Credibility definition

Credibility means whether a witness is worthy of belief. You may believe everything a witness
Credibility means the state of being believable or trustworthy.
Credibility of a witness means the credibility of any part or all of the evidence of a witness and includes the witness’s ability to observe or remember facts and events about which the witness has given, is giving or is to give evidence.

Examples of Credibility in a sentence

  • Credibility determinations may not be based on a person’s status as a complainant, respondent, or witness.

  • Credibility determinations will not be based on a person’s status as a Complainant, Respondent, or witness.

  • Credibility determinations may not be based solely on an individual’s status or participation as a Complainant, Respondent, or witness.

  • Credibility determinations will not be based on a person’s status as a complainant, respondent, or witness.

  • Credibility determinations may not be based on a person’s status as a Complainant, Respondent, or witness.

More Definitions of Credibility

Credibility. (Section 225): means the state of being believable or trustworthy.
Credibility means possibility of service provider obligations and if he\she is trustworthy
Credibility means the state of being believable or trustworthy. “Reliability” means the state of being accurate in providing facts: A reliableperson provides factual information and can be expected to report the same facts on different occasions; a reliable witness is typically expected to be available if needed to consult with attorneys, treatment team members, or to testify in court.The DMHP exercises reasonable professional judgment regarding which witnesses to contact before deciding if a person should be detained. This may include whether the witness's story is consistent, plausible, free from bias or personal interest and able to be corroborated by other individuals or physical evidence; andA DMHP informs witnesses that they may be required to testify in court under oath and may be cross-examined by an attorney. 230–Consideration of less restrictive alternatives to involuntary detention.When considering whether to utilize less restrictive alternatives to involuntary detention, the DMHP assesses whether the client, in good faith, will accept those services and whether sufficient environmental controls and supports are in place that reasonably ensure safety of the client and community. In the case of a minor, the DMHP also considers the individual's developmental age in relationship to his or her chronological age.
Credibility means a measure of the predictive value in a given application that the appointed actuary attaches to a particular body of data (predictive is used here in the statistical sense and not in the sense of predicting the future).
Credibility means a measure of the degree of statistical significance that can be assigned to the claims experience of a Catamount Health plan when it is used as a basis for projecting a future rate.
Credibility means “The quality that makes something (as a witness or some evidence) worthy of belief.” Black’s Law Dictionary, (Seventh Ed., p. 374). A properly dispassionate clear and convincing evidentiary review does not support a determination that Serafin’s credibility surpasses Jarman on whether he caused injury to her knee because he purposely kicked her. Serafin was an angry attacker; she went down to the floor when Jarman had to defend his person and property by checking her shoulder when she was attempting to wield a martial arts sword against him and hurled at dangerously close range a metal figurine at his face. And as a seasoned champion martial artist she possessed significant skills and muscle memory to easily deflect a side-thrust kick, if there really had been one, which was not even a type of move Jarman’s preferred style of marital arts uses, showing her version is unbelievable and nonsensical. Furthermore, she admitted at the hearing she did not even see the kick (Tr 69; SR 84). And there is even more which greatly brings into question her claims.