Description of Activity Sample Clauses

Description of Activity. The Activity consists of You, to Our satisfaction:
Description of Activity. Kitchen Use? Yes No Approximate # of people to attend
Description of Activity. The Activity consists of You, to Our satisfaction, using the Funding for professional development activities for Eligible Staff at Your service in accordance with clauses 8.9, 8.9A and 8.9B.
Description of Activity. The Participant will register at University of Delaware (“University”) and participate in the University of Delaware Model United Nations Conference (“Conference”). The Participant will attend committee sessions and other events held on the campus of University of Delaware. I, the Participant (or Parent/Guardian if the Participant is a Minor), do certify that I am fully competent to sign this Agreement. I give my permission for the Participant to participate in the above-referenced Conference. I acknowledge that working in this setting may expose the Participant to hazards or risks that may result in the Participant’s illness or personal injury, and I understand and appreciate the nature of such hazards and risks. I recognize that the Participant must abide by all regulations established by the University of Delaware Model United Nations Conference as well as all applicable laws and regulations and University policies and procedures, and I understand that the Participant’s failure to do so may result in the Participant’s dismissal from the Conference, requiring me to make arrangements for, and to pay all of the costs relating to, the Participant’s departure. In consideration of the Participant being permitted to participate in the Conference, and recognizing that the Participant is not enrolled at the University nor paying any tuition or fees, I hereby accept all risk to Participant’s health and all risk of his/her injury that may result from such participation, and I hereby release the University of Delaware, including the governing boards, trustees, officers, employees, and representatives from any and all liability to Participant, Participant’s personal representatives, estate, heirs, next of kin, and assigns for any and all claims and causes of action for loss of or damage, to Participant’s property and for any and all illness or injury to Participant’s person that may result from or occur during Participant’s participation in the Conference, whether caused by negligence of University of Delaware, their governing boards, trustees officers, employees, or representatives, or otherwise. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless University of Delaware and the governing boards, trustees, officers, employees, and representatives from liability for the injury for any person(s) and damage to property that my result from Participant’s negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in the Conference.
Description of Activity. The STRIVE project, funded by USAID's Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) and managed by FHI 360, uses market-led economic strengthen- ing initiatives to improve the well-being of vulnera- ble children. Through STRIVE, ACDI/VOCA is implementing the Agriculture for Children’s Em- powerment (ACE) Project in Liberia, which is founded on the premise that increased household economic security will stimulate more consistent investments in children’s wellbeing via longer term social investments in education and nutrition. ACE’s primary focus is on the horticulture value chain (VC) — the production and marketing of vegetables by smallholder farmers in Montserrado, Bong, and Nimba counties of Liberia. ACE also strengthens smallholder rice farming to increase household food security using a market-sensitive approach to rice seed lending and cultivation. Throughout the pro- ject, XXX has adapted to a challenging environment to meet the needs of smallholders to enhance their livelihoods.
Description of Activity. Nonprofit organizations are asked to provide interesting and entertaining activities; fun giveaways, skill contests, games, etc. are encouraged. These types of activities tend to attract more people to the booth. Soliciting donations, distributing literature, selling food products, bottled water and/or raffle tickets are not allowed. Photos (electronic photos preferred) of your booth and/or activities are optional but appreciated. The Rotary reserves the right to use your photos on the Summertime by Xxxxxx website or elsewhere.
Description of Activity. ❑ Activity open to the publicEntrance fee charged ❑ Concert ❑ Dance/Theatre ❑ Dining ❑ Filming ❑ Lecture/Speaker ❑ Meeting ❑ Web Shoot ❑ Performance ❑ Other ❑ Photo ShootSports Event ❑ Training/Workshop Request is hereby made for use of the following facility: ❑ Athletic Venue: (specify)_ HPED Xxxx Approval: ❑ Classroom/Lecture Room ❑ Performing Arts Theater ❑ Student CenterSpecial Request/Other: ❑ Conference RoomLocker Room ❑ Teleconference Room ❑ Utility Field Date of Event Expected Attendance Access Time Event Start Time Vacate Time ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM ❑ AM ❑ PM Responsible party entering into agreement: I have read and understand the rules, regulations and policies of the Cerritos Community College District and assume responsibility for adherence. Organization/Applicant shall be responsible for any damage sustained on District premises, furniture, or equipment due to the occupancy of said premises. Organization/Applicant agrees to hold the Cerritos Community College District, its governing board the individual members thereof, and all district officers, agents, volunteers, and employees free and harmless from any loss, liability, cost or expense that may arise during, or be caused in any way by, such use of occupancy of District premises. Cancellations require 72-hour notification period. All expenses incurred by the Cerritos Community College District prior to cancelation are non-refundable. $1,000,000.00 minimum liability insurance required. The certificate must identify Cerritos Community College District as additional insured and be accompanied by an endorsement. District may require increased minimum liability amounts if event or activity warrants additional coverage. Organization/Applicant shall maintain workers compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer’s Liability Insurance.
Description of Activity. We wish to deliver a range of Multi-Sport taster days to young people during the school holidays, based at Boston Grammar School for both boys and girls aged 5 – 14 years. Each day will last for 5 hours between 10:00am – 3:00pm. The taster days will be delivered as an introduction to a range of sports and activities. We wish to use the Boston United brand to engage with young people to encourage them to participate and try a whole range of sports. Participants can enjoy being in a fun and safe environment whatever their ability and will be able to access a variety of sports delivered by experienced qualified sports coaches which can include:
Description of Activity. The Warwick Head to Health Satellite service will deliver the following core elements:
Description of Activity. 4886-1539-2545, v. 2 C. Address: Telephone Numbers: E-Mail Address: