Part-time work definition

Part-time work means employment of less than thirty-two (32) hours of work in a week.
Part-time work means fewer than 35 hours of work per week.
Part-time work means work which, if it were performed, would result in the person performing it being regarded as a part-time employee for the purposes of this Act.

More Definitions of Part-time work

Part-time work means a work arrangement in which an employee
Part-time work means work of a lesser number of hours than constitutes full-time work under the relevant award or agreement, but does not include casual or temporary work.
Part-time work means fewer than ((35)) thirty-five hours of work per week.
Part-time work means employment offered under contract to other than casual employees for less than the ordinary working hours per week by a teacher on a continuing basis for set and regular hours. The rate of pay, all conditions and leave entitlements of a permanent part-time employee shall be on a pro rata basis.
Part-time work means services not normally required for the customary schedule of full-time hours or days prevailing in the establishment in which thesuch services are performed, or services performed by a person who, owing to
Part-time work means work of a lesser number of hours than constitutes full-time work under this Agreement, but does not include casual or temporary work.
Part-time work. ’ means work which, if it were performed, would