Operational Schedule definition
Operational Schedule means the Operational Schedule set out in Schedule 7 of the Access Arrangement; Overrun means, in respect of a Haulage Reference Service, the withdrawal by or on behalf of the User at a Delivery Point of a Quantity of Gas exceeding the MHQ in any Hour or the MDQ on any Day for that Delivery Point; Party means a party to this Agreement; Personal Information has the meaning given in the applicable Privacy Laws; Pipelines means the Moomba-Sydney Pipeline, the EGP and any other Gas works connecting to the Network upstream of any Receipt Point; PJ means one petajoule and is equal to one thousand TJ; POTS means packaged off-take station; Primary Measurement means the direct or inferential measurement of a mass or volumetric flow at Network conditions;
Operational Schedule means the Operational Schedule set out in Schedule 7 of the Access Arrangement; Overrun means, in respect of a Haulage Reference Service, the withdrawal by or on behalf of the User at a Delivery Point of a Quantity of Gas exceeding the MHQ in any Hour or the MDQ on any Day for that Delivery Point; Party means a party to this Agreement; Personal Information has the meaning given in the applicable Privacy Laws; Pipelines means the Moomba-Sydney Pipeline, the EGP and any other Gas works connecting to the Network upstream of any Receipt Point; PJ means one petajoule and is equal to one thousand TJ; POTS means packaged off-take station; Primary Measurement means the direct or inferential measurement of a mass or volumetric flow at Network conditions; Provision of Basic Metering Equipment Charge means an annual charge specified in the Reference Tariff Schedule of the Access Arrangement; Queue means a queue of Network Users and prospective Network Users formed in accordance with the Queuing Policy;
Operational Schedule means the Operational Schedule set out in Schedule 7 of the Access Arrangement;
Examples of Operational Schedule in a sentence
Operational Schedule Administration Time Of Day Routing, for example changes in operational schedule.
The ERRP Planned Resource Schedule Document (Operational Schedule Document) is used for operational schedules.This chapter describes a Nordic subset of the ENTSO-E version of the document.
Each LCPS-related Historical Organization shall provide guides to assist the public in navigating the historical artifact exhibits within the Building during public viewing hours in accordance with the Operational Schedule.
Any changes to the Operational Schedule must be approved by LCPS prior to implementation.
The initial Operational Schedule covering November 2022 through December 2023 is attached as Exhibit A to this MOU.
More Definitions of Operational Schedule
Operational Schedule means the schedule of operationalrequirements (including details of the Freight Vessel and Waterway permitted to be used) agreed by British Waterways and the Freight Operator in respect of a particular carriage of Goods or a series of carriages of like nature;
Operational Schedule means Schedule A, Schedule D, Schedule E, Schedule F, Schedule K, Schedule I, Schedule N, Schedule O and Schedule X.
Operational Schedule means (i) Annex 2 to the Master Confirmation, (ii) Appendix 2 to the Credit Support Annex, and (iii) Appendix 3 to the Credit Support Annex.
Operational Schedule means the Operational Schedule set out in Schedule 7 of the Access Arrangement; Party means a party to this Agreement;
Operational Schedule means the schedule of operational
Operational Schedule means an operational schedule issued, prescribed or amended by Lender, at its sole discretion, through any medium including the Platform from time to time;
Operational Schedule means any or all of [schedule 6] and [schedule 7];