Importance definition

Importance. The main goods handled in 2018, in thousands of useful tons, were: grains (420); container (198) and cement (152). (source: Ferroeste).
Importance. The device rating which is based on the business or deployment context. Agent is annotated as the UPS_Base node and UPS node indicates the UPS unit. According to the outlet function of the UPS, the outlet bank will be managed as CLBank node and NCLBank node. Due to limitation of the UPS, Cisco switches can only turn on or turn off an NCLBank node. Power The Client can interact with a UPS or a PDU through a network interface. If the UPS has no remote management card, the Agent can be installed on a single computer which is using a USB or a serial connection directly to the UPS in order to establish the network connection to the Client. Information The Power/Information page shows information about the UPS/PDU/ATS which supplies power to the Client computer. When the Client establishes communication with a PDU which is connected to a UPS, the Information page displays the information about the PDU and the UPS individually. If the Client computer has redundant power supplies, show the information of specific power supply by click the tab.  Device Type: The type of the UPS/PDU/ATS, e.g. UPS/PDU/ATS.
Importance the transport of goods in 2019, in thousands of useful tons, were: soybeans (8,273); iron ore (4,113); sugar (3,710); mineral bulk (3,202); Steel Industry (2,525). • Expected load (in millions of tons / yr.): TBD • Expected Investment: BRL 13.8 billion (TBD) • OPEX: BRL 75.86 billions • Expected concession fee: BRL 4.97 billions • Jobs created throughout the concession contract: 211,287 (direct, indirect and income effect). • Concession term: Length for another 30-years. • PPI Qualification: Decree No. 9,059, of May 25, 2017. • Studies: xxxxx:// CodigoAudiencia=441 Rumo Malha Sul S.A. Presidente Xxxxxxxx Botucatu Boituva Cianorte Guarapuava Porto União Paranaguá Erechim Santa Rosa Lages São Borja Caxias do Sul Uruguaiana Cacequi Pelotas Rio Grande • Length: 7,223 km • Importance: Transport of products (in tons/yr) soybean meal (8,817); fuels (3,593); agricultural production (3,499); sugar (2,187); container (1,282); fertilizers (1,017); plant and cellulose extraction (870); cement (797); cement industry and civil construction (271). • Expected Investment (Capex): TBD. • Concession term: TBD. • PPI Qualification: Resolution No. 147, of December 2, 2020/ Decree No. 10,624, of February 9, 2021. • Studies: LOGIT ENGENHARIA CONSULTIVA LTDA • Contractor: EPL Railway -EF-170 – Ferrogrão (Federal court of accounts) Public Auction Xxxxxxxx Sinop • Greenfield project - new export railway corridor through Arco Norte. • Length: 933 Km • Importance: aims to improve the flow of agricultural production in the Midwest, through connection to the Port of Miritituba, in the state of Pará. • Estimated load (in millions of tons/yr): 23.41 t (2020), 33.54 t (2030), 38.63 t (2040), 40.6 t (2050) • Expected investment (Capex): BRL 25.20 billion (8.26 billion for implementation and 16.93 billion recurring) • Auction criteria and concession fee: Highest concession fee amount (minimum of BRL 66.48 million) • Jobs generated during concession contract: an estimated 385,828 direct, indirect and income effect • Concession term: 69-years, Length is prohibited • OPEX: BRL 49.25 billion • WACC: 11.04%.

Examples of Importance in a sentence

  • IIT (ISM), Dhanbad was formerly known as Indian School of Mines (ISM) and was a Deemed University before it got converted into an Institute of National Importance under the Institutes of Technology (Amendment)Act, 2016 passed by the Parliament of India and got the assent of President of India.

  • Design each structural component on light standards 55 feet or greater for fatigue using the requirements of Table 11.6-2, “Fatigue Importance Categories for HMLT’s”.

  • Academic Integrity: Importance and ImpactBeing at university means engaging with a variety of communities in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge and understanding in ways that are clear, respectful, efficient, and productive.

  • These core values, embraced by social workers throughout the profession’s history, are the foundation of social work’s unique purpose and perspective: ▪ Service▪ Social justice▪ Dignity and worth of the person▪ Importance of human relationships▪ Integrity▪ Competence This constellation of core values reflects what is unique to the social work profession.

  • These core values, embraced by social workers throughout the profession's history, are the foundation of social work's unique purpose and perspective: ▪ Service▪ Social justice▪ Dignity and worth of the person▪ Importance of human relationships▪ Integrity▪ Competence This constellation of core values reflects what is unique to the social work profession.

More Definitions of Importance

Importance. , ranging from 1 to 5, where 1 means that the task is not important and 5 entails that it is extremely important; and a second variable, named “Level”, ranging between 1 (lowest level) and 7 (highest level). An example of the way task-related questions are formulated and what is meant by Importance and Level can be seen in Figure A1, in the Appendix. The information contained in the Importance and Level variables is to some extent complementary, as it may sometimes be unclear from the Importance question alone whether a task is actually performed within the occupation – that is, an employee may consider a task very important, but then from the answer to the Level question it may emerge that she does not perform it at all.16
Importance. The device rating which is based on the business or deployment context. Agent is annotated as the UPS_Base node and UPS node indicates the UPS unit. According to outlet function of the UPS, the outlet bank will be managed as CLBank node and NCLBank node. Due to limitation of UPS, Cisco switch can only control NCLBank node to turn on or turn off. Power The Client can interact with a UPS or a PDU through a network interface. If the UPS has no remote management card, the Agent can be installed on a single computer which is using a USB or a serial connection directly to the UPS in order to establish the network connection to the Client.
Importance. The floodplains are outstanding examples of their types in the monsoon tropics. Together with the West Alligator and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx in the adjoining wetland of Kakadu, they are the only such river systems under statutory conservation management in Australia. The site has a high diversity in flora and fauna. The East Alligator River supports belts of mangrove forest, including 75% of Australia’s mangrove species. Eight fish species with narrowly restricted ranges (e.g. Melanotaenia exquisita, Pingalla midgleyi), have been recorded. Breeding populations of the crocodiles Crocodylus porosus and C. johnstoni also occur. Other fauna of particular conservation importance includes the turtle Carettochelys insculpta, the frog Megistolotes lignarius and the mammals Xeromys myoides and Mesembriomys macrurus. Between August and October up to 1 million waterbirds of more than 60 species gather on the floodplains, notably those of Nourlangie Creek (one of the major seasonal creeks), including especially large numbers of Anseranas semipalmata and Dendrocygna arcuata. These and other species breed in the site, but most waterbirds using the area are dry season migrants. Thirty-five species of wader have been recorded, including many winter sub-Arctic migrants, whose first Australian landfall is the Kakadu area.
Importance. The transport od goods in 2019, in thousands of useful tons, were: iron ore (85,164); steel products (8,747); sugar (2,368); coal / coke (2,867); container (1,263). • Expected load (in millions of tons/yr): 180.02 t (2020), 213.77 t (2030), 212.03 t (2040), 221.77 t (2050), 225.61 t (2056). • Expected Investment (Capex): BRL 16.77 billion • Opex: BRL 67.66 billion • Forecast concession fee: BRL 2.07 billion (ANTT ource). • Jobs created through concession contract: 256,760 (direct, indirect and income effect). • Concession term: Length for another 30-years. • PPI Qualification: Decree No. 9,059, of May 25, 2017. • Studies: xxxxx:// px?CodigoAudiencia=385 Ferrovia Centro Atlântica S.A. Federal court of accounts) • Length: 7,215 km Petrolina Porto Real do Colégio Campo Formoso Pirapora Ibiá Pitangueiras Passos SP Preto Varginha Campos dos Goytacazes Japeri
Importance means critical work behavior(s) and/or important work behavior(s) constituting most of the job.
Importance. 2.0 The “argument_id” field is optional and, if present, indicates the source of the summary text.
Importance means electoral importance due to a party’s percentage of votes in the current election. By default, the CSES asks party-related questions about the seven most important parties and two additional parties if the election study chooses so. However, the number of parties estimated by respondents throughout the pooled data was only six, due to a lower number of estimated parties in Module 1.