Participation Schedule definition
Examples of Participation Schedule in a sentence
MBE Firms used to meet the participation goal must be included on the MBE Participation Schedule.
PLEASE READ BEFORE COMPLETING THIS DOCUMENT This form includes Instructions and the MBE Utilization and Fair Solicitation Affidavit & MBE Participation Schedule which must be submitted with the bid/proposal.
The DBE/MBE Participation Packet consists of the Certified DBE Utilization and Fair Solicitation Affidavit and the DBE Participation Schedule, both of which must be submitted with your bid or initial price proposal.
If the successful bidder will be using a DBE subcontractor/ subconsultant/supplier in conjunction with the contract, the bidder must submit a properly executed DBE Participation Schedule for each participating DBE subcontractor/subconsultant/supplier.
For the remaining portion of the overall goal and the subgoals, the MBE prime must also identify other certified MBE subcontractors (see Section 4B of the MBE Participation Schedule) used to meet those goals or request a waiver.