MicroStrategy Software definition

MicroStrategy Software means a generally available MicroStrategy software product identified on an Order Form that is licensed or made available to you pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
MicroStrategy Software means a generally available MicroStrategy software product identified on an Order Form that is licensed or made available to you pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. o. “MicroStrategy Products” means the MicroStrategy Software and any other Services. A list of MicroStrategy Products is set forth at xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. p. “Named User” means a single identifiable individual with unique login credentials enabling use of or access to MicroStrategy Products. q. “Order Form” means an order form entered into between you and MicroStrategy for the use of any MicroStrategy Products. e. 「コンサルティングサービス」とは、サービス購入時に適用されるサービス向け追加規程に基づきマイク➫ストラテジーが提供するコンサルティング✰サービスを意味する。 f. 「CPU」とは、マイク➫ストラテジーソフトウェアが割り当てられ、マイク➫ストラテジーソフトウェアがインストールされるオペレーティングシステムによって特定される物理的な又はネットワーク上✰コンピュータシステムにおける処理装置を意味する。 g. 「お客様データ」とは、お客様又はお客様代表者がマイク➫ストラテジーソフトウェアにおいて使用する又は MCE サービスにアップ➫ード若しくは移転されるお客様又は第三者✰ソフトウェア(マシーンイメージを含む)、データ、テキスト、ビデオ、画像そ✰他✰コンテンツを意味する。 h. 「本文書」とは、MCE サービスガイドを含む、マイク➫ストラテジー製品に関連してマイク➫ストラテジーが公開する技術的な文書又はユーザ向けマニュアルを意味する。 i. 「教育サービス」とは、サービス購入時に適用されるサービス向け追加規程に基づきマイク➫ストラテジーが提供する教育又はトレーニング✰サービスを意味する。 j. 「損失」とは本契約に従い実際に生じた一切✰損失、損害又は費用を意味する。 k. 「マリシャスコード」とは、ウイルス、ト➫イ✰木馬、ワーム、キャンセルボット、有害ファイルそ✰他これらに類似するソフトウェア又はプ➫グラムを意味する。 l. 「MCE サービス」とは、マイク➫ストラテジーがお客様に代わって Amazon Web Services、Microsoft Azure 又は Google Cloud 環境で管理する PaaS として ✰マイク➫ストラテジー✰クラウドサービスを意味する。これには、(i) お客様がライセンスを取得したマイク➫ストラテジーソフトウェア✰クラウドプラットフォームバージョン、(ii) クラウドサポート(MCE サービスガイドに定義される)及び (iii)お客様が当該マイク➫ストラテジーソフトウェアと共に使用するため✰追加 PaaS コンポーネント (MCE サービスガイドに定義される)へ✰アクセスが含まれる。 m. 「MCE サービスガイド」とは、xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx において公開されマイク➫ストラテジーが適宜変更する MCE サービス✰ガイドを意味する。 n. 「マイク➫ストラテジーソフトウェア」とは、本契約に従いお客様にライセンス又は利用可能とされ、注文書に記載されるマイク➫ストラテジー✰ソフトウェア製品を意味する。 o. 「マイク➫ストラテジー製品」とは、マイク➫ストラテジーソフトウェアそ✰他✰本サービスを意味する。マイク➫ ストラテジー製品✰ 一覧は xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx に掲載される。
MicroStrategy Software means a generally available MicroStrategy software product identified on an Order Form that is licensed or made available to you pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. o. “MicroStrategy Products” means the MicroStrategy Software and any other Services. A list of MicroStrategy Products is set forth at products.microstrategy.com. p. “Named User” means a single identifiable individual with unique login credentials enabling use of or access to MicroStrategy Products. q. “Order Form” means an order form entered into between you and MicroStrategy for the use of any MicroStrategy Products. r. “Order Term” means the term of the license or service set forth in an Order Form for the provision or use of the relevant MicroStrategy Products, including all renewals in accordance with the Agreement. s. “Product-Specific Addenda” means the Product-Specific Addenda made available at microstrategy.com, including the MicroStrategy AI Product Addendum, as may be modified from time to time by us. t. “Protected Data” means any data or information that is considered “Personal Data,” “Protected Health Information,” “Personally Identifiable Information” or similar terms under applicable law. u. “Restricted Country” means any country or territory that is or becomes subject to comprehensive OFAC sanctions by the United States or another applicable country or prohibited from receiving MicroStrategy Products under applicable export controls (including, but not limited to, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and the Crimea, Luhansk People’s Republic (“LNR”), and Donetsk People’s Republic (“DNR”) regions of Ukraine). v. “Restricted Party” means any person or entity that is (i) listed on any of the lists of persons or entities maintained by the United States government or any other applicable government that prohibit such persons or entities from receiving exports or services; (ii) owned 50% or more by one or more parties on an OFAC list; or (iii) a national or resident of, or an entity or governmental authority in a Restricted Country. w. “Services” means the cloud-hosted version of the MicroStrategy Software, as well as the MCE Service, Technical Support Services, Education Services, Consulting Services and any other services identified in an Order Form. x. “Service-Specific Addenda” means the Service-Specific Addenda made available at microstrategy.com, as modified from time to time by us. y. “Taxes” means taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments of any ...

Examples of MicroStrategy Software in a sentence

  • The Order Form may provide for specific quantities of licenses for applicable Named Users of the MicroStrategy Software or, in the case of On-Prem 1.

  • If a specific operating or cloud environment is specified in the Order Form, the applicable MicroStrategy Software may only be accessed, installed or executed from or in such specified environment, except for any On-Prem Software which technically requires deployment in a different operating or cloud environment.

More Definitions of MicroStrategy Software

MicroStrategy Software means a generally available MicroStrategy software product identified on an Order Form that is licensed or made available to you pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. o. “MicroStrategy Products” means the MicroStrategy Software and any other Services. A list of MicroStrategy Products is set forth at xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. p. “Named User” means a single identifiable individual with unique login credentials enabling use of or access to MicroStrategy Products. q. “Order Form” means an order form entered into between you and MicroStrategy for the use of any MicroStrategy Products. r. “Order Term” means the term of the license or service set forth in an Order Form for the provision or use of the relevant MicroStrategy Products, including all renewals in accordance with the Agreement. s. “Product-Specific Addenda” means the Product-Specific Addenda made available at xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx, including the MicroStrategy AI Product Addendum, as may be modified from time to time by us. t. “Protected Data” means any data or information that is considered “Personal Data,” “Protected Health Information,” “Personally Identifiable Information” or similar terms under applicable law. u. “Restricted Country” means any country or territory that is or becomes subject to comprehensive OFAC sanctions by the United States or another applicable country or prohibited from receiving MicroStrategy Products under applicable export controls (including, but not limited to, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and the Crimea, Luhansk People’s Republic (“LNR”), and Donetsk People’s Republic (“DNR”) regions of Ukraine). v. “Restricted Party” means any person or entity that is (i) listed on any of the lists of persons or entities maintained by the United States government or any other applicable government that prohibit such persons or entities from receiving exports or services; (ii) owned 50% or more by one or more parties on an OFAC list; or (iii) a national or resident of, or an entity or governmental authority in a Restricted Country. w. “Services” means the cloud-hosted version of the MicroStrategy Software, as well as the MCE Service, Technical Support Services, Education Services, Consulting Services and any other services identified in an Order Form. x. “Service-Specific Addenda” means the Service-Specific Addenda made available at xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx, as modified from time to time by us. y. “Taxes” means taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments of any ...
MicroStrategy Software means a generally available MicroStrategy software product identified on an Order Form that is licensed or made available to you pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. 错而属于或变为公众所知;(iii)接收方在任何保密义务未遭到违反的情况下从第三方合法获得; 或 (iv)由接收方员工独立开发。 e. “咨询服务”指我们根据您购买咨询服务时有效的特定服务附录提供的咨询服务。 f. “CPU”指由安装有 MicroStrategy 软件的操作系统识别的,已分配有 MicroStrategy 软件实例的物理内核 (在实际计算环境中)或虚拟内核(在虚拟计算环境中)。 g. “客户数据”指您或您的代表结合 MicroStrategy 软件使用的或者上传或传输到 MCE 服务的软件(包括机器图像)、数据、文本、音频、视频、图像或者您或第三方的其他内容。 h. “文档”指我们通常就 MicroStrategy 产品分发或提供的技术文档或用户手册(包括 MCE 服务指南)。 i. “教育服务”指我们根据您购买教育和培训服务时有效的特定服务附录提供的该等服务。 j. “损失”指本协议项下经批准的和解协议中最终裁定或记载的任何损失、损害或费用(包括但不限于合理的律师费)。 k. “恶意代码”指任何病毒、特洛伊木马、蠕虫、定时炸弹、删除蝇、受损文件或任何其他类似的软件或程序。 l. “MCE 服务”指MicroStrategy 云环境服务,这是我们代表您在 Amazon Web ServicesMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud 环境中管理的平台即服务产品,其中包括对下述平台和组件的访问:(i)由您许可的我们 MicroStrategy 软件的云平台版本;(ii)云支持(定义见MCE 服务指南);和(iii)您结合MicroStrategy软件使用的附加 PaaS 组件(定义见 MCE 服务指南)。 m. “MCE 服务指南”指在xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx 提供的《MCE服务指南》, 以我们可能不时修订的最新版本为准。 n. “MicroStrategy 软件”指根据本协议条款许可或提供给您的在订购单上列明的通用 MicroStrategy 软件产品。 o. “MicroStrategy 产品”指MicroStrategy 软件和任何其他服 务 。 MicroStrategy 产 品 清 单 载 于 xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx。 p. “指定用户”指 (i) 具有能够使用或访问 MicroStrategy产品的唯一登录凭据的可识别的单一个人;(ii) 共同被视为一个指定用户的、非同时使用通用登录凭据以能够使用或访问 MicroStrategy 产品的多个个人;或 (iii) 没有登录凭据但直接从 MicroStrategy 产品接收报告的单一个人。 q. “ 订 购 单 ” 指 您 和 MicroStrategy 就 使 用 任 何 MicroStrategy 产品而签订的订购单。
MicroStrategy Software means a generally available MicroStrategy software product identified on an Order Form that is
MicroStrategy Software means a generally available MicroStrategy software product identified on an Order Form that is licensed or made available to you pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. o. “MicroStrategy Products” means the MicroStrategy Software and any other Services. A list of MicroStrategy Products is set forth at xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. p. “Named User” means (i) a single identifiable individual with unique login credentials enabling use of or access to MicroStrategy Products,;(ii) individuals, collectively deemed one Named User, non-concurrently using a generic login credential enabling use of or access to MicroStrategy Products; f. “CPU”란 마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어의 인스턴스가 할당되는 (물리적 컴퓨팅 환경에서의) 물리적 코어 또는 (가상 컴퓨팅 환경에서의) 가상 코어를 의미합니다. 이는 마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어가 설치된 운영 시스템이 확인하는 것에 따라 식별됩니다. g. “고객정보”란 고객 또는 고객의 대리인이 마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어와 함께 사용하거나 MCE 서비스에 업로드 또는 이전하는 고객 또는 제3자의 소프트웨어(머신 이미지 포함), 데이터, 텍스트, 오디오, 비디오, 이미지 또는 기타 콘텐츠를 의미합니다. h. “본건 문서”란 MCE 서비스 가이드를 포함하여 마이크로스트레티지 제품과 관련하여 당사가 통상적으로 배포하거나 제공하게 하는 기술 문서 또는 사용자 매뉴얼을 의미합니다. i. “교육 서비스”란 해당 서비스 구매 시 당사의 당시 유효한 서비스별 부칙에 따라 당사가 제공하는 교육 및 훈련 서비스를 의미합니다. j. “손실”이란 본 마스터서비스계약에 따라 최종 판정되거나 승인된 합의에 의한 손실, 손해 또는 비용(합리적인 변호사 비용을 포함하되 이에 한정하지 아니함)을 의미합니다. k. “악성코드”란 트로이 목마, 웜, 시한폭탄, 캔슬봇(cancelbot), 손상된 파일 또는 기타 이와 유사한 소프트웨어 또는 프로그램을 의미합니다. l. “MCE 서비스”란 Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure 또는 Google Cloud 환경에서 당사가 고객을 대신하여 관리하는 서비스형 플랫폼인 마이크로스트레티지 클라우드 환경 서비스로서, (i) 고객이 라이선스한 당사의 마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어의 클라우드 플랫폼 버전, (ii) 클라우드 지원(MCE 서비스 가이드에 정의됨) 및 (iii) 고객이 해당 마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어에 사용하기 위한 추가 PaaS 구성요소(MCE 서비스 가이드에 정의됨)에 대한 액세스를 포함하는 서비스를 총칭합니다. m. “MCE 서비스 가이드”란 당사가 수시로 수정하는 MCE 서비스 가이드로, xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx에서 볼 수 있습니다. n. “마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어”란 본건 계약의 조건에 따라 고객에게 라이선스되거나 제공되며 주문서에 명시된 일반적으로 이용 가능한 마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어 제품을 의미합니다. o. “마이크로스트레티지 제품”이란 마이크로스트레티지 소프트웨어 및 기타 본건 서비스를 의미합니다. 마이크로스트레티지 제품 목록은 xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
MicroStrategy Software means the entire MicroStrategy product suite which is made generally available to end users during the term of this Agreement and which is set forth in Exhibit A in the form in which such product suite exists as of the Effective Date and as such may be amended by MicroStrategy from time to time during the term hereof, subject to the requirements set forth in Section 4.9(g)(ii).

Related to MicroStrategy Software

  • Client Software means software that allows a Device to access or utilize the services or functionality provided by the Server Software.

  • Computer software means computer programs, source code, source code listings, object code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulae, and related material that would enable the software to be reproduced, recreated, or recompiled. Computer software does not include computer databases or computer software documentation.

  • Software means (a) all computer programs, including source code and object code versions, (b) all data, databases and compilations of data, whether machine readable or otherwise, and (c) all documentation, training materials and configurations related to any of the foregoing.

  • Licensed Software includes error corrections, upgrades, enhancements or new releases, and any deliverables due under a maintenance or service contract (e.g., patches, fixes, PTFs, programs, code or data conversion, or custom programming).

  • Third Party Software means software which is proprietary to any third party (other than an Affiliate of the Contractor) which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services.

  • Embedded Software means one or more software applications which permanently reside on a computing device.

  • Standard Software means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Standard Software.