Employment agent means the individual designated by a type A personnel agency who is responsible for the general management of that type A personnel agency.
Employment agent means a person (the agent) who procures the services of another person (the worker) for a third person (the client) under an arrangement where —
Employment agent means all persons who furnish to persons seeking employment, information enabling or tending to enable such persons to secure the same, or who furnish employers seeking laborers or other help of any kind, information enabling or tending to enable such employers to secure such help, or who keep a register of persons seeking employment or help as afore- said, whether such agents conduct their operations at a fixed place of business, on the streets or as transients, and also whether such operations constitute the principal business of such agents or only a sideline or an incident to another business. Employment agent does not include:
More Definitions of Employment agent
Employment agent means a person who carries on a business of providing services for the purpose of finding employment for people seeking to be employed or procuring employees for people seeking to employ them, or both;
Employment agent means a person who acts as an intermediary for the purpose of obtaining employment for an employee or supplying an employee for an employer whether or not he charges a fee, a periodical contribution or other charge or derives, directly or indirectly, a pecuniary or other material advantage from the employer, but does not include a newspaper or other publication unless it is published wholly or mainly for the purpose of acting as intermediary between employers and employees;
Employment agent means an agent that, by an arrangement, procures (either directly or indirectly through interposed individuals, companies or trusts) the services of an individual (the “worker”) for a client (other than the agent or worker) if, under the arrangement—
Employment agent means every person, copartnership, association or corporation engaged in, or maintaining as owner, agent, manager-contractor, subcontractor or in any other capacity, an intelligence office, domestic and commercial employment agency, theatrical or entertainment employment agency, general employment bureau, shipping agency, nurses' registry or any other agency or office for the purpose of procuring or attempting to procure help or employment or engagements for persons seeking employment or engagements, or for the registration of persons seeking such help, employment or engagement, or of giving information as to where and of whom such help, employment or engagement may be procured, where a fee or other valuable consideration is charged for such services, whether such business is conducted in a building or on the street or elsewhere. The term shall include any person, copartnership, association or corporation which by advertisement or otherwise offers as one of the main objects or purposes to secure employment for any person who will pay for its services or that collects dues, membership or registration fees of any sort, where the main object of the person paying the same is to secure employment: Provided, however, That nothing contained in this act shall be construed to apply to any agent, agency or department of any firm, copartnership, corporation or association intended and established for the purpose of procuring or attempting to procure help, employment or engagement for persons seeking employment or engagement with said firm, copartnership, corporation or association, where no fee is charged, either directly or indirectly.
Employment agent means any person who, whether for payment or not, assists persons in finding employment or assists employers in finding employees;
Employment agent means any person who, whether for payment or not, assists persons to find employment or assists employers to find employees;
Employment agent means every person,