Lien Musterklauseln

Lien. 9.1. You are entitled to a claim against solarisBank ac- cording to the solaris GTC, which is directed towards the repayment of your balance, which is held there and denominated in euro, to your reference account (claim for repayment). We are granted a lien on cur- rent and future repayment claims to which you are or will be entitled. 9.2. This lien serves the purposes of securing all existing, future and contingent claims to which we are enti- tled based on the contractual relationship against you.
Lien. The Carrier shall have a lien on the Goods and the right to sell the same by public auction or otherwise at his discretion for all Freight, charges and expenses of whatever kind and nature due to the Carrier under the contract of Carriage and under these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS and also in respect of any previously unsatisfied amounts of the same nature and for the costs and expenses of exercising such lien and such sale. Such lien and liability shall remain valid notwithstanding that the Goods have been landed, stored or otherwise dealt with. If on the sale of the Goods the proceeds fail to realise the amount due, the Carrier shall be entitled to recover the difference from any of the parties included in the term Merchant in Clause 1.

Related to Lien

  • Liability of the Hotel 7.1 The hotel is liable for harm inflicted on life, limb and physical health. Further it is liable for other damage caused with full intent or gross negligence or due to inten- tional or grossly negligent violation of obligations typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory rep- resentative or vicarious agent. All other claims for damages are excluded, if not de- termined differently in this No. 7. Should disruptions or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection by the customer made without undue delay. The customer shall be obliged to undertake actions reasonable for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum. 7.2 The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. It recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the guest wishes to bring with him money, securities, stocks, bonds or valuables with a value of more than 800 EUR or other things with a value of more than 3500 EUR, a separate safekeeping agreement is necessary. 7.3 Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is ex- changed. The hotel only assumes liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel’s property and the contents thereof only pursu- ant to the preceding No. 7.1, sentences 1 to 4. 7.4 Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with the greatest possible diligence. Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests shall be handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and, for a fee, forward such items (on request). The ho- tel only assumes liability according to the preceding No. 7, sentences 1 to 4. 8.1 Amendments and supplements to the contract, the acceptance of offers or these general terms and conditions should be made in written form. Unilateral amend- ments or supplements by the customer are invalid. 8.2 For commercial transactions the place of performance and payment as well as, in the event of litigation, including disputes for checks and bills of exchange, the exclu- sive court of jurisdiction is at [Bitte Ort eintragen, wahlweise Standort des Hotels oder Sitz der Betreibergesellschaft]. Insofar as a contracting party fulfills the re- quirements of section 38, para. 2 of the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and does not have a place of general jurisdiction within the country, the courts at [Bitte Ort eintragen, wahlweise Standort des Hotels oder Sitz der Betreibergesellschaft] shall have exclusive jurisdiction. 8.3 The contract is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with German law. The application of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods and Con- flict Law are precluded. 8.4 Should individual provisions of these general terms and conditions be or become invalid or void, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected thereby. The statutory provisions shall also be applicable.

  • Liability Unless liability is regulated differently elsewhere in these conditions, the supplier shall be liable for compensation for damage suffered by the buyer either directly or indirectly as a consequence of an incorrect delivery, or violation of official safety regulations or for any other legal reason attributable to the supplier, only as set out in the following. 1. In general the liability for compensation for damage exists only if the damage was caused by fault of the supplier. 2. If a claim is brought against the buyer based on no-fault liability under mandatory law, the supplier shall assume liability on the buyer’s behalf to the extent to which it would be directly liable. The principles of section 254 BGB shall apply mutatis mutandis to settlement of damages payments between buyer and supplier. The same shall apply in the event of a direct claim against the supplier. 3. The obligation to compensate for damages is excluded if the buyer, for its part, has effectively limited liability to its customer. The buyer shall endeavor to agree liability limitations to the extent permissible by law also in favor of the supplier. 4. Claims brought by the buyer are excluded if the damage was caused by violations attributable to the buyer of operating, maintenance or installation regulations, unsuitable or improper use, incorrect or negligent handling, natural wear and tear, or faulty repair. 5. To the extent provided by law, the supplier shall be liable for measures taken by the buyer to avert damage (e.g. product recalls). 6. If the buyer wishes to assert a claim against the supplier in accordance with the foregoing regulations, the buyer shall fully inform and consult with the supplier without delay. It shall give the supplier the opportunity to investigate the damage. The contractual partners shall consult with each other on the measures to be taken, in particular regarding settlement negotiations. 7. The principles set out in section VII subsection 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis if the supplier is not insured or is insufficiently insured.

  • Personal 4.1. Sofern nach den zwischen den Vertragspartnern getroffenen Vereinbarungen Mitarbeiter des AG vom AN übernommen werden, ist darüber eine separate schriftliche Vereinbarung zu treffen.

  • Reklamation Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, sowohl Bestellbestätigungen als auch die Tickets nach deren Zugang unverzüglich und gewissenhaft auf Richtigkeit zu überprüfen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Anzahl, Preis, Datum, Veranstaltung und Veranstaltungsort. Eine Reklamation von Tickets und/oder Ticketbestellungen, die erkennbar einen Mangel aufweisen, muss unverzüglich, d.h. ohne schuldhaftes Zögern, in der Regel innerhalb von fünf (5) Werktagen nach Erhalt der Versandbestätigung des Clubs (vgl. Ziffer 2.2) oder nach Erhalt des Tickets, spätestens jedoch sieben (7) Werktage vor der jeweiligen Veranstaltung, in Textform (E-Mail ausreichend), per Telefax oder auf dem Postweg an die Kontaktadresse erfolgen. Bei Tickets und/oder Ticketbestellungen, die innerhalb der letzten sieben (7) Werktage vor der jeweiligen Veranstaltung vorgenommen werden, bei einer sonstigen Bestellung gemäß Ziffer 2.3, bei der das Ticket übergeben wird und/oder im Fall hinterlegter Tickets nach Ziffer 6.2 hat die Reklamation un- verzüglich zu erfolgen, im Übrigen gilt die vorherige Regelung entsprechend. Mängel im Sinne dieser Ziffer 7.1 sind insbesondere unzulässige Abweichungen von der Bestellung hinsichtlich Anzahl, Preis, Datum, Veranstaltung und Veranstaltungsort, fehlerhaftes Druckbild, fehlende wesentliche Angaben wie Veranstaltung oder Platznummer bei Tickets in Papierform und/oder sichtbare Beschädigung oder Zerstörung des Tickets. Maßgeblich für die Wahrung der Reklamationsfrist ist der Eingangspoststempel bzw. das Übertragungsprotokoll des Faxes oder der E-Mail. Bei DES 1. FC HEIDENHEIM 1846 E. V. berechtigter und rechtzeitiger Reklamation stellt der Club dem Kunden gegen Vernichtung bzw. Aushändigung des reklamierten Tickets kostenfrei ein neues Ticket aus. Die Regelungen zur Reklamation gelten ausdrücklich nicht für gemäß Ziffer 7.3 abhandengekommene oder für die Zusendung nicht bestellter Tickets sowie nicht für Fälle, in denen der Reklamationsgrund nachweislich auf ein Verschulden seitens des Clubs zurückzuführen ist.

  • Qualität und Dokumentation 1. Der Lieferant hat für seine Lieferungen die anerkannten Regeln der Technik, die Sicherheitsvorschriften und die vereinbarten technischen Daten einzuhalten. Änderungen des Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx GmbH & Co. KG HRA 361077 | Registergericht Stuttgart Liefergegenstandes bedürfen der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung des Bestellers. Für die Erstmusterprüfung wird auf die VDA-Schrift „Band 2 Sicherung der Qualität von Lieferungen Produktionsprozess und Produktfreigabe PPF“, hingewiesen. Unabhängig davon hat der Lieferant die Qualität der Liefergegenstände ständig zu überprüfen. Die Vertragspartner werden sich über die Möglichkeiten einer Qualitätsverbesserung gegenseitig informieren. 2. Sind Art und Umfang der Prüfungen sowie die Prüfmittel und - methoden zwischen dem Lieferanten und dem Besteller nicht fest vereinbart, ist der Besteller auf Verlangen des Lieferanten im Rahmen seiner Kenntnisse, Erfahrungen und Möglichkeiten bereit, die Prüfungen mit ihm zu erörtern, um den jeweils erforderlichen Stand der Prüftechnik zu ermitteln. Darüber hinaus wird der Besteller den Lieferanten auf Wunsch über die einschlägigen Sicherheitsvorschriften informieren. Für weitergehende Informationen zu Mess- und Prüfprozessen wird auf die VDA-Schrift „Band 5 Prüfprozesseignung, Eignung von Messsystemen, Mess- und Prüfprozessen, Erweiterte Mess- unsicherheit, Konformitätsbewertung“ hingewiesen. 3. Bei den in den technischen Unterlagen oder durch gesonderte Vereinbarung besonders, zum Beispiel mit "D", gekennzeichneten Merkmalen hat der Lieferant darüber hinaus in besonderen Aufzeichnungen festzuhalten, wann, in welcher Weise und durch wen die Liefergegenstände bezüglich der besonderen Merkmale geprüft worden sind und welche Resultate die geforderten Qualitätstests ergeben haben. Die Prüfungsunterlagen sind mindestens fünfzehn Jahre aufzubewahren und dem Besteller bei Bedarf vorzulegen. Vorlieferanten hat der Lieferant im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Möglichkeiten im gleichen Umfang zu verpflichten. Für die Dokumentation und Archivierung wird auf die VDA Schrift „Band 1 Dokumentation und Archivierung – Leitfaden zur Dokumentation und Archivierung von Qualitätsforderungen“ sowie auf die VDA-Schrift „Prozessbeschreibung besondere Merkmale (BM)“ hingewiesen. 4. Soweit Behörden, die für die Kraftfahrzeugsicherheit, Abgasbestimmungen o. ä. zuständig sind, zur Nachprüfung bestimmter Anforderungen Einblick in den Produktionsablauf und die Prüfungsunterlagen des Bestellers verlangen, erklärt sich der Lieferant auf Bitten des Bestellers bereit, ihnen in seinem Betrieb die gleichen Rechte einzuräumen und dabei jede zumutbare Unterstützung zu geben.

  • Retention of Title 1. All goods delivered shall remain our property (reserved goods) until fulfilment of the claims to which we are entitled from the respective delivery. This shall also apply to conditional claims arising in the future, e.g. from acceptor's bills of exchange, and also if payments are made on specially designated claims, and also to claims which are established unilaterally by the insolvency administrator by way of choice of performance. 2. Treatment and processing of the goods subject to retention of title shall be carried out for us as manufacturer within the meaning of § 950 BGB (German Civil Code) without obligating us. The processed goods shall be deemed to be goods subject to retention of title within the meaning of No. 1. If the goods subject to retention of title are processed, combined or mixed with other goods by the buyer, we shall be entitled to co-ownership of the new item on a pro rata basis in the ratio of the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title to the invoice value of the other goods used. If our ownership lapses as a result of combining or mixing, the buyer shall already now transfer to us the ownership rights to which he is entitled in the new stock or item to the extent of the invoice value of the reserved goods and shall keep them in safe custody for us free of charge. Our co-ownership rights shall be deemed to be reserved goods within the meaning of No.1. 3. The buyer may only sell the goods subject to retention of title in the ordinary course of business under his normal terms and conditions of business and as long as he is not in default, provided that the claims from the resale are transferred to us in accordance with nos. 4 to 5. He is not entitled to dispose of the reserved goods in any other way. 4. The buyer's claims arising from the resale of the reserved goods or for any other legal reason (such as the processing or installation of supplied building materials and other materials in a property) are already assigned to us now, together with all securities which the buyer acquires for the assigned claims. They serve as security to the same extent as the reserved goods. If the goods subject to retention of title are sold by the buyer together with other goods not sold by us, the claim from the resale shall be assigned to us in the ratio of the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title to the invoice value of the other goods. In the event of the sale of goods in which we have co-ownership shares pursuant to No. 2, a part corresponding to our co-ownership share shall be assigned to us. 5. The buyer is entitled to collect claims from the resale. He is obliged to transfer the collected amounts to us in the amount of the invoice value of the reserved goods. Upon collection by the buyer, our claim shall become due immediately. This authorisation to collect shall expire in the event of our revocation. We shall only make use of our right of revocation if the buyer acts in breach of contract, in particular in the event of his default in payment or non-redemption of a bill of exchange, or if he disregards our security interest as seller in any other way. At our request, the buyer is obliged to inform his customers immediately of the assignment to us and to provide us with the information and documents necessary for collection. A further assignment of the claims from the resale by the buyer is not permitted, unless it is an assignment by way of genuine factoring, which is notified to us and in which the factoring proceeds exceed the value of our secured claim. Our claim shall become due immediately upon crediting of the factoring proceeds. 6. The buyer must inform us immediately of any seizure or other impairment by third parties. The buyer shall bear all costs which have to be incurred in order to cancel the seizure and to recover the object of purchase, insofar as they cannot be recovered from third parties. 7. If the value of the existing securities exceeds the secured claims including ancillary claims (interest, costs, etc.) by more than 50% in total, we shall be obliged to release securities of our choice at the request of the buyer. 8. If the buyer defaults on payment or does not honour a bill of exchange when it is due, we are entitled to take back the goods subject to retention of title and, if necessary, to enter the buyer's business or warehouse for this purpose. The same shall apply if, after conclusion of the contract, it becomes apparent that our claim for payment under this or other contracts with the buyer is jeopardised by the buyer's lack of ability to pay. Taking back the goods does not constitute a withdrawal from the contract. We may also prohibit the resale, further processing and removal of the reserved goods. The provisions of the Insolvency Code shall remain unaffected. 9. This section VII shall not apply in the case of delivery against advance payment.

  • Dokumentation Jede Person, die über einen gültigen Zugriff auf Ihren Computer oder Ihr internes Netzwerk verfügt, ist berechtigt, die Dokumentation zu Ihren internen Referenzzwecken zu kopieren und zu verwenden.

  • Asbest Ausgeschlossen sind Ansprüche wegen Schäden, die auf Asbest, asbesthaltige Substanzen oder Erzeugnisse zurückzuführen sind.

  • Payment Mangels anderer Vereinbarung oder günstigerer Konditionen des Verkäufers erfolgen Zahlungen innerhalb von 14 Tagen abzüglich 3 % Skonto oder innerhalb von 30 Tagen netto. 1. Unless otherwise agreed the following terms of payment shall apply: Payment shall be made either within 14 days with 3 p.c. discount or within 30 days without discount. Should the seller’s conditions for payment be more favourable, they shall prevail.

  • Installation Das Netzabschlussgerät wird auf dem Postweg versendet. Der Anschluss des Netzabschlussgerätes und der Anschluss der kundeneigenen Endgeräte er- folgt durch den Verbraucher selbst.