Developer Support System definition

Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C
Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C Servicio de Gestión de Cuentas Técnicas (“TAM”, por sus siglas en inglés) Extensión TAM Punto de Contacto: un asociado de Red Hat con quien usted está autorizado a ponerse en contacto para solicitar servicios de asistencia para un equipo, una geografía y una línea de productos de Red Hat en particular. 1.G Asistencia Ampliada de Actualizaciones Asistencia Ampliada de Ciclo de Vida de Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sistema: un sistema en el cual instala o ejecuta cualquier o todo el Software. Un Sistema incluye cada instancia del Software que se instala o ejecuta en, sin limitación, un servidor, una estación de trabajo, una computadora portátil, una máquina virtual, blade, nodo, partición, artefacto o motor, según sea pertinente. 1.G Asistencia Ampliada de Actualizaciones Asistencia Ampliada de Ciclo de Vida de Red Hat Enterprise Linux Nodo Físico: un sistema físico en el cual instala o ejecuta t todo o parte del Software, incluidos, sin limitación, un servidor, una estación de trabajo, una computadora portátil, una máquina virtual, blade u otro sistema físico, según sea pertinente: O Nodo Virtual: instancia del software que se ejecuta, total o parcialmente, en una máquina virtual. 1.G Asistencia Ampliada de Ciclo de Vida para Middleware de Red Hat JBoss Banda de Núcleos: un grupo de núcleo procesadores (16 o 64), donde un único “Núcleo” es (a) un núcleo de procesamiento físico situado en una CPU; o (b) un núcleo de procesamiento virtual dentro de una máquina virtual, en cualquier caso, que contiene o ejecuta el Software ejecutado con Fines de Producción. 1.G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation para Desarrolladores Asistencia para Desarrolladores Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sistema: un sistema en el cual instala o ejecuta cualquier o todo el Software. Un Sistema incluye cada instancia del Software que se instala o ejecuta en, sin limitación, un servidor, una estación de trabajo, una computadora portátil, una máquina virtual, blade, nodo, partición, artefacto o motor, según sea pertinente 1.G 1.G
Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C Technical Account Management (“TAM”) Service TAM Erweiterung KONTAKTPUNKT: ein(e) Red Hat Mitarbeiter(in), den (die) Sie bei Supportanfragen für ein bestimmtes Team, einen geografischen Bereich oder eine Produktlinie von Red Hat kontaktieren können. 1.G Extended Update Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support SYSTEM: ein SYSTEM, auf dem Sie die SOFTWARE teilweise oder insgesamt installieren oder einsetzen. Ein SYSTEM beinhaltet uneingeschränkt jede Instanz der SOFTWARE, die auf einem Server, einer Workstation, einem Laptop, einer virtuellen Maschine, Blade, Netzwerkelement, Partition, Gerät oder Maschine installiert oder eingesetzt wird. 1.G Extended Update Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support Physical node: ein physikalisches System, auf dem Sie die SOFTWARE teilweise oder insgesamt installieren oder ausführen. Dies beinhaltet uneingeschränkt Server, Workstationen, Laptops, Blades, oder sonstige physikalische Systeme, wie jeweils zutreffend. ODER Virtual Node: eine Instanz der Software, die ganz oder teilweise auf einer virtuellen Maschine ausgeführt wird. 1.G Red Hat JBoss Middleware Extended Life Cycle Support CORE-Band: eine Gruppe von Prozessorkernen (16 oder 64), bei denen ein einzelner „Core” (a) ein physikalischer Prozessorkern ist, der sich in einer CPU befindet, bzw. (b) ein virtueller Prozessorkern in einer virtuellen Maschine ist, und der in beiden Fällen die für die PRODUKTIONSZWECKE eingesetzte SOFTWARE enthält oder ausführt. 1.G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Workstation Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Support SYSTEM: ein SYSTEM, auf dem Sie die SOFTWARE teilweise oder insgesamt installieren oder einsetzen. Ein SYSTEM beinhaltet uneingeschränkt jede Instanz der SOFTWARE, die auf einem Server, einer Workstation, einem Laptop, einer virtuellen Maschine, Blade, Netzwerkelement, Partition, Gerät oder Maschine installiert oder eingesetzt wird. 1.C

Examples of Developer Support System in a sentence

  • These can be accessed through The Enterprise Foundation’s Developer Support System, at and modified for local use.

  • G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Support System: a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software.

More Definitions of Developer Support System

Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C Technical Account Management (“TAM”) Service TAM Extension Ponto de Contato: um funcionário da Red Hat com quem você está autorizado a entrar em contato para solicitar suporte para uma equipe, localização geográfica ou linha de produto Red Hat específicas. 1.G Suporte estendido para atualização Suporte de ciclo de vida estendido Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sistema: um sistema no qual você instala ou executa todo ou uma parte do Software. Um Sistema inclui cada instância do Software instalada ou executada, sem limitações, em um servidor, estação de trabalho, laptop, máquina virtual, blade, nó, partição, equipamento ou mecanismo, conforme aplicável. 1.G Extended Update Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support Nó Físico: um sistema físico no qual você instala ou executa a totalidade ou parte do Software inclusive, mas sem se limitar a, servidor, estação de trabalho, laptop, blade ou outro sistema físico, conforme o caso. OU Nó Virtual: uma instância do software que é executada, em todo ou em parte, em uma máquina virtual. 1.G Red Hat JBoss Middleware Extended Life Cycle Support Banda de Núcleos: um grupo de núcleos de processamento (16 ou 64), onde um único “Núcleo” é (a) um núcleo de processamento físico localizado em uma CPU ou (b) um núcleo de processamento virtual dentro de uma máquina virtual, em cada caso, que contenha ou execute o Software em execução para Fins de Produção. 1.G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Workstation Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Support Sistema: um sistema no qual você instala ou executa todo ou uma parte do Software. Um Sistema inclui cada instância do Software instalada ou executada, sem limitações, em um servidor, estação de trabalho, laptop, máquina virtual, blade, nó, partição, equipamento ou mecanismo, conforme aplicável. 1.C
Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, container, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C Service Technical Account Management (“TAM”) Extension TAM Point de Contact : collaborateur de Red Hat que vous êtes autorisé à contacter pour demander du support pour une équipe, une région ou une gamme de produits Red Hat donnée 1.G Support de mise à jour étendu Support de cycle de vie étendu pour Red Hat Enterprise Linux Système : système sur lequel vous installez ou exécutez tout ou partie du Logiciel, qui inclut chaque installation ou exécution du Logiciel sur, entre autres, un serveur, un poste de travail, un ordinateur portable, une machine virtuelle, un conteneur, un serveur lame, un réseau intermédiaire, une partition logique, un appareil ou un moteur, selon le cas 1.G Support de mise à jour étendu Support de cycle de vie étendu pour Red Hat Enterprise Linux Nœud Physique : système physique sur lequel vous installez ou exécutez tout ou partie du Logiciel, notamment, sans limitation, un serveur, un poste de travail, un ordinateur portable, un serveur lame ou un autre système physique, selon le cas OU Nœud Virtuel : instance du Logiciel exécutée, en totalité ou en partie, sur une machine virtuelle ou un conteneur 1.G Support étendu de cycle de vie pour Red Hat JBoss Bande de Noyaux : groupe de coeurs de traitement (16 ou 64), où un « Noyau » unique est (a) un coeur de traitement physique situé dans un processeur ou (b) un coeur de traitement virtuel à l'intérieur d'une machine virtuelle ou prenant en charge un conteneur qui, dans les deux cas, contient ou exécute le Logiciel s'exécutant à des Fins de Production 1.G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Workstation Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Support Système : système sur lequel vous installez ou exécutez tout ou partie du Logiciel, qui inclut chaque installation ou exécution du Logiciel sur, entre autres, un serveur, un poste de travail, un ordinateur portable, une machine virtuelle, un conteneur, un serveur lame, un réseau intermédiaire, une partition logique, un appareil ou un moteur, selon le cas 1.G
Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C G࣏—h GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s 1sÿh§%᫂ (G࣏—h GŸ5Çj?ÿ¬s§౑$ᩘ㔞Ç ;g@½Ø࡟౑$) ªªflÇグ㍕ g@fiᒓ@᭩ yÇsGk {Gfish €™y9sh (“TAM”)G—Ÿ5 TAMᣑfl ¢ၥ”ྜ$t]: ≉;§9—£90¼£½ªJÿfiࣁÿh〇Ⓒ࡟³”€§ G࣏—hÇせㄳg@ã࡟¢Ⓐfi‰ၥ”ྜ$tÇ⾜yšh‰½€@Jÿfiࣁ ÿh§fi⪅ 1.G Extended Update Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support ÿ5y£: ¢Ⓐfi‰$∫€hfi±{§A£½ª—Ç£s5h—k£½ ª$⾜g@ÿ5y£ࠋ 1 ³§ÿ5y£࡟ª.£s5h—k£½ª$⾜Çh @$∫€hfi±{§C§£s5Çs5‰p£h.‰fl࡟ª.G—‰. Y—Ç5y—ÿ¬s.žÿ?hÿ?.௬᝿€ÿs.ŸJ£fi.J—fi.¾ —yÇÿ¬s.{?ž£{s5.±sys‰Øfl£g‰.šh)࡟ ;Ç h@$fl½ªØfl£tLࠋ 1.G Extended Update Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support fl⌮J—fi:‰fl࡟ª.G—‰.Y—Ç5y—ÿ¬s.žÿ?hÿ?. ŸJ—fi£½ªk§fl⌮ÿ5y£Çpà‰šh࡟ไt¾”$∫€hfi± {§A£½ª—Ç£s5h—k£½ª$⾜g@fl⌮ÿ5y£ࠋ £½ª ௬᝿J—fi:௬᝿€ÿs1½Ç§—$tCªA‰$⾜Çh@.$∫€ hfi±{§£s5Çs5 1.G Red Hat JBoss Middleware Extended Life Cycle Support 1{‰sfi: ?Ak51{(16 £½ª 64)§ ྜfl½gࠋÇhÇh§’1 {]ª (a) CPU࡟‰ðä£h€”@fl⌮?Ak51{”.£½ª(b)௬᝿ €ÿsN࡟flflg@௬᝿?Ak51{½gࠋ”¾h§ྜ$.?AÇÇÿ ¬s$㏵§½Ø࡟✌ാg@$∫€hfi±{ÇpL½”@”.£½ª$⾜t £gࠋ 1.G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Workstation Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Support ÿ5y£: ¢Ⓐfi‰$∫€hfi±{§A£½ª—Ç£s5h—k£½ ª$⾜g@ÿ5y£ࠋ 1 ³§ÿ5y£࡟ª.£s5h—k£½ª$⾜Çh @$∫€hfi±{§C§£s5Çs5‰p£h.‰fl࡟ª.G—‰. Y—Ç5y—ÿ¬s.žÿ?hÿ?.௬᝿€ÿs.ŸJ£fi.J—fi.¾ —yÇÿ¬s.{?ž£{s5.±sys‰Øfl£g‰.šh)࡟ ;Ç h@$fl½ªØfl£tLࠋ 1.C $ 1.5
Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, container, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C Ycuyfa Technical Account Management («TAM») TAM Extension Kohtakthoe unyo: cotpyДhnk Red Hat, k kotopomy b momete o6patntacr sa moДДepmkon Дur ompeДeuehhofo otДeua, pefnoha nun accoptnmehta mpoДykynn Red Hat. 1.G Extended Update Support Cnctema: cnctema, ha kotopon b yctahabunbaete nun ncmouhrete NO yeunkom nun ¬actn¬ho. Cnctema bkud¬aet kamД n sksemmurp NO, 1.G NoДmncka ha moДДepmky Omncahne EДnhny (ncmouasyetcr Дur nsmepehnr ncmouasobahnr bamn NoДmncok ha moДДepmky) ¶omouhehne, coДepmayee Дomouhnteua h e ycuobnr Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support yctahabunbaem n nun ncmouhrem n ha (momnmo mpo¬efo) cepbepe, pa6o¬en ctahynn, hoyt6yke, bnptyauahon mamnhe, kohtenhepe, 6uenДe, ysue, pasДeue, yctponctbe nun Дbnmke, b sabncnmoctn ot cntyaynn. Extended Update Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support 8nsn¬ecknn yseu: $nsn¬eckar cnctema, ha kotopon b yctahabunbaete nun ncmouhrete NO yeunkom nun ¬actn¬ho, bkud¬ar, momnmo mpo¬efo, cepbep, pa6o¬yd ctahynd, hoyt6yk, 6uenД nun Дpyfyd $nsn¬eckyd cnctemy, b sabncnmoctn ot cntyaynn: NuN Bnptyauah n yseu: sksemmurp NO, ncmouhrem n yeunkom nun ¬actn¬ho ha bnptyauahon mamnhe nun kohtenhepe. 1.G Red Hat JBoss Middleware Extended Life Cycle Support Core Band: fpymma mpoyeccoph x rДep (16 nun 64), fДe otДeuahoe rДpo («Core») – sto (a) $nsn¬eckoe mpoyeccophoe rДpo, pacmouomehhoe b ⎝NY, nun (b) bnptyauahoe mpoyeccophoe rДpo b bnptyauahon mamnhe nun moДДepmnbadyee kohtenhep, kotopoe b ud6oe b ud6om cuy¬ae coДepmnt nun ncmouhret NO, samyckaemoe b ⎝eurx mponsboДctba. 1.G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Workstation Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Support Cnctema: cnctema, ha kotopon b yctahabunbaete nun ncmouhrete NO yeunkom nun ¬actn¬ho. Cnctema bkud¬aet kamД n sksemmurp NO, yctahabunbaem n nun ncmouhrem n ha (momnmo mpo¬efo) cepbepe, pa6o¬en ctahynn, hoyt6yke, bnptyauahon mamnhe, kohtenhepe, 6uenДe, ysue, pasДeue, yctponctbe nun Дbnmke, b sabncnmoctn ot cntyaynn. 1.C
Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, container, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C Technical Account Management (“TAM”) Service TAM Extension Ponto de Contato: um funcionário da Red Hat com quem você está autorizado a entrar em contato para solicitar suporte para uma equipe, localização geográfica ou linha de produto Red Hat específicas. 1.G Suporte estendido para atualização Suporte de ciclo de vida estendido Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sistema: um sistema no qual você instala ou executa todo ou uma parte do Software. Um Sistema inclui cada instância do Software instalada ou executada, sem limitações, em um servidor, estação de trabalho, laptop, máquina virtual, container, blade, nó, partição, equipamento ou mecanismo, conforme aplicável. 1.G Extended Update Support Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Life Cycle Support Nó Físico: um sistema físico no qual você instala ou executa a totalidade ou parte do Software inclusive, mas sem se limitar a, servidor, estação de trabalho, laptop, blade ou outro sistema físico, conforme o caso. OU Nó Virtual: uma instância do software que é executada, em todo ou em parte, em uma máquina virtual ou container. 1.G Red Hat JBoss Middleware Extended Life Cycle Support Banda de Núcleos: um grupo de núcleos de processamento (16 ou 64), onde um único “Núcleo” é (a) um núcleo de processamento físico localizado em uma CPU ou (b) um núcleo de processamento virtual dentro de uma máquina virtual ou suportando um container, em cada caso, que contenha ou execute o Software em execução para Fins de Produção. 1.G Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Sistema: um sistema no qual você instala ou executa todo ou uma parte 1.C Subscrição de Suporte Descrição da Unidade (usada para medir seu uso das Subscrições de Suporte) Subnexo contendo termos adicionais Workstation Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Support do Software. Um Sistema inclui cada instância do Software instalada ou executada, sem limitações, em um servidor, estação de trabalho, laptop, máquina virtual, container, blade, nó, partição, equipamento ou mecanismo, conforme aplicável.
Developer Support System a system on which you install or execute all or a portion of the Software. A System includes each instance of the Software installed or executed on, without limitation, a server, work station, laptop, virtual machine, container, blade, node, partition, appliance or engine, as applicable. 1.C Servizio Tecnico di Gestione dell'Account (“TGA”) Estensione TGA Referente: un partner Red Hat che il Cliente è autorizzato a contattare per richiedere assistenza per un determinato team, area geografica o linea di prodotti Red Hat. 1.G Supporto Aggiornamento Ampliato Supporto Ciclo di Vita Ampliato di Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sistema: sistema su cui si installa o si esegue tutto il Software o una sua parte. Il Sistema include ogni istanza di installazione o esecuzione del Software su, a titolo esemplificativo, server, workstation, laptop, macchina virtuale, container, blade, nodo, partizione, apparecchio o motore, xxxxx xxxxxx applicabile. 1.G Supporto Ciclo di Vita Ampliato Supporto Ciclo di Vita Ampliato di Red Hat Enterprise Linux Nodo Fisico: sistema fisico su cui viene installato o eseguito il software, in forma xxxxxxxx o totale, tra cui, a titolo esemplificativo, un server, workstation, laptop, blade o altro sistema fisico, xxxxx xxxxxx applicabile. Nodo Virtuale: istanza di installazione o esecuzione Software su una macchina virtuale o un container. 1.G Supporto Ciclo di Vita Ampliato di Red Hat JBoss Middleware Core Band: gruppo di processori core (16 o 64), nei quali un singolo “Core” è (a) un processore core fisico ubicato in una CPU oppure (b) un processore core virtuale di una macchina virtuale o che supporta un container. In ciascun caso contiene o esegue il Software in esecuzione per Fini di Sviluppo. 1.G Workstation sviluppatori Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supporto sviluppatori Red Hat Enterprise Linux Sistema: sistema su cui si installa o si esegue tutto il Software o una sua parte. Il Sistema include ogni istanza di installazione o esecuzione del Software su, a titolo esemplificativo, server, workstation, laptop, macchina virtuale, container, blade, nodo, partizione, apparecchio o motore, xxxxx xxxxxx applicabile. 1.C

Related to Developer Support System

  • Customer Support means the services by which 21Vianet may provide assistance to Customer to resolve issues with the Services.

  • Child support services means any civil, criminal or administrative action taken by the Division of

  • Customer System means the Customer's computing environment (consisting of hardware, software and/or telecommunications networks or equipment) used by the Customer or the Supplier in connection with this Contract which is owned by or licensed to the Customer by a third party and which interfaces with the Supplier System or which is necessary for the Customer to receive the Services;

  • Peer support specialist means an individual who has experienced a severe and persistent mental illness and who has successfully completed standardized training to provide peer support services through the medical assistance program or the Iowa Behavioral Health Care Plan.

  • Helpdesk Support means the 24x7x365 centre which shall handle Fault reporting, Trouble Ticketing and related enquiries during this contract.

  • Technical Support Services means the technical support and maintenance Services provided by us according to our then-current technical support policy and procedure listed at (“Technical Support Policy”) when the Services are purchased.

  • Level 1 Support means qualifying and logging all Technical Support Incidents, answering technical inquiries via telephone support and email regarding the Work and performing limited diagnostic services.

  • Maintenance and Support Services means the services provided by Contractor under Appendix F.

  • Support Services means support in relation to the use of, and the identification and resolution of errors in, the Hosted Services, but shall not include the provision of training services;

  • Supplier System means the information and communications technology system used by the Supplier in performing the Services including the Software, the Equipment and related cabling (but excluding the Customer System);

  • Airport Ground Support Equipment means vehicles and equipment used at an airport to service aircraft between flights.

  • Wireless support structure means a freestanding structure designed to support or capable of supporting small cell wireless facilities. Wireless support structure does not include a utility pole.

  • End User Customer means a third party retail Customer that subscribes to a Telecommunications Service provided by either of the Parties or by another Carrier or by two (2) or more Carriers.

  • MERS(R) System The system of recording transfers of Mortgages electronically maintained by MERS.

  • SAP Support means SAP's then current support offering made available to Customer, as stated in the Order Form.

  • Support Service means an activity, such as information technology, accounting, human resources, legal, and other support functions that are required to support the ongoing delivery of core services.

  • Operations Support Systems (OSS means the suite of functions which permits CLEC to interface to the ILEC for pre-ordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance/ repair and billing as described in the Attachment 07 – Operations Support Systems (OSS) herein.

  • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) means a switched network service that provides end-to-end digital connectivity for the simultaneous transmission of voice and data. Basic Rate Interface-ISDN (BRI-ISDN) provides for a digital transmission of two (2) 64 Kbps bearer channels and one (1) 16 Kbps data channel (2B+D).

  • Customer Software means software which is owned by or licensed to the Customer, including Specially Written Software and Assigned Software and software which is or will be used by the Supplier for the purposes of providing the Services but excluding the Supplier Software;

  • Service Desk means the single point of entry for all Service Tickets and Service Requests which can be accessed over the phone, by email or via our portal.

  • Level 2 Support means, with the use of technical support specialists: (i) performing Defect isolation, Defect replication and interoperability testing; (ii) performing remote diagnostic services and on-site troubleshooting, if required; (iii) identifying the source of Defects; (iv) developing a reproducible test case for any Defect and documenting the details of such Defect for escalation to Level 3 Support; and (v) developing and implementing Workarounds where reasonably possible.

  • End-Use Customer means a person or entity in Delaware that purchases electrical energy at retail prices from a Retail Electricity Supplier.

  • Service and support administrator means a person, regardless of title, employed by or under contract with a county board to perform the functions of service and support administration and who holds the appropriate certification in accordance with rule 5123:2-5-02 of the Administrative Code.

  • Network Customer means an entity receiving transmission service pursuant to the terms of the Transmission Provider’s Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III.

  • Child support means that part of a Child Restraint System by which the child can be raised within the Child Restraint System.

  • Advertising Services means the advertising services selected on the front pages of this Agreement.