Examples of Engagement services in a sentence
When a Resident exhibits physical and/or psychological behaviour beyond the scope and expertise of what may reasonably be provided by the Residence, consultation with the Resident and other relevant Student Success and Engagement services such as the Student Support & Intervention Team (SSIT), Counselling Services, Accessible Learning Services or others will take place.
Engagement services include a bagged meal food program, a drop in center, and mobile mental and substance abuse services.
When a Resident exhibits physical and/or psychological behaviour beyond the scope and expertise of what may reasonably be provided by the Residences, consultation with the Resident and other relevant Student Success and Engagement services such as the Student Support & Intervention Team (SSIT), Counselling Services, Accessible Learning Services or others will take place.
Where you or Company are our client and we have agreed, pursuant to an engagement letter or other contract (each an "Engagement Letter") to the performance of services or delivery of deliverables (an “Engagement"), then all Engagement services and deliverables shall be governed by the Engagement Letter and, where applicable, these Terms.
The grants were to be awarded by the end of the review period, but the awards have been delayed.• Some provider agencies report having started to increase community-integrated activities for individuals who are currently in the center-based programs.• Providers have identified areas where there is momentum that will further the development of Community Engagement services and that will address the obstacles that need to be resolved.
The City will contract with People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) to provide the Downtown Outreach and Engagement services.
Provided that written permission is received by the Resident, the Resident is obligated to report to the Program Director a summary of such Outside Engagement services on a bi-weekly basis, including a listing of the general duties involved and the time commitment required.
In the Outreach & Engagement services, the number of population served are more balanced at 51.4% male, 47.3% female, and 1.3% identifying as a gender other than male or female.
The Mobile Engagement services segment operates in Canada and the United States providing end-to-end mobile marketing solutions allowing businesses to interact directly with mobile subscribers.
Additionally, the Community Services and Supports population includes Outreach and Engagement services such as Wellness Center and Family Resource Centers for education, information, and stigma reduction, targeted therapeutic outreach to populations unlikely to seek therapeutic services through system entry points.