Current Procedural Terminology definition

Current Procedural Terminology or “CPT”® means the Current Procedural Terminology codes and terminology most recently published by the American Medical Association unless otherwise specified in these rules.
Current Procedural Terminology as published in the AMA’s CPT Process Manual, Fourth Edition and any such future editions, for procedures used in performance of the Assay, and amounts reimbursed by Medicare for such procedures for location 99, as modified annually.
Current Procedural Terminology or "CPT" means the comprehensive listing of medical terms and codes published by the American medical association for the uniform designation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in surgery, medicine and the specialties.

Examples of Current Procedural Terminology in a sentence

  • Laboratory Procedures are only those procedures identified in Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) as codes 80000 - 89999 inclusive.

  • Diagnostic X-rays are only those procedures identified in Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) as codes 70000 - 79999 inclusive.

  • Topic #643 Unlisted Procedure CodesAccording to the HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) codebook, if a service is provided that is not accurately described by other HCPCS CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) procedure codes, the service should be reported using an unlisted procedure code.

  • Providers are required to follow CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) and HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) coding guidelines for reporting application procedure codes and product codes when submitting claims to ForwardHealth.

  • We use the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) (which includes certain Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes) to identify and group the services within each APC.

More Definitions of Current Procedural Terminology

Current Procedural Terminology or “CPT” means a set of codes developed by the American Medical Association that DDDS staff shall use in identifying services to be provided to DDDS claimants, and reimbursement for services provided by professional providers.
Current Procedural Terminology. (“CPT®”) coding, various aspects of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, Ninth Revision (ICD-9-CM), and the Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedure Coding System (HCPC™S), and thereby gain an in-depth knowledge of the application of surgical and medical terminology to the process whereby health care providers can report procedures and services to third-party payers for payment (collectively “coding”).
Current Procedural Terminology. (CPT) means the manual published by the American Medical Association that provides a systematic listing and coding of procedures and services performed by physicians and simplifies the reporting of services, which is adopted and incorporated by reference. Some limitations are addressed in R414-26.
Current Procedural Terminology or “CPT” means a set of codes developed by the American Medical Association that DDDS staff shall use in identifying services to be provided to DDDS clients, and reimbursement for services provided by professional providers.
Current Procedural Terminology. (CPT) means a listing of descriptive terms and identifying codes for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians, which terms and codes are published by the American Medical Association;
Current Procedural Terminology. CPT®”); • CPT® Assistant; • Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (“HCPCS”); • ICD-10 CM and PCS; • National Drug Codes (“NDC”); • Diagnosis Related Group (“DRG”) guidelines; • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”); • National Correct Coding Initiative (“NCCI”) Policy Manual; • CCI table edits; and • other CMS guidelines. Coverage for Covered Services is subject to the code edit protocols for services/procedures billed and claim submissions are subject to applicable claim review which may include, but is not limited to, review of any terms of benefit coverage, Provider contract language, medical and medical management policies, utilization or clinical review or utilization management policies, clinical payment and coding policies as well as coding software logic, including but not limited to lab management or other coding logic or edits. Any line on the claim that is not correctly coded and is not supported with accurate documentation (where applicable) may not be included in the covered charge and will not be eligible for payment by the Plan. The clinical payment and coding policies apply for purposes of coverage regardless of whether the Provider rendering the item or service or submitting the claim is an In-Network or Out-of-Network Provider. The most up-to-date medical policies and clinical procedure and coding policies are available at [] or by contacting Customer Service at the toll-free number on the back of Your identification card.
Current Procedural Terminology or "CPT" means the Current Procedural Terminology, fourth edition, 1985, published by the American Medical Association.