Affected Tenant definition

Affected Tenant means a Tenant who has, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, or declaration of the County Public Health Officer, or other local, State or Federal Authority, suffered a substantial loss in income through their employment as a result of any of the following: (1) job loss; (2) a reduction of compensated hours of work; (3) employer’s business closure; (4) missing work due to a minor child’s school closure; or
Affected Tenant means a tenant household residing in an assisted housing development, as defined in paragraph (3), at the time notice is required to be provided pursuant to this section, that benefits from the government assistance.
Affected Tenant means a Commercial Tenant who is unable to pay their Rent due to circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including loss of income due to a COVID-19 related workplace closure, child care expenditures due to school closures, health care expenses related to being ill with COVID-19, expenses or loss of income due to caring for a member of the tenant’s household who is ill with COVID-19, or reasonable expenditures that stem from government- ordered emergency measures.

Examples of Affected Tenant in a sentence

  • Each Landlord that seeks to terminate a tenancy of an Affected Tenant must comply with this Ordinance.

  • The Affected Tenant, after written notice to cease, continues to be so disorderly or to cause such a nuisance as to destroy the peace, quiet, comfort, or safety of the Landlord or other Tenants of the structure or rental complex containing the Rental Unit.

  • Non-compliance with any applicable provision of this Ordinance shall constitute an affirmative defense for an Affected Tenant against any unlawful detainer action under California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161, as amended.

  • Non-compliance with any applicable component of this Urgency Ordinance shall constitute an affirmative defense for an Affected Tenant against any unlawful detainer action under California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161, as amended.

  • Each Landlord that seeks to terminate a tenancy of an Affected Tenant must comply with this Urgency Ordinance.

More Definitions of Affected Tenant

Affected Tenant means a Tenant who satisfies one or more of the criteria in paragraph A of Section 7, of this Urgency Ordinance below.
Affected Tenant means a Tenant or a Tenant’s Family member, who has, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, suffered a substantial loss in income due to: (1) job loss; (2) reduction in hours worked; (3) business closure; (4) school or daycare closure causing missed work to care for a minor child; (5) missed work to care for illness of self or a family member; or (6) other similar causes of lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Affected Tenant means a Tenant or Tenant Household, Mobilehome Resident, or Mobilehome Owner, whose is over the age of 65, has a compromised immune system, heart disease, diabetes, or other serious and chronic medical condition that affects the respiratory system, or has, as a result of COVID-19 pandemic, or declaration of the County Public Health Officer, or other local, State or Federal Authority, suffered a substantial loss in income through their employment as a result of any of the following: 1) job loss; 2) a reduction of compensated hours of work; 3) employer’s business closure; 4) missing work due to a minor child’s school closure; or 5) other similarly-caused reason resulting in a loss of income due to COVID-19 and who is unable to pay rent as a result thereof and has provided their Landlord with documentation or other objectively verifiable proof of the same.
Affected Tenant means a tenant household residing in an
Affected Tenant means a business located within a required public notice area which conducts business or maintains open hours during the time period in which a noise variance is sought. For example, businesses closed during the night are not affected tenants when a nighttime noise variance is sought. “Affected tenants” refers to business tenants only and not residential tenants.
Affected Tenant means a tenant household residing in an assisted housing development, as defined, at the time notice is required to be provided pursuant to the PNL, that benefits from the government assistance;
Affected Tenant means anyTenant: Any tenant whose health, safety and welfare is or reasonably may be impaired by a violation of this title. For purposes of filing a Commission complaint, an “affected tenant” includes a bona fide prospective tenant and a former tenant.