Controlled Data definition
Examples of Controlled Data in a sentence
If Supplier has access to GE Restricted Data, Sensitive Personal Information, Controlled Data or a GE Information System as defined in the GE Privacy and Data Protection Appendix; Supplier agrees to apply such additional safeguards and to grant Buyer such additional rights as are set out in the GE Privacy and Data Protection Appendix relating to such data.
When it is technically not feasible to use the entire WARNING statement, an abbreviated marking may be used, and a copy of the full statement added to the "Notice To Accompany Release of Export Controlled Data" required by DoD Directive 5230.25.
If Supplier has access to GE Restricted Data, Sensitive Personal Information, Controlled Data or a GE Information System as defined in the GE Privacy and Data Protection Appendix, Supplier agrees to apply such additional safeguards and to grant Buyer such additional rights as are set out in the GE Privacy and Data Protection Appendix relating to such data.
All technical documents prepared under this contract shall be marked with the following distribution statement, warning, and destruction notice: When it is technically not feasible to use the entire WARNING statement, an abbreviated marking may be used, and a copy of the full statement added to the "Notice To Accompany Release of Export Controlled Data" required by DoD Directive 5230.25.
Unless provided for in a separate agreement, the parties shall not disclose or exchange any Controlled Data.