Market Spread definition

Market Spread means the difference between the hourly day-ahead prices of the two concerned bidding zones for the respective market time unit in a specific direction;
Market Spread means, on any date of determination, the positive difference between the Federal Funds Rate on such date of determination, and the 1-month LIBO Rate effective as of 11:00 A.M., London time, on such date of determination (and not as in effect two Business Days prior thereto).
Market Spread means the difference between the bid and offer prices for a transaction of equivalent size in a Instrument, or a related Instrument, in the Underlying Market;

Examples of Market Spread in a sentence

  • The net spread derived by subtracting the Investment Grade Net Spread Benchmark from the Net Market Spread for non-Equity-like Instruments.

  • Market Spread means the difference between the day-ahead prices of the two concerned Bidding Zones for the respective market time period in a specific direction.

  • Genesis of Business Model Diverse Raw Material Supply Identify Highest Value Market Transform and Value Add Shift Risk Solid Business Market Growth New Market Spread ManagementOur model today has evolved to one that shifts the majority of commodity risk to the supplier in most businesses.

  • For all stocks in the prime market, the determination of the maximum spreads is based by allocating the stocks to different liquidity classes: The maximum spreads are appraised for the stocks of the liquidity classes LQ1 to LQ5 by using the calculation method given below and are determined with 0,75 %, 1 %, 1,5 %, 2 % or 3 %: Market Spread (Median) + W (Turnover) + X (Vola) + Y (kap.

  • If three quotations are provided as requested, the Final Market Spread shall be the quotation remaining after disregarding the highest and lowest quotations.

More Definitions of Market Spread

Market Spread means the ditterence between the bid and otter (or Ask) prices for a transaction of equivalent size in an Instrument, or a related Instrument, in the Underlying Market; ‘Minimum Size’ means, in respect of a Transaction in which a Minimum Size applies, the minimum number of shares, contracts or other units of an Instrument that we will deal on, which in most cases is specified in the Product Details and, where not so specified, we will inform you of on request;
Market Spread means the difference between the day-ahead prices of the two concerned Bidding Zones for the respective market time period in a specific direction; National Regulatory Authorities means the regulatory authorities referred to in Article 35(1) of Directive 2009/72/EC; Nomination means the notification of the use of Long Term Cross Zonal Capacity by a Physical Transmission Rights holder and, where applicable, by their counterparty, to the respective Transmission System Operator(s); Nomination Rules means the rules with regard to the notification of use of Physical Transmission Rights to the relevant Transmission System Operator(s);
Market Spread means the difference between the bid and offer prices for a Transaction of equivalent size in an Instrument, or a related Instrument in the Underlying Market which the Company has the right at its discretion to adjust depending on the current market conditions as well as the size of the Client’s Order;
Market Spread means the difference between the day-ahead prices of the two concerned Bidding Zones for the respective market time period in a specific direction Multiregional Price Coupling (MRC) means the mechanism where the market clearing prices and the net positions are determined in the day-ahead timeframe in a single step in accordance with the multi-regional procedures using physical hourly ATC and/or Flow Based capacities between Parties. ATC based means Price Coupling made by using coordinated ATC (Available Transfer Capacities) values to define the available Cross-Zonal Capacities. National Regulatory Authorities means the regulatory authorities of Directive 2009/72/EC; Nomination means the notification of the use of Cross Zonal Capacity by a Physical Transmission Rights holder and, its counterparty, or an authorized third party, to the respective Transmission System Operator(s); Nomination Rules means the rules with regard to the notification of use of Transmission Rights to the relevant Transmission System Operator(s); Participation Agreement means, the agreement, by which the Parties undertake to comply with the terms and conditions for daily Cross Zonal Capacity Allocation as contained in these Shadow Allocation Rules; Party/ Parties means the Allocation Platform and/or a Registered Participant referred to individually as Party or collectively as Parties; Physical Transmission Right means a right entitling its holder to physically transfer a certain volume of electricity in a certain period of time between two Bidding Zones in a specific direction; Price Coupling means the mechanism where the market clearing prices and the net positions are determined in a single step utilizing physical hourly ATC and/or Flow Based capacities; Product Period means the time and date on which the right to use Transmission Right commences and the time and date on which the right to use the Transmission Right ends For Shadow Allocation the Product Period covers a calendar day of a period of 24 hours beginning at 0:00 and ending at 23:59:59. The days on which the legal time changes (daylight saving time) will be composed of either 23 hours or 25 hours; Registered Participant means a market participant which has entered into a Participation Agreement with the Allocation Platform Rights Document means a document containing the information of the maximum amount of allocated Transmission Rights that can be nominated by a market participant per Bidding Zone border per day per hour a...
Market Spread means the difference between the bid and offer prices for a Transac- tion of equivalent size in an Underlying Instrument, or a related Instrument, in the Un- derlying Market. • Minimum Trade Size means, in respect of a Transaction in which a Minimum Trade Size applies, the minimum number of shares, contracts or other units of an Underlying Instrument that we will deal on, which in most cases is specified in the Contract Details and, where not so specified, we will inform you of on request.
Market Spread means the difference between the bid and offer prices for a transaction of equivalent size in an Instrument, or a related Instrument, in the Underlying Market;
Market Spread means the difference between the hourly day-ahead prices of the two concerned Bidding Zones for the respective market time unit in a specific direction; National Regulatory Authorities means the regulatory authorities referred to in Article 35(1) of Directive 2009/72/EC; Nomination means the notification of the use of Long Term Cross Zonal Capacity by a Physical Transmission Rights holderand its counterparty, or an authorized third party, to the respective Transmission System Operator(s); Nomination Rules means the rules with regard to the notification of use of Long Term Cross Zonal Capacity by a Physical Transmission Rights holder and their counterparty, or an authorized third party, to the respective Transmission System Operator(s); Participation Agreement means the agreement, by which the Parties undertake to comply with the terms and conditions for Cross Zonal Capacity Allocation as contained in these Allocation Rules; Party/ Parties means the Allocation Platform and/or a Registered Participant referred to individually as Party or collectively as Parties; Physical Transmission Right means a right entitling its holder to physically transfer a certain volume of electricity in a certain period of time between two Bidding Zones in a specific direction; Product Period means the time and date on which the right to use the Long Term Transmission Right commences and the time and date on which the right to use the Long Term Transmission Right ends; Reduction Period means a period of time, i.e. specific calendar days and/or hours, within the Product Period in which Cross Zonal Capacities with a reduced amount of MW are offered taking into account a foreseen specific network situation (e.g. planned maintenance, long- term outages, foreseen balancing problems);