Direct Store Delivery definition
Examples of Direct Store Delivery in a sentence
To support capabilities in the Logistics Execution - Direct Store Delivery backend that enables specific DIrect Store Delivery functionality for: Master Data; Deal Conditions; Visit Control; Transportation Planning; Vehicle Space Optimization; Loading Confirmation; Output Control; Reload; Stock Visibility; Route Accounting.
Bottler will be the sole and exclusive distributor of the Multiple Route to Market Beverage via Direct Store Delivery in the Territory.
However, Company may also distribute the Multiple Route to Market Beverage in the Territory via means other than Direct Store Delivery if it has given timely notice under Paragraph 5(a) that such New Beverage Product is a Multiple Route to Market Beverage, and Company may authorize third parties to distribute the Multiple Route to Market Beverage in the Territory via means other than Direct Store Delivery.
We are able to sell products at a significant discount by using on demand Direct Store Delivery (DSD.) Our platform is connected directly to manufactures, who ship products direct to the store while cutting out the middleman.
Exhibit A will identify such Beverage as a Multiple Route to Market Beverage and specify the extent to which such new Multiple Route to Market Beverage will be distributed in the Territory via Direct Store Delivery.
Subject to Section 2.1.4, sales and distribution may be on a Direct Store Delivery or Dock-to-Dock basis.
Enter Products delivered into Kroger’s Direct Store Delivery (“DSD”) system.
To support capabilities in the Logistics Execution - Direct Store Delivery backend that enables specific DIrect Store Delivery functionality for: Master Data; Deal Conditions; Visit Control; Transportation Planning; Vehicle Space Optimization; Loading Confirmation; Output Control; Reload; Stock Visibility; Route Accounting.매장 직접 납품: 물류 실행 - 매장 직접 납품 내 기능 지원(마스터 데이터, 거래 조건, 방문 관리, 운송 계획, 차량 공간최적화, 적재 확인, 산출 제어, 재적재, 재고 가시성, 루트 어카운팅을 위해 특정 매장 직접 납품 기능 활성화).
Prior to leading Ready Pac, Mr. Sarsam was President of the Nestlé USA Direct Store Delivery Company, which served the Nestlé frozen pizza and ice cream businesses.
SPECIAL NOTES • This guide contains information for Warehouse Suppliers – it does not cover Direct Store Delivery Suppliers or Pharmacy Suppliers.