Examples of Preparatory Works in a sentence
During the project Inception Period, the PIU registered NMSA’s intention to carry out preparatory works on the proposed activity through a Notification of Preparatory Works (NPW) to the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA).
Network Rail may, if it wishes to proceed with a proposed Network Change using the Complex Projects Procedure, make proposals for the implementation of Preparatory Works under Condition G1, and except as provided in this Condition G6, Train Operators shall have the same rights in respect of such proposals as if each proposal of Preparatory Works was a separate Network Change proposal.
Each Train Operator which is likely to be affected by the Preparatory Works shall take all reasonable steps to facilitate the Preparatory Works which are undertaken by Network Rail including by the taking of all reasonable steps to provide Network Rail with such information as Network Rail reasonably requests in connection with the development of the Preparatory Works.
All hydropower projects that meet any of these requirements are required to prepare a Notification of Preparatory Works which is submitted to the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) who review the Notification and then advise the level of investigation required.
Each Access Beneficiary which is likely to be affected by the Preparatory Works shall take all reasonable steps to facilitate the Preparatory Works which are undertaken by Network Rail including by the taking of all reasonable steps to provide Network Rail with such information as Network Rail reasonably requests in connection with the development of the Preparatory Works.