Examples of FLSA exempt in a sentence
If this additional work results in hours worked in excess of forty (40) in the employee’s designated workweek for classifications designated as non- exempt from FLSA or eighty (80) in FLSA exempt classifications, the employee shall be compensated for these excess hours at the overtime rate as defined by Section 2.C.1.
Work ordered and performed in excess of forty (40) hours actually worked in a workweek, or eighty (80) hours worked in the pay period for employees in FLSA exempt classifications, shall be overtime.
An FLSA exempt employee may be required to use paid leave or leave without pay where the closure applies to that employee for one or more full workweek(s).
Work ordered and performed in excess of forty (40) hours of paid time in a workweek, or eighty (80) hours of paid time in the pay period for employees in FLSA exempt classifications, in accordance with an emergency declared by the Board of Supervisors, activation of the County’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or agency Department Operations Center (DOC), shall be overtime.
The State shall establish an “arduous pay” program to provide additional compensation to FLSA exempt employees assigned to WWGs E and SE when there is no other way to recognize the performance of additional duties and responsibility which clearly exceed the normal demands of an employee’s classification/position.