Examples of Alternative Payment in a sentence
If the Company is required to withhold on account of any federal, state or local tax imposed as a result of an exercise of this Option with previously issued stock or by retention of some optioned shares under this Section entitled "Alternative Payment with Stock," the stock surrendered or retained shall include an additional number of shares whose Fair Market Value equals the amount thus required to be withheld.
Payments based on traditional fee-for-service methodologies shall not be considered Alternative Payment Methodologies.
The objective of PRIME is to accelerate participating entities’ efforts (as applicable), to change care delivery, to maximize health care value and to strengthen their ability to successfully perform under risk-based Alternative Payment Methodologies (APMs).
The Contractor is required to develop and implement subcontracts with providers including Alternative Payment Methodologies as set forth in Transitioning to Alternative Payment Methodologies: Requirements for Medicaid Managed Care Partners.
The Contractor is required to enter into contracts with EOHHS certified AEs as set forth in Section 2.01.01 (Alternative Payment Methodologies (APMs), Health System Transformation Project (HSTP), and Accountable Entities (AEs) and in Section 2.08.02 (“Contacting with EOHHS Certified Accountable Entities.