Examples of Final Contract Sum in a sentence
The Final Certificate shall state the Final Contract Sum, which shall be the sum of the Cost Centre Values following their final adjustment and of the amounts finally decided by the Engineer to be due in respect of the matters identified in Clause 67.2(b).
To arrive at the Estimated Final Contract Sum for the project, the Original Contract Sum is first listed, and then adjustments made for the following items.
The Final Contract Sum will be determined based on the material quantity actually used as outlined in the Construction Documents.
If the contractor completes the work in less than 3 months in advance in all respects with respect to the final date of completion stated in the “Appendix to Condition of Contract” and the Chief Engineer certifies in writing that in his opinion the same has been completed, 0.1% of Final Contract Sum stipulated in the original contract shall be rewarded.
Upon contract completion and where a performance bond including maintenance provisions is not provided, the successful Tenderer shall provide maintenance security, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Final Contract Sum, in the form of a CERTIFIED CHEQUE, BANK DRAFT or CLEAN IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT, payable to the Town of Osoyoos.
No adjustment shall be made to any payment or to the Final Contract Sum on account of any variation in the exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and any other currency.
Nota: The Architect should request the signature of an Amendment: do not accept a percentage fee based on the Final Contract Sum, thinking that whatever the additional services, they will be paid for by the application of the percentage fee rate to the Final Contract Sum.
The Contractor shall furnish Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Sum, and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Sum and One Year Warranty Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Final Contract Sum, which is the cumulative amount that will have been paid to Contractor for all of the Work performed under the Contract once the Project has been completed and the Work has been accepted by the County.] B.
Clause 8 of the Agreement stipulates "The fee amount of the Architect for the full service is …% of the Final Contract Sum excluding VAT that results from the Final Accounts excluding construction work undertaken by the Client".
All savings remaining between the actual Final Contract Sum and the Final Guaranteed Maximum Price shall revert 100% to the Owner.