Meter Data definition
Examples of Meter Data in a sentence
NYISO may use estimates for invoicing consistent with Section 7.2.4 (Use of Estimated Data and Meter Data) of the NYISO Services Tariff or any successor NYISO Services Tariff provision(s).
Company shall provide Meter Data, other than Interval Data, consistent with its Meter Reading Schedule.
Company shall not assess separate charges to Competitive Retailer for the provision of the most recent 12 months of Meter Data used by Company for billing the Premises; however charges may apply for the provision of such data beyond the most recent 12 months.
Company shall make available to the Registration Agent within three Business Days of the Scheduled Meter Reading Date, all of the data recorded in the Meter that is used for Company billing and is required by the Retail Customer’s settlement profile (such as kWh, kW, kVA) and, if applicable, Power Factor and any Meter Data required by Applicable Legal Authorities for Competitive Retailer to bill the Retail Customer.
Market Participant shall provide in Exhibit A the meter(s) and calculations used to calculate the Meter Data Submittal Location value.