Examples of Design and Quality Standards in a sentence
Works necessary for the scheme to comply with Design and Quality Standards must not exceed £1,500.
Works necessary for the project to comply with Design and Quality Standards must not exceed £1,500.
The affordable housing should meet the Homes and Communities Agency Design and Quality Standards 2007, or meet any subsequent standard which may supersede at the date of approval of the full application or reserved matters application.The affordable housing scheme must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Housing Enabling Lead at Taunton Deane Borough Council.
Build all of the affordable housing schemes to meet or exceed the Housing Corporation’s Design and Quality Standards (2007) or any subsequent standard specified by either the Homes and Communities Agency or the Council.
Any application for reserved matters, or any phase thereof, shall be accompanied by a comprehensive design statement which demonstrates how the development responds to the guidance set out in paragraph 35 of PPS1 and other good practice guides referred to at paragraph 37 of that document and the Housing Corporation Design and Quality Standards 2007.