Examples of Position 1 in a sentence
Name of Tenderer Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]Personnel informationName:Date of birth: Address:E-mail: Professional qualifications:Academic qualifications:Language proficiency: [language and levels of speaking, reading and writing skills]Details Address of Procuring Entity:Telephone:Contact (manager / personnel officer):Fax: Job title:Years with present Procuring Entity: Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
Name of Tenderer Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]PersonnelinformationName:Date of birth: Address:E-mail: Professional qualifications:Academic qualifications:Language proficiency: [language and levels of speaking, reading and writing skills]Details Address of Procuring Entity:Telephone:Contact (manager / personnel officer):Fax: Job title:Years with present Procuring Entity: Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
Name of Tenderer Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]PersonnelinformationName:Date of birth: Address:E-mail: Professional qualifications:Academic qualifications:Language proficiency: [language and levels of speaking, reading and writing skills]Details Address of Procuring Entity:Telephone:Contact (manager / personnelofficer):Fax: Job title:Years with present Procuring Entity: Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
Name of Tenderer Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]Personnel informationName:Date of birth: Address:E-mail: Professional qualifications:Academic qualifications:Language proficiency:Details Address of Procuring Entity:Telephone:Contact (manager / personnel officer):Fax: Job title:Years with present Procuring Entity: Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
Name of Tenderer Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]Personnel informationName:Date of birth: Address:E-mail: Professional qualifications: Academic qualifications: Language proficiency: [language and levels of speaking, reading and writing skills]Details Address of Procuring Entity: Telephone:Contact (manager / personnel officer): Fax: Job title:Years with present Procuring Entity: Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
Name of Tenderer Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]PersonnelinformationName:Date of birth: Address:E-mail: Professional qualifications:Academic qualifications:Language proficiency: [language and levels of speaking, reading and writing skills]Details Address of Procuring Entity:Telephone:Contact (manager / personnelofficer):Fax: Job title:Years with present ProcuringEntity: Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
The following will apply to the submission and consideration of certain recommendations of individuals being considered or applying for any Position: 1.
Resume and Declaration - Contractor's Representative and Key Personnel Name of Tenderer: Position #1: Personnel Information Name Date of Birth Address: Email: Professional Qualifications: Academic Qualifications: Language Proficiency Details TelephoneContact (Manager/Personnel Officer) Fax: Job Title: Years with Presnet Procuring Entity Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
Name of Tenderer Position [#1]: [title of position from Form PER-1]PersonnelinformationName:Date of birth: Address:E-mail: Professional qualifications:Academic qualifications:Language proficiency: [language and levels of speaking, reading and writing skills]Details Address of Procuring Entity:Telephone:Contact (manager / personnel officer):Fax: Job title:Years with present Procuring Entity:Summarize professional experience in reverse chronological order.
POB: Sipayaw village, Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Nationality: Afghan Position: (1) Minister of Higher Education under the Taliban regime (2) Mayor of Kabul City under the Taliban regime Other Information: UN Ref TI.N.44.01.