Joint Review Panel definition

Joint Review Panel means a body established by the federal Minister of the Environment which meets the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, the members of which are appointed by the federal Minister of the Environment, based on the recommendations of both the Agency, on behalf of Canada, and the Ministry, on behalf of Ontario.
Joint Review Panel refers to the Joint Review Panel established by the AER and the Federal Minister of the Environment through this Agreement;
Joint Review Panel means an independent body established pursuant to this Agreement.

Examples of Joint Review Panel in a sentence

  • The Joint Review Panel should focus its consideration of cumulative effects on key valued components.

  • Prior to the initiation of the Joint Review Panel Stage, the Agency, in consultation with EAO, will develop a budget estimate for the anticipated expenses of the Joint Review Panel.

  • A majority of the Joint Review Panel members constitutes a quorum for the purposes of the proceeding to be conducted by the Joint Review Panel.

  • When this determination is made, the Pre-Panel Stage is complete and the Joint Review Panel Stage will commence.

  • The Joint Review Panel will also consider any change to the project that may be caused by the environment.

More Definitions of Joint Review Panel

Joint Review Panel means a Joint Review Panel established through this Agreement;
Joint Review Panel means the review panel established jointly by the Minister of Environment and Labour, Nova Scotia, and the Minister of the Environment, Canada, pursuant to this Agreement.
Joint Review Panel means the public hearing body established by British Columbia pursuant to the Environmental Assessment Act, and by Canada pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act whose members are appointed by Canada and British Columbia;
Joint Review Panel means a panel established by Saskatchewan under Saskatchewan’s The Environmental Assessment Act, and by Canada pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the members of which are appointed by Canada and Saskatchewan.
Joint Review Panel means an independent body established pursuant to this Agreement and considered to be a review panel established under an agreement entered into under the CEAA 2012, pursuant to section 126(1) of CEAA 2012.
Joint Review Panel means an independent body established pursuant to this Agreement. No comment “Joint Review Panel Report” means the report produced by the Joint Review Panel in accordance with the Terms of Reference. No comment “Joint Review Panel Stage” means those portions of the environmental assessment process that occur from the time the Joint Review Panel is appointed to the time the Joint Review Panel Report is submitted. No comment “Party” means either signatory to this Agreement, and “Parties” means both of them. No comment “Post-Panel Stage” means those portions of the environmental assessment process that take place following the submission of the Joint Review Panel Report. No comment “Pre-Panel Stage” means those portions of the environmental assessment process that take place before the Joint Review Panel is appointed and commences its review. The date that the Joint Review Panel is appointed may not be the date that it begins its review. Thus, the definition may be uncertain. To reconcile this definition with “Joint Review Stage” and the terms of section 3.13 of this Agreement, the proponent suggests the following: “Pre-Panel Stage” means those portions of the environmental assessment process that take place up to the point in time when the Agency and EAO determine that the EIS meets the requirements of the EIS Guidelines. “Project” refers to the Project proposed by the proponent, a description of which is outlined in Part I of the Terms of Reference. The Project, as outlined in the most current Project Description, may be modified from time to time going forward. The proponent suggests the following revision: “Project” refers to the project that has been proposed by the proponent, a current description of which is outlined in Part I of the Terms of Reference, as may be modified from time to time. “Proponent” means British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority. No comment “Public Registry” means both the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry established under section 55 of the CEAA which will be maintained by the Agency in consultation with EAO from the notice of consideration for the environmental assessment of the Project until the Government Response to the Joint Review Panel Report is posted; and the British Columbia Project Information Centre (e-PIC) established under section 25 of the BCEAA which will be maintained by the Executive Director of EAO. No comment “Referral Package” means the referral package set out in section 8.1 of this Agreement. No co...
Joint Review Panel means the panel established pursuant to this Agreement to conduct the Environmental Impact Review.