Client Office definition
Examples of Client Office in a sentence
Letter Request / Routing Slip (1 copy only)Requesting Client/ Office/ OrganizationCLIENT STEPSAGENCY ACTIONSFEES TO BE PAIDPROCESSING TIMEPERSON RESPONSIBLE 1.
The Committee was met by Mr Avi Singh, General Manager: Peaking; Ms Pamela Mrubata, Plant Manager; Mr Reggie Chippie, Client Office Manager; and Mr Chris Barnard, Operation and Maintenance Manager.
Client: Office of the Public Service Commission – Republic of South Africa (Contract: OPSC 002/12 – 7 March 2013).
The Union shall be entitled to have a shop xxxxxxx and alternate shop xxxxxxx in the following four (4) work locations: • Victoria Client Offices • Payment Services (Victoria) • Lower Mainland Client Office (Burnaby) • Northern and Interior Client Office (Kamloops) In the event that new offices are opened which are not part of an existing facility, each office will be entitled to its own shop xxxxxxx and alternate shop xxxxxxx.
Client: Office of the Solicitor, U.S. Department of Labor, representing plaintiffs.
Members of the GCC comprises of Divisional/Business Heads of Client Office, Trading, Retail, and support function (including risk).Asset Liability CommitteeIndia Asset Liability Committee (ALCo) is responsible for ensuring that all Balance Sheet related regulatory requirements outlined in ALCo Terms of reference as within its scope, are met on a continual basis.
Client: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions NSSF Building, Block ‘A’ 19th Floor P.
Victoria Client Offices Payment Services Northern and Interior Client Office Lower Mainland Client Office Victoria Victoria Kamloops The parties agree job sharing arrangements will be entered into on a case by case basis where the terms and conditions are mutually acceptable to the Employer and the individuals wishing to job share.
However, since 9/11, a critical spotlight has been shone upon schools that promote more conservative forms of Islam, and the British government has been forced once again to grapple with enforcing certain standards for religious education in schools.
A subscription of notifications received in the form of SMS messages, e-mails or on mobile devices relating to the Trading Account, which can be activated by the Client independently in the Client Office or automatically by the Company, constitutes only an additional service in relation to the brokerage services provided to the Client.