Plugging and Abandonment definition

Plugging and Abandonment. “Plugged and Abandoned” and “Plug and Abandon” and its derivatives mean all plugging, replugging, abandonment, re-plugging and re-abandonment, equipment removal, disposal, or restoration associated with the properties and assets included in or burdened by the Assets, including all plugging and abandonment, dismantling, decommissioning, Remediation, removal, surface and subsurface restoration, site clearance and disposal of the Xxxxx, well cellars, fixtures, flowlines, pipelines, structures and personal property located on or associated with assets and properties included in the Assets and the lands burdened thereby, the removal and capping of all associated flowlines, field transmission and gathering lines, pit closures, the restoration of the surface, site clearance, any disposal of related waste materials, excluding NORM and asbestos, and obligations to obtain plugging exceptions for any Well with a current plugging exception, all in accordance with all applicable Laws and the requirements of Governmental Authorities, the terms and conditions of the Leases, Rights of Way, Realty Interests and Contracts.
Plugging and Abandonment means all decommissioning activities and obligations as are required by Laws, contracts associated with the Properties, this Agreement or any Governmental Authority and further including all well plugging, replugging and abandonment; facility dismantlement and removal; pipeline and flowline removal; dismantlement and removal of any and all platforms and other property of any kind related to or associated with operations or activities conducted on the Properties; and site clearance, site restoration and site remediation.
Plugging and Abandonment means all plugging, replugging, abandonment, removal, disposal or restoration associated with the Assets, including, but not limited to, all plugging and abandonment, removal, surface restoration (including without limitation wetlands and xxxxx restoration), site clearance and disposal of the xxxxx, facilities, structures, fixtures and personal property located on or associated with the Assets (whether placed on an Asset prior to or after the Effective Time), the removal and capping of all associated pipelines, gathering lines and flow lines, the restoration of the surface, site clearance, and any disposal of related waste materials, including without limitation naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and asbestos, all in accordance with any applicable law, statute, treaty, rule, code, ordinance, regulation, certificate, order, interpretation, license or permit of any governmental body and the terms and conditions of the Leases and other applicable contractual requirements.

Examples of Plugging and Abandonment in a sentence

  • Buyer shall conduct all Plugging and Abandonment Obligations and all other operations with respect to the Assets in a good and workmanlike manner and in compliance with all Laws, including Environmental Laws and Laws (now or hereafter in effect) relating to the protection of natural resources.

  • If a proposal to permanently plug and abandon the well is the only operation proposed, then the approval and Cost allocation provisions of Article 13.5 (Permanent Plugging and Abandonment and Cost Allocation) shall apply to the proposal.

  • Trustee: BY: Printed Name: Title: Settlor: BY: Printed Name: Title: Secretary Beneficiary: THE United States of America, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE BY: Printed Name: Xxxx Xxxxxx Title: Regional Director, Gulf of Mexico Region Schedule A Transfer of Money into the Area name, Block number Plugging and Abandonment Trust Account.

  • Section 12.02 Seller’s Obligations after Closing 51 Section 12.01 Xxxxx’s Obligations after Closing 50 Section 12.04 Environmental Obligations Section 12.03 Plugging and Abandonment Obligations.

  • Section 12.02 Seller’s Obligations after Closing 51 Section 12.01 Buyer’s Obligations after Closing 50 Section 12.04 Environmental Obligations Section 12.03 Plugging and Abandonment Obligations.

More Definitions of Plugging and Abandonment

Plugging and Abandonment and “Plugged and Abandoned” and its derivatives mean all plugging, replugging, abandonment, re-plugging and re-abandonment, equipment removal, disposal, or restoration associated with the properties and assets included in or burdened by the Company Oil and Gas Properties, including all plugging and abandonment, dismantling, decommissioning, remediation, removal, surface and subsurface restoration, site clearance and disposal of the Wxxxx, well cellars, fixtures, flowlines, pipelines, structures, and personal property located on or associated with assets and properties included in the Company Oil and Gas Properties and the lands burdened thereby, the removal and capping of all associated flowlines, field transmission, and gathering lines, pit closures, the restoration of the surface, site clearance, any disposal of related waste materials and obligations to obtain plugging exceptions for any Well with a current plugging exception, and any other similar obligations imposed under all Laws and the requirements of Governmental Entity, the terms and conditions of the Oil and Gas Leases, the surface rights and the Contracts. Annex A
Plugging and Abandonment means all decommissioning activities and obligations as are required by Laws, contracts associated with the Properties, this Agreement, and prudent business practices (expressly including such activities described and defined as of the Effective Time and as may be amended thereafter, in 30 Code of Federal Regulations 250.1700 et seq.) and further including all well plugging, replugging and abandonment; platform dismantlement and removal; facility dismantlement and removal; pipeline and flowline removal; dismantlement and removal of all other property of any kind related to or associated with operations or activities conducted on the Properties; site clearance site restoration and site remediation.
Plugging and Abandonment means any and all costs, expenses and obligations associated with plugging and abandonment of all xxxxx, decommissioning of all facilities, and clearing and restoration of all sites, in each case included in, or associated with, the Assets, in accordance with and in compliance with all laws, rules and regulations of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction, regardless of the fact that plugging and abandonment, decommissioning, site clearance or restoration operations are not completed or that additional costs and expenses are required to complete any such operations. In addition, Plugging and Abandonment shall include any and all costs, expenses and obligations arising out of Environmental Laws (including, without limitation, any compliance or non-compliance therewith, any Adverse Environmental Conditions, and the disposal, release, discharge or emission of Hydrocarbons, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, hazardous materials, solid wastes, or pollutants into the Environment), known or unknown, with respect to the Assets, regardless of whether such obligations or liabilities arose prior to, on, or after the Effective Date. Buyer expressly agrees to assume the risk that the Assets may contain waste materials, including, without limitation, naturally occurring radioactive materials, Hydrocarbons, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, hazardous materials, solid wastes, or other pollutants.
Plugging and Abandonment means any and all costs, expenses and obligations associated with plugging and abandonment of all xxxxx, decommissioning of all facilities, and clearing and restoration of all sites, in each case included in, or associated with, the Assets, in accordance with and in compliance with the terms and provisions of the Lease, all applicable Assumed Contracts and all laws, rules and regulations of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction, regardless of the fact that plugging and abandonment, decommissioning, site clearance or restoration operations are not completed or that additional costs and expenses are required to complete any such operations. In addition, Plugging and Abandonment shall include any and all costs, expenses and obligations arising out of Environmental Laws (including, without limitation, any compliance or non-compliance therewith, any Adverse Environmental Conditions, and the disposal, release, discharge or emission of Hydrocarbons, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, hazardous materials, solid wastes, or pollutants into the Environment), known or unknown, with respect to the Assets, regardless of whether such obligations or liabilities arose prior to, on, or after the Effective Date. Purchaser expressly agrees to assume the risk that the Assets may contain waste materials, including, without limitation, NORM, Hydrocarbons, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, hazardous materials, solid wastes, or other pollutants.
Plugging and Abandonment means the plugging, replugging, abandonment, removal, disposal, seafloor restoration and remediation obligations which are required for wells drilled or other operations conducxxx xursuant to this Agreement and the applicable Operating Agreement or Alternative Operating Agreement hereunder. Such obligations shall include, but not be limited to, all necessary and proper plugging and abandonment and/or removal and disposal of the wells, structures, and equipment located xx xr associated therewith, the necessary and proper capping and burying, if required, of all associated flow lines, and any necessary disposal of all materials, including, but not limited to, all hazardous and non-hazardous materials and naturally occurring radioactive material.
Plugging and Abandonment means all plugging and abandonment of xxxxx, and associated removal of Other Property, the removal, capping or burying of all associated flowlines, the restoration of the surface, site clearance, and any disposal of related waste materials, including naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and asbestos on the Other Property removed. Plugging and Abandonment does not cover cleanup of polluted lands, air or water other than routine surface cleanup of the drillsite area normally associated with plugging and abandonment. 1.02.32 "PROPERTY" means an accounting unit or property designation as set forth on Schedule G which is utilized by Seller for allocation of revenues and expenses from the associated Leases. 1.02.33 "TAX" means any and all fees (including, without limitation, documentation, license, recording, filing and registration fees), taxes (including without limitation, production, gross receipts, ad valorem, value added, windfall profit tax, environmental tax, turnover, sales, use, property (tangible and intangible), stamp, leasing, lease, user, leasing use, excise, franchise, transfer, heating value, fuel, excess profits, occupational, interest equalization, lifting, oil, gas, or mineral production or severance, and other taxes), levies, imposts, duties, charges or withholdings of any nature whatsoever, imposed by any Governmental Body or taxing authority thereof, domestic or foreign, together with any and all penalties, fines, additions to Tax and interest thereon, whether or not such Tax shall be existing or hereafter adopted. 1.02.34 "THIRD PERSON" means a Person other than a Party or an Affiliate of a Party. 1.03
Plugging and Abandonment means all plugging, replugging and abandonment associated with the Properties, including but not limited to, all plugging and abandonment, associated removal, disposal or restoration of the surface, site clearance and disposal of all wells, structures or personal property located on or associated xxxx the Properties, the removal or capping and burying all associated flowlines, the recontouring of the surface and any disposal of related waste materials after the Effective Date;