Payment Musterklauseln
Payment. Unless agreed otherwise, payment shall be made 60 days net without any discount. The payment period shall commence as soon as the delivery or service has been completed in its entirety, and has, where necessary, been formally accepted by us and we have received the properly formulated invoice.
Payment. Mangels anderer Vereinbarung oder günstigerer Konditionen des Verkäufers erfolgen Zahlungen innerhalb von 14 Tagen abzüglich 3 % Skonto oder innerhalb von 30 Tagen netto. 1. Unless otherwise agreed the following terms of payment shall apply: Payment shall be made either within 14 days with 3 p.c. discount or within 30 days without discount. Should the seller’s conditions for payment be more favourable, they shall prevail.
Payment. Mangels abweichender Vereinbarungen gelten folgende Zahlungsbedingungen: Rechnungen begleichen wir entweder innerhalb 14 Tagen unter Abzug von 3 % Skonto oder innerhalb 30 Tagen ohne Abzug. Sind die Zahlungsbedingungen des Lieferanten für uns günstiger, gelten diese. 1. The following payment conditions shall apply if nothing else has been agreed to: we pay invoices either within 14 days with a 3 % cash discount or 30 days without deductions. If the payment conditions of the supplier are more favourable for us, these shall apply.
Payment. Mangels anderer Vereinbarung oder günstigerer Konditionen des Verkäufers erfolgen Zahlungen innerhalb von 14 Tagen abzüglich 3 % Skonto, innerhalb von 21 Tagen abzüglich 2 % Skonto oder innerhalb von 30 Tagen rein netto Kasse.
Payment. 4.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by HMS, payment shall be made by the Customer within 14 days of delivery of the Products and dispatch by HMS of the invoice in relation thereto. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, prices shall apply ”CIP”. Prices do not include costs for dispatch preparation and packaging unless otherwise agreed. Prices do not include statutory value added tax. It shall be applied at the statutory rate on the date of the invoice and shown separately on said invoice.
4.2 Our offers and order confirmations are based on the economic, legal, competitive and technical conditions at the time of their preparation. If individual price-forming elements, factors and costs necessary for the performance of our contractual obligations (in particular material, raw material, labor, freight or energy costs), hereinafter collectively referred to as "Price Elements", change and if this results in an overall increase in the cost of the Products of more than five percent (5%), we shall set out this circumstance in writing, stating our reasons, and shall be entitled to submit a request for price adjustment ("Price Adjustment Request"). We shall be entitled to adjust the agreed price in accordance with the Price Adjustment Request unless the Customer objects to such request within a period of ten (10) business days. If the Customer objects, we will negotiate the price adjustment. The result of the agreement on the price adjustment shall be agreed in writing. If we are unable to reach an agreement on the price adjustment within a period of eight (8) weeks from receipt of the price adjustment request by the customer, we shall have the right to extraordinarily terminate the order and the contracts with the customer thereby established.
4.3 If the Customer is not available to receive the Products on the agreed date, payment shall nonetheless be made as if delivery had taken place in accordance with the order. In case of default in acceptance or other breach of duties to cooperate by the purchaser we are entitled to claim any resulting damage including but not limited to additional expenses, if any. Further damages are reserved.
4.4 If case of late payment, HMS shall be entitled to penalty interest in accordance with applicable law.
4.5 In cases of delay in acceptance HMS shall furthermore undertake to store the products ordered at the customer's expense and risk. During the period of delay in acceptance HMS' liability shall be restricted to intent and gross n...
Payment. 9.1 The payments shall be made in keeping with the agreed condi- tions of payment. Unless specific conditions of payment have been agreed upon, one third of the price shall be due upon receipt of the order confirmation, one third after half of the delivery period has lapsed, and the rest upon delivery. Irrespective of the foregoing, the value-added tax included in the invoice shall be paid within 30 days after the invoice date, at the latest, in all events.
9.2 Buyer shall not have the right to withhold payments due to warranty claims or any other counter-claims that Seller has not accepted.
9.3 If Buyer defaults on one of the agreed payments or any other performance, Seller may either insist on the performance of the contract and
a) postpone compliance with Seller's own obligations until Xxxxx has paid the arrears in payment or provided any other perfor- mance,
b) use a reasonable extension of the period of delivery,
c) call for the payment of the full remaining purchase price,
d) charge interest on arrears, as of the due date, in the amount of 7.5% above the respective base rate of the European Central Bank, unless Xxxxx can claim a reason for relief under Article 14 (see Directive 2000/35/EC of 29 June 2000 on combating late payment in commercial transactions), or announce the withdrawal from the contract, granting a reasonable respite.
9.4 In all events, Buyer shall refund to Seller the dunning charges and collection costs which constitute a further damage caused by the delayed performance.
9.5 If Buyer has not made the payment due or provided any other performance within the respite according to 9.3, Seller may with- draw from the contract by means of a written notice. Buyer shall return to Seller, upon Seller's request, any delivered goods and compensate Seller for any reduction in the value of the goods that has occurred, as well as refund to Seller all justified expenses that Seller had to incur in connection with the performance of the contract. Regarding undelivered goods, Seller is entitled to make available to Buyer the completed parts, or the parts with incipient processing respectively, and ask for a prorated part of the sales price.
9.6 The contracting parties agree mutually that the rights and obligations covered by the contract shall not be affected by the introduction of the euro. Payment obligations, especially the estab- lished values of the money shall be deemed to have been agreed in euro as soon as the euro has become the only accept...
Payment. Payment of the invoiced amount shall be made upon provision of the supplies and services. It may be effected at an earlier point in time in accordance with the agreed terms of payment. In the absence of such agreements, payment of the invoiced amount shall be made within thirty days of presentation of the verifiable invoice. As a rule, payments shall not be cash. Punctuality of payment shall be based on the date of presentation of the transfer order to the procurement office's bank.
Payment. 1. The payment will be agreed separately. If early deliveries are accepted, payment shall become due in accordance with the agreed delivery date.
2. Payment shall be made by bank transfer or check.
3. In the event of a defective delivery, the buyer shall be entitled to withhold payment in proportion to the value of the defective delivery, until the order has been properly fulfilled.
4. Without the prior written consent of the buyer, which may not be unreasonably withheld, the supplier is not entitled to assign its receivables or to have them collected by third parties. In the case of extended reservation of title, consent shall be deemed to have been given. If the supplier assigns its receivable against the buyer to a third party without the buyer’s consent in contradiction of sentence 1, the assignment shall nonetheless be effective. The buyer may, however, choose whether to make payment to the supplier or the third party, with discharging effect.
Payment. Payments have to be executed by the buyer within 30 days after the date of invoice net without deductions for discounts, expenses, taxes, duties, fees, tolls or any other deductions, at Hänseler AG domicile or at a diffe- rent place named by Hänseler AG. The purchase price may not be set off against any other claim a buyer might have against Hänseler AG under any circumstances.
Payment. Our invoices are payable, net, within 30 days of the invoice date without any deductions. The due date expires without reminders. We are entitled to charge default interest on late payments . If the Purchaser is in arrears, we reserve the right to cancel the contract. The payment of an overdue amount may not be refused by the Purchaser under any circumstances (The Rule Against Off-setting of Balance Sheet Items).