Administrative Recommendation definition

Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends the approval of the agreement with SEEC for Medicaid billing software support for a fee based on 6% of Medicaid Reimbursements.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends the approval of this contract with Dakota Travel Nurse Home Care to provide specialized nursing services for students with medical needs.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends the approval of the agreement with SEEC for Medicaid billing software support for a fee based on 6% of Medicaid Reimbursements. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the agreement with SEEC for Medicaid billing software in accordance with the administrative recommendation. Hello Xxxxx and Xxxx As you are already aware, the South East Education Cooperative’s School-Based Medicaid Consortium is currently working with the West Fargo Public Schools Special Education Unit to access available federal reimbursement dollars for medically necessary services provided to students as specified in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The South East Education Cooperative (SEEC) uses CompuClaim’s Medicaid claiming software to effectively and efficiently record, submit and review claims for reimbursement. Over the past year, SEEC has worked to develop a stronger School-Based Medicaid Consortium Business Plan to help create more clarity and ease for Special Education Units as well as provide long- range sustainability within the SEEC for the assistance necessary to maximize your Medicaid reimbursement dollars. This includes staff time for enrollment, training, document management, resource development, billing, claims management, day-to-day technical assistance support, and work at the state level to build awareness and support for school-based services. Within the new plan, SEEC will no longer charge Units per IEP, but rather by a percentage of the Unit’s reimbursements on a quarterly basis. Each year your percentage will be reviewed and modified if your total reimbursements change dramatically. With this change, we are also asking that Special Education Units upload ALL IEP students receiving Medicaid eligible services. This has been identified as a best practice to ensure all students receiving Medicaid eligible services are being monitored and checked for Medicaid eligibility status monthly to ensure the maximum number of billable services are logged and submitted for reimbursement. Please find your Annual Agreement for Medicaid Billing attached. This Agreement outlines the responsibilities of your Special Education Unit and the responsibilities of SEEC. If there are any questions, please feel free to reach out. Sincerely, Xxxxx Xxxx South East Education Cooperative Working to ENHANCE STUDENT LEARNING by building RELATIONSHIPS that make all members STRONGER. The South East Education Cooperative (SEEC), and West Fargo Public Schools Spec...

Examples of Administrative Recommendation in a sentence

  • Administrative Recommendation: To approve all personnel items as presented.

  • Administrative Recommendation: Approval.Committee Recommendation: Approval.

  • An Administrative Recommendation on each item is contained in the agenda supplements.

  • Administrative Recommendation: Administration recommended Board approve the Out of District/Overnight Field Trip requests as presented.Board Direction/Action: A motion was made by Ms. Gebhardt and seconded by Mr. Rash to approve the Out of District/Overnight Field Trip requests as presented.

  • Administrative Recommendation: Administration recommended the Board Opt in to the State-Wide Declaration of a Financial Emergency for the 2010-11 School Year and Provide Written Notice to the Pocatello Education Association (PEA) of that Action and to Notice to the PEA Regarding Meet and Confer on Salary and Benefits per Idaho Code Section 33-522.Board Direction/Action: A motion was made by Mr. Rash and seconded by Ms. Cranor to opt in to the state- wide declaration of a financial emergency.

More Definitions of Administrative Recommendation

Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends adopting the calendars chosen by WSD staff for the 2016-2017and 2017-2018 school years.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends the Board of Trustees approve the request for building reserve levies in both the elementary and high school districts.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends the Board of Trustees approve the memorandum of agreement between the WSD and WEA.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends that the School Board authorize the attached agreement with Prairie St. Xxxxx for partial hospitalization or outpatient treatment.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends the approval of this contract with Preference Personnel to provide temporary staffing services for Special Education support staff. Proposed Motion: I move to authorize the administration to contract with Preference Personnel to provide temporary staffing services for Special Education support staff. Thank you for your interest in Preference Personnel’s services. This agreement reviews Preference Personnel Direct Placement Candidate Services, Temporary/Contract and Temporary/Contract-to-Hire Staffing Services.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees approve adoption of the proposed Budget Amendment Proclamation.
Administrative Recommendation. The administration recommends the approval of this contract with Xxxxxxx Medical Center Fargo dba Xxxxxxx Home Care Services to provide specialized nursing services for students with medical needs.