Examples of Dates Requested in a sentence
Name of employee: Employee Number: Please indicate the Special Leave you are requesting:Please Tick As Appropriate:Bereavement Leave Unpaid Leave Compassionate Leave Religious/ Cultural Observance Emergency Domestic Leave Public Duties Emergency Carers/Dependant/Parental Leave Jury Service Personal Healthcare Volunteer Reserved forces Interviews Severe Weather Reason for Request: Dates Requested: I confirm that the above information is a true and accurate record.
Organization Name: Applicant/Permit Holder: Address: Phone Number: Email address: Date(s) Requested: Function Description: Function Start Time: Function End Time: Persons Attending: (Event Catering: Yes No If yes, a certificate of caterer insurance will be required.
Name: School: Date(s) Requested: Reason for Request: Teacher’s Signature Date Approved Superintendent’s signature Community Consolidated School District 15 000 X.
Name: School: Date(s) Requested: Reason for Request: Teacher’s Signature Date Approved Superintendent’s signature All CCSD15 employees are expected to report to work as scheduled.
Group/ Organization School Location Day(s) Date(s) Requested (attach separate sheet for multiple dates) Time Rental Fee (for office use only) Building Principal Approval (for office use only) __ Gym __ APR __Library __ Room # (Principal assigns) Fees Group A-1:Uses and groups directly related to the school and the operations of the school, including pupil and teacher groups.
Scattering: Shall mean the act of spreading of cremated remains over a designated area within a cemetery with the knowledge and permission of the cemetery operator and in keeping with the cemetery’s by‐laws.
Date Received: By: POJOAQUE VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICTREQUEST FOR LEAVE FORM (12 Month Employees) Name: Work Site: Date(s) Requested: Total Time Requested: From: To: Annual Leave: Comp.
Renter/s: Date/s Requested for: Start Time: Finish Time: Purpose of Event: Name of Caterer: N/A Special Occasion Permit Required: Yes / No (circle one) Estimated Number of Guests: I have read this Agreement and hereby covenant and agree to all the general terms and specific conditions set out and, in particular, hereby covenant and agree that I am personally responsible and obligated to pay all charges due Township of Cramahe in accordance with the conditions in Schedule A.
Facility Rental Request & Agreement Full Name: Organization: Primary Phone: Secondary Phone: Email address: Billing Address: City: State: Zip Reason for Event: Event Date(s) Requested: Number of Attendees: Time(s) Requested (Include Start of Setup to End of Cleanup): Start End The Covenant Church of Harrisburg is first and foremost an ordained Church.
APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED LESS THAN TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR REVIEW BY THE SELECTBOARD.* Permit Info Permit For 1 Day Beer and Wine Check This Box to Request Multiple Dates Number of Dates Requested 10 Check this box to acknowledge that individual applicants can be approved for up to 30 permits per year.