Maximum Contract Sum definition

Maximum Contract Sum means the total amount to be paid under this contract.
Maximum Contract Sum has the meaning set forth in Section 8 (Prices and Fees).
Maximum Contract Sum means, in relation to any particular period, the sum of the: (a) Contractor's Pay; (b) Mark Up Amount; and (c) Management Charge, (in each case exclusive of any applicable VAT), which is payable to the Supplier by the Customer under the Contract in relation to such period for the full and proper performance by the Supplier of its obligations under the Contract and which, for the avoidance of doubt, excludes any expenses claimable by the Contractor in the provision of the Contractor Services;

Examples of Maximum Contract Sum in a sentence

  • In any event, such revisions shall not result in any increase in the Maximum Contract Sum.

  • It is the educational systems responsibility to put the discussion in to a context, to broaden the focus and show that there are often different ways to look up on a certain issue.

  • If such audit finds that County’s dollar liability for such Work is more than the payments made by County to Contractor, then the difference shall be paid to Contractor by County, but in no event shall County’s payments to Contractor exceed the Maximum Contract Sum.

  • Contractor shall maintain a system of record keeping that will allow Contractor to determine when it has incurred seventy-five percent (75%) of the Maximum Contract Sum.

  • County has no obligation, whatsoever, to pay for any expenditures that exceed the Maximum Contract Sum.

More Definitions of Maximum Contract Sum

Maximum Contract Sum means the total amount the Contractor is eligible to be paid, if the rendered services are in adherence to this contract.
Maximum Contract Sum under this Agreement shall be the total monetary amount payable by County to Contractor for supplying all the tasks, subtasks, deliverables, goods, services and other Work provided by Contractor under this Agreement, including all Pool Dollars allocated for the Term of the Agreement. The Maximum Contract Sum for this Agreement, including applicable Taxes, authorized by County hereunder shall in no event, expressly or by implication, exceed $1,494,600 ($718,509 Phase I Pilot Installation, $281,491 Pool Dollars, and $494,600 five year optional Maintenance and Support if so elected by County) and shall be allocated as set forth in Exhibit C (Price and Schedule of Payments), which allocation includes an itemization of the amounts to be paid for, without duplication: (a) Application Software Licenses (b) Baseline Application implementation, (c) Optional Work, including any T&M Consulting Services, (d) Maintenance and Support services, and (e) applicable Taxes, if any. Exhibit C (Price and Schedule of Payments) further includes an itemization of Pool Dollars and the applicable Hourly or Daily Labor Rate(s). Contractor shall perform and complete all Work required of Contractor by this Agreement in exchange for the amounts to be paid to Contractor as set forth in this Agreement, but in any event, not in excess of the Maximum Contract Sum.
Maximum Contract Sum has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 8.0 (Prices and Fees) of this Master Agreement.
Maximum Contract Sum shall be the total monetary amount that would be payable by County to Contractor for providing the required Work under this Agreement for the Term, including all Option Terms. In no event shall the annual total of all amounts expended by County, expressly or by implication, exceed the sum allocated in that fiscal year’s budget. All payments under this Agreement shall be in accordance with Exhibit C (Price Sheet) of this Agreement.
Maximum Contract Sum under this Agreement shall be the total monetary amount payable by County to Contractor for supplying all the tasks, subtasks, deliverables, goods, services and other Work provided or may be by Contractor under this Agreement, including all Pool Dollars allocated for the Term of the Agreement. The Maximum Contract Sum for this Agreement, including applicable Taxes, authorized by County hereunder shall in no event, expressly or by implication, exceed $XXXX and shall be allocated as set forth in Exhibit C (Price and Schedule of Payments), which allocation shall include an itemization of the amounts to be paid for, without duplication: (a) Application Software Licenses (b) Baseline Application implementation, (c) Optional Work, including any T&M Consulting Services, (d) Maintenance and Support services, and
Maximum Contract Sum has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 9 (Prices and Fees).
Maximum Contract Sum means the maximum amount payable by the County to the Contractor for providing the required Work during the term of this Agreement, inclusive of all applicable salaries, benefits, administrative costs, overhead, and taxes, and more specifically means the not-to-exceed amount set forth in Paragraph 5.0, Contract Sum and Rates, of this Agreement. Notwithstanding, the Maximum Annual ContractSum does not include Non-Routine Medical Care Costs, which are payable by County directly to the medical or dental provider.