Examples of Internal Markets Regulations in a sentence
This is the successor distribution licence as provided for under Regulation 90(1)(b), modified under Regulation 90(5), and published under Regulation 90(8), of the Internal Markets Regulations (the Licence).
This is the successor transmission licence, as provided for under Regulation 90(1)(b), modified under Regulation 90(5), and published under Regulation 90(8) of the Internal Markets Regulations (the Licence).
At this pretrial stage, I believe that plaintiff has raised a genuine issue of fact concerning whether the parking lot was unfit.
Data retention 5.5 The licensee shall keep, for at least five years, the Relevant Data relating to any transactions in electricity supply contracts with wholesale customers, transmission system operators or any person who sells electricity to the licensee, which have been entered into by the licensee on or after the day after the day on which the Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets) Regulations 2011 are made.
The licensee shall keep, for at least five years, the Relevant Data relating to any transactions in gas supply contracts and gas derivatives with wholesale customers, transmission system operators, storage facility and LNG import or export facility owners, or any person who sells gas to the licensee, which have been entered into by the licensee on or after the day after the day on which the Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets) Regulations 2011 are made.
Data retention 5.5 The licensee shall keep, for at least five years, the Relevant Data relating to any transactions in electricity supply contracts and electricity derivatives with wholesale customers, transmission system operators or any person who sells electricity to the licensee, which have been entered into by the licensee on or after the day after the day on which the Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets) Regulations 2011 are made.
General Consumer Council Order (NI) 1984; Electricity Order (NI) 1992; The Gas Order (NI) 1996; Energy Order 2003; Energy Act (NI) 2011; The Gas and Electricity (Internal Markets) Regulations (NI) 2011; The Gas and Electricity Licence Modification and Appeals Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015; and Electricity and Gas regulatory Licences.
In particular, Directive 2009/72/EC (concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity) was transcribed into GB Law via The Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets) Regulations 2011.
These changes are laid out in The Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets) Regulations 2011.
Under the Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets) Regulations 2011, OFTOs are required to be certified as complying with the ownership unbundling requirements set out in sections 10A and 10D of the Act.