Action Item 1. Training/Education
Action Item 1. Individual Remedy:
Examples of Action Item 1 in a sentence
By December 15, 2023, the University will provide OCR, for its review and approval, a draft of its revised policies as referenced in Action Item 1 above.
Such training shall address and be consistent with Title VI, and the Parent and/or Guardian Communication Procedure developed in Action Item 1.
More Definitions of Action Item 1
Action Item 1. By December 15, 2014, the District will convene a group of knowledgeable persons (such as the Section 504 Committee), to determine whether the Student requires any compensatory services because the Student did not receive English class home instruction between February and May 2014. If the group of knowledgeable persons determines that the Student requires compensatory services, the group will develop a plan for providing those services; with a completion date for providing the services not to extend beyond June 30, 2015.
Action Item 1. By December 31, 2021, the District will create placement procedures for students with disabilities before taking any action with respect to the initial placement of the person in regular or special education consistent with the procedural requirements of Section 504, 34 C.F.R. §§104.31-104.36.
Action Item 1. By February 4, 2022, the VIDE will extend to the Complainant a written offer for the Student to complete the following three courses from the spring 2021 semester asynchronously, via the XXXXXX platform: XXXXXX (hereinafter, the Courses). The VIDE will permit the Student to complete the Courses on XXXXXX through March 31, 2022, after which the VIDE will replace the Student’s final grades in the Courses for school year 2020-2021 with the grades the Student earned on XXXXXX. The VIDE will provide to the Complainant a report card and/or transcript that reflects the updated final grades for the Courses for school year 2020-2021.
Action Item 1. By June 1, 2018, the College will reimburse the Complainant in the amount of Reporting Requirement 1: By June 15, 2018, the College will provide documentation to OCR demonstrating that it has fulfilled this provision.
Action Item 1. By September 1, 2015, the WCPSB will convene placement team (e.g., Section 504 team) meeting(s) to determine whether compensatory education services are presently appropriate for the Student due to an OCR-determined compliance issue regarding the Student’s services during the 2014 fall semester. If compensatory education services are deemed appropriate, a description of these services will be offered to the Student, and the complainant will be notified (by mail, certified return receipt) of the compensatory education services offered by the WCPSB to the Student. Reporting Requirement 1: By September 15, 2015, the WCPSB will submit documentation to OCR demonstrating that it has fully complied with this Action Item. Such documentation will include:
Action Item 1. Covered Courtyard/Gymnasium and the Cafeteria
Action Item 1. Individual Remedies for the Complainant