Shrub means and refer to a woody plant, smaller than a tree, consisting of several small stems from the ground or small branches near the ground.
Landscaping means the treatment of land (other than buildings) being the site or part of the site in respect of which this planning permission is granted, for the purpose of enhancing or protecting the amenities of the site and the area in which it is situated and includes screening by fences, walls or other means of enclosure; measures to screen the refuse provision; planting of trees, hedges, shrubs or grass; formation of banks, terraces or other earth works, laying out of gardens, paved areas or courts and other amenity features.
Irrigation means application of water to land areas to supply the water needs of
Landscape means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors;
Landscape waste means any vegetable or plant waste except garbage. The term includes trees, tree trimmings, branches, stumps, brush, weeds, leaves, grass, shrubbery, and yard trimmings.
Cleaning means the act of removing septage or other wastes from a wastewater treatment system component or grease/waste from a grease interceptor.
Pest means any invertebrate animal, pathogen, parasitic plant or similar or allied organism which can cause disease or damage in any crops, trees, shrubs, grasses or other plants of substantial value.
Pavement means any type of improved surface that is within the public right-of-way and that is paved or otherwise constructed with bituminous, concrete, aggregate, or gravel.
washing means a process of separation by water using only size as a criterion.
Basement means any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.
drainage work means any watercourse and includes any land which is expected to provide flood storage capacity for any watercourse and any bank, wall, embankment or other structure, or any appliance, constructed or used for land drainage or flood defence;
Litter means any object or matter which is discarded by a person in any place except in an approved receptacle provided for that purpose or at a waste handling facility or waste disposal facility;
fire hydrant means a fire plug or fixed pillar fire hydrant;
Landscape architect means a person who holds a license to practice landscape architecture in the state of California Business and Professions Code, Section 5615.
Tunnelling means the construction of any tunnel beneath the natural surface of the earth for a purpose other than the searching for or winning of a mineral
Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.
Mistletoe Thinning means the removal of designated conifer trees bearing visible mistletoe plants on branches as well as visible plants or infections on the stem.
Drainage means the movement of water to a place of disposal, whether by way of the natural characteristics of the ground surface or by artificial means;
CABS means the Carrier Access Billing System.
Evacuation means the authorized or ordered departure from post of an employee or dependent(s), or any of the circumstances outlined in Section 610j herein. The terms "evacuated" and "ordered/authorized to depart" are used interchangeably in these regulations.
Littering means putting litter in such a location that it falls, descends, blows, is washed, percolates or otherwise escapes or is likely to fall, descend blow, be washed, percolate or otherwise escape into or onto any public place, or causing, permitting or allowing litter to fall, descend, blow, washed, percolate or otherwise escape into or onto any public place.
Mine drainage means any drainage, and any water pumped or siphoned, from an active mining area or a post-mining area. The abbreviation “ml/l” means milliliters per liter.
Eating means feeding oneself by getting food into the body from a receptacle (such as a plate, cup or table) or by a feeding tube or intravenously.
Toileting means getting to and from the toilet, getting on and off the toilet, and performing associated personal hygiene.
Retrenchment means the termination by the employer of the service of a worker for any reason whatsoever, otherwise than as a punishment inflicted by way of disciplinary action, but does not include—
Pruning means the appropriate removal in accordance with good arboricultural practices of not more than one-third of the live branches or limbs of a tree or more than one-third of the live branches or limbs on a tree as part of a consistent annual pruning program;