Examples of Competitive Market Area in a sentence
If i achieves utility(Tu)i by consuming some objects owned by j, then no other pairwise trade offer i the same utility (Tu)i.
Very few Culver City residents both live and work in the city, exacerbating traffic and reducing the quality of life.• Culver City is less racially and socioeconomically diverse than Los Angeles County (LA Countyor the County) and the Competitive Market Area (CMA).
Competitive Market Area of FresnoShows the Competitive Market Area (CMA) of Fresno, generally encompassing the City of Clovis, and stretching slightly into Madera.Source: MetroStudy Report Project ResultsKey Results: ZNE in the California Homebuyer MarketCalifornia homebuyer market survey results revealed awareness of ZNE is low and most people do not have an accurate understanding of what ZNE is.
The Competitive Market Area (CMA) is that area within the Newtown region that we have determined best constitutes area of potential competition for the Subject Property for commercial-industrial investment in real estate and space.
The market study identified the Development’s Competitive Market Area (“CMA”) for the purpose of determining a like-kind inventory of competitive units.