Incentive A definition
Examples of Incentive A in a sentence
If a Settling State does not qualify for Incentive A, it may still qualify to receive up to 40% of its total potential Incentive A payment allocation under Incentive C, which has two parts.
If a Settling State does not qualify for Incentive A, it may still qualify to receive up to 60% of its total potential Incentive A payment allocation under Incentive B.
If a Settling State is eligible for Incentive A on the basis of a Settlement Class Resolution, and a Primary Subdivision that opted out of the Settlement Class Resolution maintains a lawsuit asserting a Released Claim against a Released Entity, the following shall apply.
If a Settling State qualifies for Incentive A, it will become entitled to receive the maximum payment allocable to the State for Incentives A-C as stated in subsection VII.E.5. If a Settling State does not qualify for Incentive A, it can alternatively qualify for Incentive B and/or Incentive C.
A Settling State may be eligible for its full allocable share of this payment by either achieving Incentive A or by fully earning both Incentives B and C.
A Settling State shall receive an accelerated Incentive A payment allocable to the State for full participation as described in subsection V.E.4.b.
If a Settling State qualifies for “Incentive A,” it will become entitled to receive the maximum Incentive A payment allocable to the State as stated in subsection V.E.1. If a Settling State does not qualify for Incentive A, it can alternatively qualify for “Incentive B” and/or “Incentive C.” A Settling State can qualify for “Incentive D” regardless of whether it qualifies for another incentive payment.
The process described in this subsection V.B shall also apply to accelerated payments made pursuant to Incentive A under subsection V.E.4.
Stock Incentive: A stock incentive granted under this Plan in one of the forms provided for in section 3.
A Settling State’s total potential Incentive A payment allocation is $863,609,640.48 times the percentage allocation assigned that Settling State in Exhibit F-2.