Examples of Action Item A in a sentence
By August 30, 2018, the College will review OCR’s investigation of its response and provide to OCR for review and approval, the results of its assessment pursuant to Action Item A and any proposed actions as a result of that assessment.
By March 1, 2018, the College will provide documentation to OCR demonstrating that it has established the responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator position in accordance with Action Item A for OCR review and approval.
By December 15, 2016, the College will provide documentation to OCR demonstrating its compliance with Action Item A, including a link to CUNY’s website where this information is available.
By November 1, 2018, the University will provide to OCR, for review and approval, its revised Title IX policies and grievance procedures developed in accordance with Action Item A above.
The University will continue its existing comprehensive training program for all University students and employees, and (in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator) will augment that training with information about the revised policies and procedures, as developed in accordance with Action Item A.
By April 1, 2019, the University will provide OCR with verification that the training program(s) for all University students and employees includes information about the revised policies and procedures developed in accordance with Action Item A.