Examples of Enterprise Development in a sentence
Or you can write to us at Travelers, Enterprise Development, One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 06183.
Chemonics, through Chemonics Beirut S.A.R.L., acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Lebanon Enterprise Development (LED) Project, under contract number AID-268-C-17-00001, is soliciting proposals from local Lebanese firms that can support our clients on the below scope of work.
The Company has not received intimation from any ‘enterprise’ regarding its status under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act, 2006 and therefore no disclosure under the said Act is considered necessary.
No.ItemTick WhereProvided1Duly completed Tender Form 2Tender Security – Bank Guarantee or Letters of Credit (issued by Banks Licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya), Guarantee by a deposit taking Microfinance Institution, Sacco Society, the Youth Enterprise Development Fund or the WomenEnterprise Fund 3Duly completed Tender Form 4Price Schedule(s) 5Audited Financial Statements.
Enterprise & Supplier Development 4.1. Preferential Procurement Investment (Financial and Human)4.2. Enterprise Development Turnover in RandR4.3. Supplier Development Capital InvestmentR5.