Nearby Hire definition

Nearby Hire is any person who resides outside sixty (60) miles of the production location and within the geographical jurisdiction of the Local Union administering the Agreement; and
Nearby Hire. A nearby hire is an individual who lives more than fifty (50) miles and up to seventy-five (75) miles from the event location so assigned. In accordance with current practice, it is understood that Nearby Hire will be considered “local” when the employee is reporting to an event location within their Production City.

Examples of Nearby Hire in a sentence

  • A Nearby Hire is not paid travel pay but shall receive reimbursement for mileage at the prevailing IRS rate.

  • In accordance with current practice, it is understood that Nearby Hire will be considered “local” when the employee is reporting to an event location within their Production City.

  • This Nearby Hire provision does not apply to employees working as locals in the Los Angeles general area.

Related to Nearby Hire

  • Licensed Space means the indoor and outdoor space on the premises approved by the department for the purpose of providing licensed child care.

  • Licensed premises or “premises” means all rooms, enclosures, contiguous areas, or places susceptible of precise description satisfactory to the administrator where alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer is sold or consumed under authority of a liquor control license, wine permit, or beer permit. A single licensed premises may consist of multiple rooms, enclosures, areas, or places if they are wholly within the confines of a single building or contiguous grounds.

  • Very high radiation area means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving an absorbed dose in excess of 5 Gy (500 rad) in one hour at one meter from a source of radiation or one meter from any surface that the radiation penetrates.

  • ILUA Area means the geographical area in relation to which the Framework ILUA applies, as specified in Schedule 2 of the Framework ILUA;

  • Customer’s Premises means the land and buildings owned or occupied by a Customer, and any land over which the Customer has an easement or right to pass electricity, including:

  • The Works means the work or works to be executed or done under this contract.

  • Common Areas is defined as all areas and facilities outside the Premises and within the exterior boundary line of the Project and interior utility raceways and installations within the Unit that are provided and designated by the Lessor from time to time for the general non-exclusive use of Lessor, Lessee and other tenants of the Project and their respective employees, suppliers, shippers, customers, contractors and invitees, including parking areas, loading and unloading areas, trash areas, roadways, walkways, driveways and landscaped areas.

  • Birthing center means a facility that meets professionally recognized standards and all of the following requirements:

  • License Elements means the following high-level license attributes as selected by Licensor and indicated in the title of this License: Attribution, ShareAlike.

  • Private Open Space means land that is privately owned and used for practising of sport, play- or leisure facilities or used as a botanical garden, cemetery or nature area.

  • Premise means any structure or group of structures operated as a single business or enterprise, provided, however, the term "premise" shall not include more than one (1) dwelling.

  • Subleased Premises means such portions of the Leased Premises being particularly identified on Schedule B, which the parties agree, for the purposes of this Sublease and any square footage calculations pursuant hereto, is approximately 42,244 square feet of office (21,068 square feet on the third floor and 21,176 square feet on the seventh floor) and approximately 9.4312% of common space (building rentable area is 447,917 square feet).

  • Open space means undeveloped land, a naturally landscaped area, or a formal or man-made landscaped area that provides a connective link or a buffer between other resources.

  • Schengen area means the area without internal borders comprising the territories of the Member States as defined in point (a) applying the Schengen acquis in full.

  • Mobile home space means a parcel of land for rent which has been designed to accommodate a mobile home and provide the required sewer and utility connections.