Examples of Customer Meters in a sentence
If requested by System Owner, Customer shall provide System Owner with copies of all Utility bills and invoices received by the Customer from the Utility with respect to the Customer Meters and the allocation of any net Metering Credits thereto.
System Owner and Customer acknowledge that adjustments to the Allocation Instructions may become necessary or desirable from time to time on account of changes in rate schedules and electricity usage as between the Customer Meters.
On or before the Service Commencement Date, System Owner shall instruct the Utility to allocate credit for the Output of the System to the Customer Meters in accordance with the allocation instructions attached hereto as Exhibit “C” (the “Allocation Instructions”).
Customer shall cooperate with System Owner to obtain monthly reports from the Utility explaining how the System’s electric output and Net Metering Credits were allocated among the Customer Meters, how such Net Metering Credits were valued by the Utility, and if there are excess Net Metering Credits available for use in future months.
COMMENTThe System Owner may need to review the monthly invoices and statements of the Customer from time to time to verify the amount of the Net Metering Credits allocated to the Customer Meters.
No Party shall make any environmental claims regarding the System or the Output allocated to the Customer Meters without the permission of the REC Owner.COMMENTThe electricity and corresponding net metering credits generated by solar power facilities, on the one hand, and the environmental attributes of solar power, on the other hand, are distinct commodities that may be sold separately.
All Renewable Energy Credits generated or otherwise attributable to the Output allocated to the Customer Meters shall be the property of the Party selected below as the owner of the Renewable Energy Credits (the “REC Owner”): (check one only)X Utility (Green Mountain Power Corp.) System Owner Section 10.
This Agreement creates an obligation by the Customer to pay System Owner for the Services, including the benefits of Net Metering Credits attributable to electricity generated by the System and allocated to the Customer Meters in accordance with the Allocation Instructions.
The Developer shall provide ESCo with any updated information listed in 3.1.2 above in respect of the Customer Meters and CIUs accepted by ESCo if such information is updated, or if new information is available, before the date ESCo commences the ESCo Services.
Continued from front page solar roofs, lowered maintenance bills because of installation of turf alternatives, or lowered water bi l l s be c ause of conservation measures, schools are finding that going green savesgreen.