Examples of Care transition in a sentence
Figure G provides a summary of TxDOT’s various methods of finance and which types of projects are constitutionally and statutorily available to receive these funding sources.
Care transition service models identify individual needs and preferences, develop and activate comprehensive service plans, empower people to take an active role in their health care, and connect them to available resources.
Care transition experiences of older veterans and their caregivers.
Otherwise, the pharmacy will call the CVS/Caremark Pharmacy Help Desk in order to obtain an override to submit a Level of Care transition fill request.
Care transition will address critical components of effective care at home prior to the patient’s discharge, including assistance with obtaining medicines, scheduled follow-up appointments, and at-home checks as needed.The Multi-Payer work group recommended integrating complex cases into the new payment models through a value-based payment structure where payers will negotiate expanded PMPM payments to practices for the coordination of complex cases.
The Mid-Willamette Homeless Initiative provides a solid foundation for the Continuum of Care transition.
As at 30 September 2023, included in other receivables is advance to an independent third party amounted to HK$7,988,000 (31 March 2023: nil) and is denominated in Hong Kong dollars, unsecured, interest bearing at 10% per annum and is repayable based on scheduled repayment dates agreed with the independent third party.
Care transition was defined as an acute hospitalization followed by discharge to post-acute care at home or to a nursing facility for stabilization and/or recovery.
This section summarizes prior findings for six additional topics:1) Lifestyle programs designed to prevent type 2 diabetes;2) Behavioral interventions to reduce obesity;3) Care transition to prevent hospital readmissions;4) Patient-centered medical homes;5) Programs to reduce avoidable emergency department (ED) visits; and6) Smoking cessation programs in pregnancy.
Omembers of TATRC’s Mobilen 1 November, four key teamsoldier’s self-assessments and supportHealth Innovation Center (mHIC)the creation and achievement of soliderexcited to see lessons learned from theresearch, migrating to real world usespent the afternoon at the Warrior Care transition goals.