Examples of Current support in a sentence
Current support desk service level targets and priority standards are set forth below.
QuestionRequirementResponseQuestionRequirementResponseQuestionRequirementResponseQuestionRequirementResponseQuestionRequirementResponseAppendix XSolution Detailed Requirements This section describes the solution requirements.
Option 41: Current support for <<oldest child’s name 1>> is scheduled to end on <<child’s estimated emancipation date – 1 day>>, or date of high school graduation according to the conditions above, at which time the Respondent shall pay: $<<1st step down support amount>> per month current support.
Current support arrangements –You do not need to use any special wording.
The child support recovery unit may modify a previously issued income withholding order or notice according to the guidelines established under rule 441—98.24(252D) if it is determined that:98.45(1) Current support obligation changed.