Mobile intensive care nurse means a registered nurse who is licensed to practice nursing in North Carolina and is approved by the medical director, following successful completion of an orientation program conducted under the authority of the medical director and approved by the Department, to issue instructions to EMS personnel. These instructions shall be in accordance with protocols approved by the EMS system and Office of Emergency Medical Services and under the direction of the medical director.
Mobile intensive care nurse means a registered professional
Mobile intensive care nurse or “MICN” means a registered nurse who has been authorized by the medical director of the San Joaquin County EMS Agency as qualified to issue instructions to prehospital emergency medical personnel consistent with treatment protocols and medical control policies established by the San Joaquin County EMS Agency.
More Definitions of Mobile intensive care nurse
Mobile intensive care nurse. (MICN) means a registered nurse who has been certified by the LEMSA in conformance with the recommendations of the California Conference of Local Health Officers as qualified in the provision of emergency cardiac and non-cardiac care and the issuance of emergency instructions to field personnel.
Mobile intensive care nurse means a registered nurse who has been certified by a county health officer as qualified in the provision of emergency cardiac care and noncardiac care and the issuance of emergency instruction to mobile intensive care paramedics.
Mobile intensive care nurse means a registered nurse who is licensed to practice nursing in North Carolina and is approved by the medical
Mobile intensive care nurse or “MICN” means a registered nurse who has been authorized by North Coast EMS as qualified to issue instructions to prehospital emergency medical personnel consistent with treatment protocols and medical control policies established by North Coast EMS.
Mobile intensive care nurse. (“MICN”): "Authorized registered nurse," "mobile intensive care nurse," or "MICN" means a registered nurse who is functioning pursuant to §2725 of the Business and Professions Code and who has been authorized by the medical director of the local EMS agency as qualified to provide prehospital advanced life support or to issue instructions to prehospital emergency medical care personnel within an EMS system according to standardized procedures developed by the local EMS agency consistent with statewide guidelines established by the authority. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to abridge or restrict the duties or functions of a registered nurse or mobile intensive care nurse as otherwise provided by law. (Amended by SB 1124 [Ch. 1391] 1984. Reference: Health and Safety Code §1797.56)
Mobile intensive care nurse means a registered professional nurse who is certified by the department as an emergency medical technician and who has completed the requirements established by the ALS Oversight Board to be endorsed to provide advanced life support in accordance with the requirements of P.L. , c. (C. ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill). A mobile intensive care nurse shall have the same scope of practice as is authorized for a licensed paramedic.
Mobile intensive care nurse or "MICN" means a registered nurse who meets all of the criteria set forth at N.J.A.C. 8:41-9.9.