well as the insurance conditions can be retrieved by the User on the platform prior to conclusion of the contract and saved in reproducible form. 3. Booking and conclusion of contract; exclusion of the right of withdrawal of consumers; 3.1. Users can use vehicles only after prior booking. Spontaneous use is not possible. If a booked vehicle is not used by the User within the booked time, the booked time will still be charged in full. 3.2. To book vehicles on the platform, the User shall select the desired vehicle, specify the desired rental period by entering the relevant data on the booking page and complete the booking process by clicking the "Book with costs" button. Before completing the booking by clicking on the "Book with costs" button, the User can check his/her details for any input errors and, if necessary, correct them by entering different data. By clicking the button "Book with costs" the booking form is sent to the Provider. The booking form can only be sent if the User has agreed to the validity of these GTC and the insurance conditions by clicking the button provided for this purpose. The sending of the booking form constitutes an offer by the User to the Provider to conclude a rental agreement for the respective vehicle in accordance with these GTC. 3.3. The receipt of the booking is confirmed to the User on the platform (confirmation of receipt). 3.4. The User will be informed about the acceptance of his/her offer by the Provider (booking confirmation) on the platform. 3.5. Upon acceptance by the Provider, a vehicle rental contract against payment is concluded between the Provider and the User. Upon conclusion of the contract, these GTC, the insurance terms and conditions as well as further customer information (e.g. the contract data) are displayed to the User in text form on the platform and can be saved in reproducible form. 3.6. The contract shall be concluded exclusively in German. The contract language is German. The text of the contract is not stored by the Provider and is not accessible to the User in the User account on the platform. 3.7. Subject to deviating agreements in individual cases, the User shall not be entitled to a right of revocation pursuant to Section 312g (2) 1st Sentence, Number (9) of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB).

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: General Terms and Conditions for E Carsharing, General Terms and Conditions for E Carsharing, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Für Die Nutzung Des E Carsharing Angebots

Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte. Den Parteien stehen Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte nur insoweit zu, als der betreffende Anspruch entscheidungsreif, unbestritten, in Textform durch die jeweils andere Partei anerkannt oder rechtskräftig festgestellt worden ist; diese Einschränkung gilt nicht für synallagmatische, d.h. gegenseitig voneinander abhängige Ansprüche. Stand: 04/2020 12/2023 Für die Teilnahme an der Gutschein-Aktion der Ammer-Loisach Energie GmbHEnergieversorgung Xxxxxxxxxx XxxX, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. 00Xxxxxxxxxx 000, 00000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx (im Folgenden „ALOISEBG“) gelten die folgenden Bedingungen („Teilnahme- oder Nutzungsbedingungen“). Durch die Einlösung eines Gutscheins (Teilnahme) erklären die Teilnehmer ihr Einverständnis mit den vorliegenden Bedingungen: • Jeder Gutschein kann nur im Rahmen des Aktionszeitraums (derzeit bis 31.12.2022) eingelöst werden. Nach Abschluss des Aktionszeitraums verfällt der Gutschein und ist nicht mehr einlösbar. • Jeder Gutschein kann nur einmal verwendet und eingelöst werden. • Jeder Gutschein kann nur von einem Nutzer eingelöst werden. Eine Teilung des Gutscheins bzw. des Gutschein-Nennbetrags auf mehrere Nutzer ist nicht möglich. • Eine Kombination mit anderen Gutscheinen oder Rabattaktionen ist nicht möglich. • Eine Barauszahlung oder eine rückwirkende Anrechnung auf bereits getätigte Bestellungen von Gutscheinen ist nicht möglich. • Gutscheine können nur in der MOQO-App eingelöst werden. • Der Weiterverkauf von Gutscheinen ist nicht gestattet. Wird festgestellt, dass ein Gutschein verkauft wurde, so behält sich XXXXX XXXX das Recht vor, diesen Gutschein für ungültig zu erklären. • Gutscheine können nicht auf ein anderes Kundenkonto transferiert werden. • Unterschreitet die Einkaufssumme (Entgelt für Nutzung) den Wert des Gutscheins, verfällt der Restbetrag nicht. • XXXXX XXXX behält sich das Recht vor, Personen bei denen der Verdacht besteht, dass sie sich bei der Teilnahme an der Aktion unerlaubter Hilfsmittel bedienen oder in sonstiger Weise versuchen, sich oder Dritten durch Manipulation Vorteile zu verschaffen, von der Teilnahme auszuschließen. In diesen Fällen kommt die Verweigerung der Gutscheine bzw. die Rückforderung der Gutscheine in Betracht. • Falls es wider Erwarten zu Problemen mit einem Gutschein kommen sollte, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail an xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.xx. Bitte beschreiben Sie möglichst genau das Problem, wichtige Angaben sind unter anderem: Ihre E-Mail- Adresse, der Gutscheincode, Fehlermeldungen des Systems sowie der von Ihnen benutzte Browser. Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. 00 Xxxxxxxxxx 000 00000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Phone: 08824 / 0000000 00000 00000 E-mail: xxxxxxx@xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx.xx Version dated: 02/202012/2023 1. Subject matter of the contract; scope of application 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") govern the contractual relationship between Ammer- Loisach Energie Energieversorgung Burghausen GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider") and its customers (hereinafter referred to as the "Users") who make use of the Provider's "e-car sharing" vehicle usage offering. The rental takes place via the "MOQO" platform operated by Digital Mobility Solutions GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "DMS"). 1.2. These GTC apply to the business relationship between the Provider and Users who wish to conclude individual rental agreements for vehicles with the Provider in accordance with these GTC by using the platform. The GTC regulate in particular the booking, transfer of use and use of the Provider's vehicles offered for rental on the platform. These GTC do not apply to rental agreements that are not concluded by using the platform. 1.3. These GTC do not apply to the business relationship of the Users with DMS. DMS only operates the platform and does not offer any vehicles itself. 2. Booking and use authorization; driving license; use of the vehicle by third parties. 2.1. The booking of vehicles on the platform generally requires that the User a. is a natural person with unlimited legal capacity; b. has registered for the use of the platform and has a User account; c. has reached the age of 21; d. has held a valid driver's license for at least one year without interruption, which entitles him/her to drive the respective vehicle in the Federal Republic of Germany; e. the driver's license has been checked by the Provider, DMS or a person appointed by them within the framework of the respective procedures offered (online, i.e. using a software application, or offline, i.e. stationary). The User shall carry out a renewed verification of the driver's license every six months after conclusion of the contract. In all other respects, the requirements of the insurance terms and conditions must be observed; these are displayed to the User on the platform as part of the booking process prior to conclusion of the contract. 2.2. A booking is not permitted if the User does not or no longer fulfills the requirements specified in 2.1 and the insurance conditions. Insofar as the respective relevant requirements are not met, this may result in insurance cover not being provided or being provided only to a limited extent. 2.3. The vehicle may also be driven by another person with the consent and in the presence of the User in the vehicle. The User must ensure that the persons authorized to drive (representatives / authorized third parties) observe the provisions of these GTC and are fit to drive and in possession of a valid driving license for the vehicle. The User has to represent the actions of the authorized persons as his/her own actions. The User must be able to prove at any time who was driving the vehicle (e.g. in the event of violations of road traffic regulations). 2.4. The User has to ensure in principle that all drivers meet or comply with the conditions described in this document, in particular section 2.1. 2.5. The Provider shall be entitled to set a time limit for the driving authorization and to extend it for a specified period only upon presentation of the User's original driver's license and/or, if the driver's license is not presented despite a request, to block the driving authorization until the driver's license is presented. The driver's license must be carried by the User on every trip. 2.6. The essential features of the rental contract are displayed to the User on the platform as part of the booking process. These GTC as well as the insurance conditions can be retrieved by the User on the platform prior to conclusion of the contract and saved in reproducible form. 3. Booking and conclusion of contract; exclusion of the right of withdrawal of consumers; 3.1. Users can use vehicles only after prior booking. Spontaneous use is not possible. If a booked vehicle is not used by the User within the booked time, the booked time will still be charged in full. 3.2. To book vehicles on the platform, the User shall select the desired vehicle, specify the desired rental period by entering the relevant data on the booking page and complete the booking process by clicking the "Book with costs" button. Before completing the booking by clicking on the "Book with costs" button, the User can check his/her details for any input errors and, if necessary, correct them by entering different data. By clicking the button "Book with costs" the booking form is sent to the Provider. The booking form can only be sent if the User has agreed to the validity of these GTC and the insurance conditions by clicking the button provided for this purpose. The sending of the booking form constitutes an offer by the User to the Provider to conclude a rental agreement for the respective vehicle in accordance with these GTC. 3.3. The receipt of the booking is confirmed to the User on the platform (confirmation of receipt). 3.4. The User will be informed about the acceptance of his/her offer by the Provider (booking confirmation) on the platform. 3.5. Upon acceptance by the Provider, a vehicle rental contract against payment is concluded between the Provider and the User. Upon conclusion of the contract, these GTC, the insurance terms and conditions as well as further customer information (e.g. the contract data) are displayed to the User in text form on the platform and can be saved in reproducible form. 3.6. The contract shall be concluded exclusively in German. The contract language is German. The text of the contract is not stored by the Provider and is not accessible to the User in the User account on the platform. 3.7. Subject to deviating agreements in individual cases, the User shall not be entitled to a right of revocation pursuant to Section 312g (2) 1st Sentence, Number (9) of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB).

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Für E Carsharing

Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte. Den Parteien stehen Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte nur insoweit zu, als der betreffende Anspruch entscheidungsreif, unbestritten, in Textform durch die jeweils andere Partei anerkannt oder rechtskräftig festgestellt worden ist; diese Einschränkung gilt nicht für synallagmatische, d.h. gegenseitig voneinander abhängige Ansprüche. Stand: 04/2020 Für die Teilnahme an der Gutschein-Aktion der Ammer-Loisach Watzmann Natur Energie GmbH, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. 00Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx x. Xxxxxxxxx (im Folgenden „ALOISAnbieter“) gelten die folgenden Bedingungen („Teilnahme- oder Nutzungsbedingungen“). Durch die Einlösung eines Gutscheins (Teilnahme) erklären die Teilnehmer ihr Einverständnis mit den vorliegenden Bedingungen: • Jeder Gutschein kann nur im Rahmen des Aktionszeitraums (derzeit bis 31.12.2022zu 3 Jahre) eingelöst werden. Nach Abschluss des Aktionszeitraums verfällt der Gutschein und ist nicht mehr einlösbar. • Jeder Gutschein kann nur einmal verwendet und eingelöst werden. • Jeder Gutschein kann nur von einem Nutzer eingelöst werden. Eine Teilung des Gutscheins bzw. des Gutschein-Nennbetrags auf mehrere Nutzer ist nicht möglich. • Eine Kombination mit anderen Gutscheinen oder Rabattaktionen ist nicht möglich. • Eine Barauszahlung oder eine rückwirkende Anrechnung auf bereits getätigte Bestellungen von Gutscheinen ist nicht möglich. • Gutscheine können nur in der MOQO-App eingelöst werden. • Der Weiterverkauf von Gutscheinen ist nicht gestattet. Wird festgestellt, dass ein Gutschein verkauft wurde, so behält sich XXXXX der Anbieter das Recht vor, diesen Gutschein für ungültig zu erklären. • Gutscheine können nicht auf ein anderes Kundenkonto transferiert werden. • Unterschreitet die Einkaufssumme (Entgelt für Nutzung) den Wert des Gutscheins, verfällt der Restbetrag nicht. • XXXXX Der Anbieter behält sich das Recht vor, Personen bei denen der Verdacht besteht, dass sie sich bei der Teilnahme an der Aktion unerlaubter Hilfsmittel bedienen oder in sonstiger Weise versuchen, sich oder Dritten durch Manipulation Vorteile zu verschaffen, von der Teilnahme auszuschließen. In diesen Fällen kommt die Verweigerung der Gutscheine bzw. die Rückforderung der Gutscheine in Betracht. • Falls es wider Erwarten zu Problemen mit einem Gutschein kommen sollte, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail an xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx. Bitte beschreiben Sie möglichst genau das Problem, wichtige Angaben sind unter anderem: Ihre E-Mail- Adresse, der Gutscheincode, Fehlermeldungen des Systems sowie der von Ihnen benutzte Browser. Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx. 00 00000 Xxxxxx Watzmann Natur Energie GmbH Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 x. Xxxxxxxxx Phone: 08824 08652 / 0000000 61161 E-mailMail: xxxxxxx@xxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx Version dated: 02/202005/2023 1. Subject matter of the contract; scope of application 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") govern the contractual relationship between Ammer- Loisach Watzmann Natur Energie GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider") and its customers (hereinafter referred to as the "Users") who make use of the Provider's "e-car sharing" vehicle usage offering. The rental takes place via the "MOQO" platform operated by Digital Mobility Solutions GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "DMS"). 1.2. These GTC apply to the business relationship between the Provider and Users who wish to conclude individual rental agreements for vehicles with the Provider in accordance with these GTC by using the platform. The GTC regulate in particular the booking, transfer of use and use of the Provider's vehicles offered for rental on the platform. These GTC do not apply to rental agreements that are not concluded by using the platform. 1.3. These GTC do not apply to the business relationship of the Users with DMS. DMS only operates the platform and does not offer any vehicles itself. 2. Booking and use authorization; driving license; use of the vehicle by third parties. 2.1. The booking of vehicles on the platform generally requires that the User a. is a natural person with unlimited legal capacity; b. has registered for the use of the platform and has a User account; c. has reached the age of 21; d. has held a valid driver's license for at least one year without interruption, which entitles him/her to drive the respective vehicle in the Federal Republic of Germany; e. the driver's license has been checked by the Provider, DMS or a person appointed by them within the framework of the respective procedures offered (online, i.e. using a software application, or offline, i.e. stationary). The User shall carry out a renewed verification of the driver's license every six months after conclusion of the contract. In all other respects, the requirements of the insurance terms and conditions must be observed; these are displayed to the User on the platform as part of the booking process prior to conclusion of the contract. 2.2. A booking is not permitted if the User does not or no longer fulfills the requirements specified in 2.1 and the insurance conditions. Insofar as the respective relevant requirements are not met, this may result in insurance cover not being provided or being provided only to a limited extent. 2.3. The vehicle may also be driven by another person with the consent and in the presence of the User in the vehicle. The User must ensure that the persons authorized to drive (representatives / authorized third parties) observe the provisions of these GTC and are fit to drive and in possession of a valid driving license for the vehicle. The User has to represent the actions of the authorized persons as his/her own actions. The User must be able to prove at any time who was driving the vehicle (e.g. in the event of violations of road traffic regulations). 2.4. The User has to ensure in principle that all drivers meet or comply with the conditions described in this document, in particular section 2.1. 2.5. The Provider shall be entitled to set a time limit for the driving authorization and to extend it for a specified period only upon presentation of the User's original driver's license and/or, if the driver's license is not presented despite a request, to block the driving authorization until the driver's license is presented. The driver's license must be carried by the User on every trip. 2.6. The essential features of the rental contract are displayed to the User on the platform as part of the booking process. These GTC as well as the insurance conditions can be retrieved by the User on the platform prior to conclusion of the contract and saved in reproducible form. 3. Booking and conclusion of contract; exclusion of the right of withdrawal of consumers; 3.1. Users can use vehicles only after prior booking. Spontaneous use is not possible. If a booked vehicle is not used by the User within the booked time, the booked time will still be charged in full. 3.2. To book vehicles on the platform, the User shall select the desired vehicle, specify the desired rental period by entering the relevant data on the booking page and complete the booking process by clicking the "Book with costs" button. Before completing the booking by clicking on the "Book with costs" button, the User can check his/her details for any input errors and, if necessary, correct them by entering different data. By clicking the button "Book with costs" the booking form is sent to the Provider. The booking form can only be sent if the User has agreed to the validity of these GTC and the insurance conditions by clicking the button provided for this purpose. The sending of the booking form constitutes an offer by the User to the Provider to conclude a rental agreement for the respective vehicle in accordance with these GTC. 3.3. The receipt of the booking is confirmed to the User on the platform (confirmation of receipt). 3.4. The User will be informed about the acceptance of his/her offer by the Provider (booking confirmation) on the platform. 3.5. Upon acceptance by the Provider, a vehicle rental contract against payment is concluded between the Provider and the User. Upon conclusion of the contract, these GTC, the insurance terms and conditions as well as further customer information (e.g. the contract data) are displayed to the User in text form on the platform and can be saved in reproducible form. 3.6. The contract shall be concluded exclusively in German. The contract language is German. The text of the contract is not stored by the Provider and is not accessible to the User in the User account on the platform. 3.7. Subject to deviating agreements in individual cases, the User shall not be entitled to a right of revocation pursuant to Section 312g (2) 1st Sentence, Number (9) of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB).

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Für E Carsharing