job shadowing means for educational purposes and through observation only, the observation by a student of the functions and duties of a pharmacy and pharmacy staff with the intended purpose of giving the student an opportunity to observe career possibilities available in the field of pharmacy;
job shadowing means a work experience where an individual observes and learns about a job, activity, or activi- ties by walking through the work day as a shadow to a skilled and competent employee. The experience must be planned for and structured with the goal of observing behavior and sit- uations, engaging in interactive questions and answers, and experiencing the link between learning and practice. Job- shadowing can be anywhere from a few hours, to a day, to a week or more, depending on the job or activity to be experi- enced.
job shadowing means a work experience where an individual observes and learns about a job, activity, or activities by walking through the work day as a shadow to a skilled and competent employee. The experience is planned for and structured with the goal of observ ing behavior and situations, engaging in interactive questions and an swers, and experiencing the link between learning and practice. Job shadowing may be anywhere from a few hours, to a day, week, or more, depending on the job or activity.
More Definitions of job shadowing
job shadowing means a system of gaining on the job knowledge through observation. Those job shadowing are assigned to a work environment where the production methodology associated with the specific occupation is ongoing. Those job shadowing are not employed in the production process, but gain knowledge of the occupation through observation. Job shadowing experiences will not extend beyond one week for a
job shadowing refers to an experience that allows participants to follow an employee during a typical day or period of time in order to observe, reflect and ask questions while developing a better understanding of industry expectations.
job shadowing means unpaid structured learning experiences in which students determine by observation, interview, and study the pertinent information related to an occupation or career.
job shadowing means an opportunity for a student to follow an employee at a company for part(s) of one or more days to learn about a particular occupation or job assignment. It is recommended for middle school and early high school students as part of career exploration activities. Generally, this is an unpaid experience.
job shadowing means an opportunity given to students to observe specific jobs in a business setting to help them make a career decision. As part of the experience they may briefly partake in some of the activities they will be observing, but they will not be paid for doing so.
job shadowing means an opportunity for a student to follow an employee at a firm for part(s) of one or more days to learn about a particular occupation or industry. It is recommended for students in grades 6 through 9 as a part of career exploration activities. It may be implemented in context with a particular course of study. This is an unpaid experience.
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