Securities Musterklauseln

Securities. 7.1 Unless agreed otherwise, upon request from TNG the contractor shall provide a reasonable security at its own cost in the form of an unconditional, indefinite, directly enforceable bank surety from a bank or credit insurer accepted by TNG in accordance with the following conditions if prepayments are made, for fulfilment of the contract and for rights if there are defects. The bank sureties must include a waiver of the defence of sections 770, 771 and 772 BGB, a waiver of the defence of set-off , but only to the extent that the contractor's counter-claim is not undisputed and has not been legally upheld. The waiver of the defence of contestability of secured debts according to s. 770 (1) BGB only applies insofar as the contestability is not due to malice or unlawful threat as defined in s. 123 BGB. The bank sureties must not contain a deposit clause. TNG's forms shall be used for bank sureties.
Securities. C.1 Description of the type and the class of the securities being offered and/or admitted to trading, including any security identification number: Notes are debt instruments represented by one or more global note(s). Notes are unsecured debt obligations of the Issuer. Fixed rate Notes. Fixed rate Notes are instruments where the rate of interest does not change over the term of the instrument. ISIN: DE000SK00693 German Securities Code (WKN): SK0069 Series number: 962 Tranche number: 1 C.2 Currency of the securities issue:
Securities. C.1 Type and class of the security / identification number: 0RRG\¶V (8 : (QGRUVHG Moody's is not established in the EEA but the rating it has assigned to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is endorsed by Moody's Investors Service Limited, which is established in the EEA and registered under the CRA Regulation by the relevant competent authority. R&I is not incorporated in the EEA and is not registered under the CRA Regulation in the EU. S&P (EU Endorsed): S&P is not established in the EEA but the rating it has assigned to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is, with effect from 9 April 2012, endorsed by Standard and Poor's Credit Market Services Europe Limited, a rating agency established in the EEA and registered under the CRA Regulation by the relevant competent authority.] The Securities are issued as unsubordinated securities (Schuldverschreibungen) pursuant to §793 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). [The Securities are issued in bearer form.][The Securities are issued in uncertificated and dematerialised form and are registered in the book-entry system of [VP Securities A/S ("VP")] [Euroclear Sweden AB ("ECS")].] [ISIN: [Ɣ] Common Code: [Ɣ] German Security Code (WKN): [Ɣ] Other Security Code: [Ɣ]] [in the case of multi-issuances, insert: Please refer to the security identification numbers set out for each series of Securities in the table below part C of this Summary.]
Securities. 7.1 In the case of advance payments with regard to executing the contract and regard to the rights in the case of defects, the Contractor shall be required, at TNG's request, to provide appropriate security in the form of an unconditional, unlimited, absolute guarantee of a bank accepted by TNG or a credit insurer. Objecting to the voidability and option of setting off regarding receivables that have not become res judicata or are disputed must be ruled out.
Securities. The goods remain our property until all payments arising from an ongoing business relationship, including all current and future claims, have been made. In the event that the Purchaser becomes insolvent after the contract date, we shall not be obliged to take back the goods at the full purchase price, but we will rather take back the goods taking into account the reduced value attributable to longer periods of storage at the Purchaser’s. Special makes (“made to order”) and goods that according to our opinion have a resale value of less than 20% of the original price will not be taken back. The Purchaser shall treat the goods with diligent care. The Purchaser shall take out at its own cost for the invoice value insurance cover against forces of nature and theft for goods in which the title has not passed yet; the Purchaser herewith assigns to us any pertaining claims against the insurer. The Purchaser is obligated to inform us immediately of any intervention by third parties, e.g. seizure of the goods, or any damage to or destruction of the goods. The Purchaser shall inform us forthwith of any change in the possession status of the goods and/ or a change in its residence. If the Purchaser fails to adhere to the contract, including without limitation, late payment or the breach of another major contractual obligation, we shall be entitled to either withdraw from the contract and remove the goods or not to withdraw from the contract and demand from the Purchaser to return the goods for its own account, and take them back. We are entitled to utilize the object of the purchase after it is returned. The proceeds shall be set off against the Purchaser’s debt, minus appropriate utilization costs. In the event that, following the contract date, reasonable doubts occur as to the creditworthiness of the Purchaser, we shall be entitled to demand prepayment or that a collateral be provided within a reasonable period. In the event that the Purchaser fails to comply with this obligation within this period, we shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract upon expiry of said period. In the case of non-compliance, we shall be entitled to prohibit that the things subject to the reservation of title be processed or resold. The Purchaser may resell the goods in its ordinary course of business (within the limitations of Sec. 12). It herewith assigns to us any claims attributable to the resale against its buyers or third parties equivalent to the final amount invoiced (includ...
Securities. C.1 Type / class / security identification number: The Securities are issued as unsubordinated securities (Schuldverschreibungen) pursuant to §793 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). ISIN: [●] Common Code: [●] German Security Code (WKN): [●] Other Security Code: [●]
Securities. C.1 Type and class of the security / identification number: DBRS (EU Endorsed): DBRS is not established in the European Economic Area ("EEA") but the ratings it has assigned to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is endorsed by DBRS Ratings Limited, which is established in the EEA and registered under Regulation 1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies (the "CRA Regulation"), as amended from time to time, by the relevant competent authority. Fitch (EU Endorsed): Fitch is not established in the EEA but the rating it has assigned to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is endorsed by Fitch Ratings Limited, a rating agency established in the EEA and registered under the CRA Regulation by the relevant competent authority. Moody’s (EU Endorsed): Moody's is not established in the EEA but the rating it has assigned to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is endorsed by Moody's Investors Service Limited, which is established in the EEA and registered under the CRA Regulation by the relevant competent authority. R&I is not incorporated in the EEA and is not registered under the CRA Regulation in the EU. S&P (EU Endorsed): S&P is not established in the EEA but the rating it has assigned to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx is, with effect from 9 April 2012, endorsed by Standard and Poor's Credit Market Services Europe Limited, a rating agency established in the EEA and registered under the CRA Regulation by the relevant competent authority.] The Securities are issued as unsubordinated securities (Schuldverschreibungen) pursuant to §793 of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). [ISIN: [●] Common Code: [●] German Security Code (WKN): [●] Other Security Code: [●]] [in the case of multi-issuances, insert: Please refer to the security identification numbers set out for each series of Securities in the table below part C of this Summary.]

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