AIRCRAFT STORAGE. During the period of 90 days after the Expiry Date, Lessor shall have the right to require Lessee to maintain, store and insure the Aircraft at a location having a facility capable of performing required maintenance of the Aircraft (to be nominated by Lessor). Any maintenance, storage or insurance cost actually incurred in connection with the foregoing and which is in excess of the costs payable by Lessee in meeting its obligations under this Agreement, shall be payable by Lessor at Lessee's direct cost without "mark-xx". Prior to the Expiry Date, Lessor shall advise Lessee as to whether Lessor requires Lessee to provide the services contemplated by this Clause 12.8.
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. FBO shall develop, own, and/or lease facilities for the purpose of Subleasing Aircraft storage facilities. Aircraft storage facility requirements are stipulated in Section 3.3.
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. Airline shall pay to the Board, within ten (10) days of receipt of invoice, charges for storage of its aircraft on designated storage aprons, as set forth on EXHIBIT A, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. Due to limited aircraft storage space, the following policy is in place: During active/ongoing maintenance customer aircraft will be kept inside storage facilities. Should a customer stop communication “go-dark”, the company reserves the right to place customer’s aircraft outdoors on secured tie-down. Upon completion of
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. Due to limited aircraft storage space, the following policy is in place: During active/ongoing maintenance customer aircraft will be kept inside storage facilities. Should Customer stop communication or "go-dark," Xxxxxxxx Aviation reserves the right to place Customer's aircraft outdoors on secured tie-down. Upon completion of aircraft work, Customer shall have a grace period of three (3) days for aircraft Redelivery, and any time after that will be subjected to local ramp or hangar fees. Xxxxxxxx Aviation will not be responsible for Customer’s aircraft once the grace period is expired. Aircraft storage fees will to aircraft not in work or awaiting Customer approvals beyond three (3) days. Xxxxxxxx Aviation may store Customer's aircraft in a hangar if hangar space is available and confirmation of such arrangements have been confirmed in writing (including via electronic mail) between Customer and Customer's project coordinator or manager overseeing Customer's project at Xxxxxxxx. Kansas weather events can be sudden, severe, and cause considerable damage to aircraft. Xxxxxxxx Aviation staff will not make decisions on behalf of Customer regarding a choice of storage and will not be responsible for aircraft damage caused by wind, hail, tornado, or other Acts of God. The choice of storage is solely the decision of Customer or Customer's authorized representative.
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. During the period of thirty (30) days after the Expiration Date, Lessor shall have the right to (a) require Lessee to maintain, store and insure the Aircraft at Lessee's principal maintenance facility or such other location as may be mutually agreed by Lessor and Lessee, at Lessor's sole cost and expense as provided below; and (b) require Lessee to ferry the Aircraft to Lessor's principal place of business or its principal maintenance facility within the continental United States, at Lessee's sole cost and expense. Any maintenance or insurance cost actually incurred or paid by Lessee to any third party vendor in connection with the foregoing shall be payable by Lessor at Lessee's direct cost without "mark-xx". No later than thirty (30) days prior to the Expiration Date, Lessor shall advise Lessee as to whether Lessor requires Lessee to provide the services contemplated by this Section 12.8.
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. Upon completion of work, Customer shall have a grace period of three (3) days for aircraft Redelivery, and any time after that will be subjected to local ramp or hangar fees. Jet East will not be responsible for Customer’s aircraft once the grace period is expired. Aircraft storage fees will also apply to aircraft not in work or awaiting Customer approvals beyond three (3) days.
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. 50 Except as otherwise provided in any agreement between the FBO or business and the County, 51 an FBO or business providing aircraft storage, inside and/or outside shall:
1 a. For purposes of inside storage, lease from the County an area of Airport land 2 sufficient in size for the construction of a storage building with proper access 3 ramps and other accessories designed to store as many aircraft as the FBO or 4 business reasonably expects to accommodate and shall construct the 5 building, ramps and accessories in locations stipulated in the approved 6 Airport Layout Drawing at the operator’s sole cost and expense, according to 7 plans and specifications previously submitted and approved and according to 8 all applicable laws and regulations. If no office is maintained on the Airport, 9 the operator shall post in conspicuous places on the building the name, 10 address and telephone number of the Person who is in charge of such 11 business.
12 b. For purposes of outside storage, lease from the County an area of Airport 13 land sufficient in size for the construction of an aircraft parking apron with 14 tie-downs and other accessories designed to store as many aircraft as the 15 FBO or business reasonably expects to accommodate and shall construct the 16 apron and accessories in locations stipulated in the approved Airport Layout 17 Drawing at the operator’s sole cost and expense, according to plans and 18 specifications previously submitted and approved and according to all 19 applicable laws and regulations. If no office is maintained on the Airport, the 20 operator shall post in conspicuous places on the building the name, address 21 and telephone number of the Person who is in charge of such business. 23 8. Specialized Commercial Flying Services and Specialized Aviation Service Operations.
25 a. A specialized commercial flying service is a Person engaged in air 26 transportation for hire for the purpose of providing the use of aircraft for the 27 aeronautical activities listed below: 30 (2) Banner towing and aerial advertising; 33 (5) Fish spotting and bird chasing; 34 (6) Power line, underground cable, or pipe line patrol; 35 (7) Crop dusting, seeding, spraying, and other aerial application 36 of agricultural chemicals; or
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. Aircraft shall be stored or parked in spaces designated for that purpose by the Airport Manager.
AIRCRAFT STORAGE. Aircraft storage facilities in the hangar buildings and tie down area leased or owned by County.