Aeronautical Activity definition
Examples of Aeronautical Activity in a sentence
So long as the opportunity to engage in an Aeronautical Activity is available to those who meet reasonable and relevant standards, the fact that only one enterprise takes advantage of the opportunity does not constitute a grant of an exclusive right.
Lessee shall maintain the on-going Non-Commercial Aeronautical Activity authorized in this Agreement at the Hangar throughout the term of this Agreement.
SASOs shall hold all licenses and certifications required to perform each Commercial Aeronautical Activity provided.
For the purposes of measuring deferred tax for investment properties that are measured using the fair value model, the carrying amounts of such properties are presumed to be recovered entirely through sale, unless the presumption is rebutted.
Except as provided in Section VII.O, each SASO shall employ and have on duty sufficient staff to meet the Minimum Standards for each Commercial Aeronautical Activity provided.