Supplementary Planning Guidance Sample Clauses
Supplementary Planning Guidance.
1.8.1 The current Plan is supported by a series of Supplementary Planning Guidance that are listed below Supplementary Planning Guidance – Open Spaces in New Housing Developments (March 2019) Supplementary Planning Guidance – Local Market Housing (March 2019) Supplementary Planning Guidance - Affordable Housing (April 2019) Supplementary Planning Guidance – Replacement dwellings and conversions in the countryside (September 2019) Supplementary Planning Guidance - Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Guidance - Maintaining and Creating Distinctive and Sustainable Communities Supplementary Planning Guidance - Change of use of community facilities and services, employment sites and retail units Supplementary Planning Guidance- Tourism Accommodation and Facilities Supplementary Planning Guidance – Slate Landscapes of North West Wales
1.8.2 The purpose of the SPG is • Assist applicants and their agents in preparing planning applications and in guiding them in discussions with officers before submitting planning applications, • assist officers to assess planning applications, and officers and councillors to make decisions about planning applications, and • help Planning Inspectors to make decisions on appeals. The general aim is to improve the quality of new developments and facilitate a consistent and transparent way of making decisions.
1.8.3 As part of preparing the LDP, the current guidance will need to be reviewed to ensure that they are still valid and support the policies being prepared as part of the LDP. Consideration will also need to be given to the need to prepare any new SPG to support LDP policies. If new SPG will need to be prepared, this will be noted as the process of preparing the Plan proceeds. Any new SPG will be the subject of a consultation with relevant stakeholders.
Supplementary Planning Guidance. The development should also be considered against the following Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG): • Affordable Housing • Amenity Standards • Design in the Landscape • Planning Obligations • Public Art • Sustainable Development- A Developer’s Guide • Trees and Development • Golf Related Development • Conversion of Rural Buildings • South Wales Parking Guidelines 1993 (as amended 2001)
Supplementary Planning Guidance. Guidance on policy issues in a form that is more detailed than what would be appropriate to include in a development plan. SPG must relate to development plan policies, and are a relevant consideration in determining planning applications.
Supplementary Planning Guidance. 18 Monitoring and Review of the Delivery Agreement........................................................................................................................ 19 Monitoring and review of the LP.................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Contacts..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Glossary.................................................................................................................................................................................................... APPENDIX 1: Risk Assessment........................................................................................................................................................ APPENDIX 2: Preparation of the Delivery Agreement................................................................................................... APPENDIX 3: Profile of the residents of Caerphilly County Borough..................................................................... APPENDIX 4: Partnership and Consensus Building........................................................................................................... APPENDIX 5: Community structures to support Community Planning................................................................. APPENDIX 6: Example of feedback form for all stages of LP Consultation...................................................... APPENDIX 7: Agreed Procedure for the Preparation of SPG.................................................................................... Delivery Agreement DA Local Planning Authority LPA Local Development Plan XX Xxxxx Assembly Government WAG Community Involvement Scheme CIS Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA Sustainability Appraisal SA Supplementary Planning Guidance SPG Unitary Development Plan UDP
Supplementary Planning Guidance. (SPG) is used to set out detailed thematic or site-specific guidance on the way in which the policies of an LDP are to be interpreted or applied in certain situations or areas. The use of SPG ensures that LDPs are prepared without the inclusion of excessive detail. SPG documents are not part of the LDP. However, subject to appropriate consultation being undertaken and to formal adoption by the Local Planning Authority, they may be a material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications. Further information on SPG is included later in this section.
Supplementary Planning Guidance. Provide supplementary information with regard to policies in a local development plan. SPG do not form part of the development plan and are not subject to independent examination but must be consistent with it and with national planning policy.
Supplementary Planning Guidance. For the first iteration of the LDP, several items of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) were prepared and adopted by the Council. Some of these evolved at the same time as the parent Plan, others were prepared following Plan adoption. Several have been updated recently.
Supplementary Planning Guidance. 3.6.1 SPG are non-statutory documents and may be prepared to expand upon policies or proposals contained in the RLDP. They can relate to specific topics or policies contained within the plan or they could also take the form of local level 'Place Plans'(16). The need to review existing SPG and prepare new SPG will be considered as part of the RLDP preparation process. The Pre-Deposit/ Preferred Strategy stage will be a key time at which any new SPG needed will be identified. Relevant stakeholders will be consulted during the production of SPG.
Supplementary Planning Guidance. 6.1 Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is non-statutory guidance which supplements LDP policies. Only the policies in the LDP have the special status afforded by S54a of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, in deciding planning applications. The Government advises that SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration. The weight given to it increases if the SPG is prepared in consultation with the public and has been the subject of a Council resolution.
6.2 The Council will also prepare Development Briefs for new major housing sites (50 dwellings or above) and employment sites (5 hectares and above) consisting. The purpose of a development brief is to inform developers and other interested parties of the constraints and opportunities presented by a site and the type of development expected or encouraged by local planning policies within this Deposit LDP.
Supplementary Planning Guidance. (sPG) Provides supplementary information in respect of the in a local development plan. They must be consistent with LDP policies and national planning policy. sustainability Appraisal (sA) A tool for appraising policies to ensure they reflect sustainable development objectives.